Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 633

The pain hit me like a truck, but I was already put through worse, so I endured it letting just a groan escape my mouth. The blood flow after the initial burst almost completely stopped, as the passive skillset of 'Dreadnought' kicked in, which meant that my position wasn't as bad as one could initially think.

But the fact that my right arm was gone didn't change.

Sevva also was getting weaker, as the grasp of his powers on me loosened, but since he managed to get my weapon, he immediately turned it the midair, and send at me with my hand still firmly golding it.

I managed to twist my body, and avoid the blade, as it went straight after my neck. Still, the edge managed to slash my chest.

He was barely holding on, and couldn't keep me in this position, he had to let go, so I was dropped, and landed heavily on the ground.

- Are you ok?! - shouted Druoag.

I ignored him completely, and without thinking much rushed after the Calludin, who was barely holding himself in the air. I kept my stolen weapon in mind all that time, knowing he might try to attack with it, and I won't be able to survive a direct hit of the energy blade.

He did just that sending it from the side, but I noticed, and in the last moment jumped forward, spinning my body and going a weird horizontal backflip. He tried to get me spinning the blade at the last moment, but he just scratched me with the blunt side as I landed on one of my legs, still in need to lose somehow the kinetic energy, so I did something risky, allowing it to push me almost all the way to the ground, but then just using my legs to push forward, so the seer speed would bring me back up through the air pressure.

It worked, so I barely lost any speed. Sevva screamed again, moving his hands in the air, trying to get me with the pudao again, but he was too slow, and I managed to leap forward and reach him, to deliver a powerful punch with my left hand, which in the last second got almost blocked.

The blood sprayed from the Calludin nostrils and eyes as he pressured me again with his powers to block my fist, but he was just too slow, and I managed to land it. It wasn't near as powerful as I wanted it to be, but enough to deal some damage.

I landed heavily, noticing my pudao flying by spinning awkwardly, and ending up hitting the ground, as Sevva barely managed to keep himself from landing on the sand. He was panting heavily, and the tumors on his head were pulsating in quite short intervals.

Just one glance was enough for me to see that he was out. All his strength was put into just holding himself up. His shoulders were hunched over, and even his head seemed too heavy to be held properly by the thin neck.

Normally I would go for the kill without even second-guessing myself, but since I knew about the strange connection they had among themselves, and the fact that I was currently too weak to protect myself made me just rush forward and take him out with one strong slap to the face.

He landed on the sand knocked out.

The arena exploded with a deafening cacophony of screams, which quickly changed into a mix of weird attempts at pronouncing my name.

- Pi-pa! Pi-ta! Fi-fa!

And many, many more.

The barrier surrounding the sandpit was dropped. I immediately glanced around to see what the hell was happening, and I noticed my pudao stick in the sand with my hand still grasping it tightly.

Then a few things happened simultaneously. Druoag landed heavily next to me, as the medical teams were rushing through tunnels to provide help, with the crowd of aliens still going on with their chant.

- Are you fine?! - he asked, with the headset still on, so his words were actually translated.

- Yeah. I'm fine! - I replied, but I could feel my legs giving up on me.

He immediately gently, grabbed my waist, to support me.

- My hand - I managed to add, and point towards the energy blade stuck in the sand, just as the bunch of aliens from the medical team surrounded us.

I have no idea if Druoag heard me in this overwhelming noise, since I didn't raise my voice like previously, or he just noticed where I was pointing, but he gently moved me into the doctors' hands and went straight to grab my limb. For him, it wasn't a problem to finally separate it from the weapon.

The aliens injected me with something, and I felt immediate relief from pain. As they tried to communicate despite the ongoing chanting from the stands, my arm was delivered to them, and they immediately started a process of attaching it back. They cleaned up the wounds using some spray, and a bunch of tiny robots which looked like a gell at the first second I saw it, but when it started moving and spreading on its own on my hand, I knew it was much more.

- Relax, Peter - said Druoag. - The nanobots will take care of reattaching your hand perfectly to your body. You don't have to worry about losing it.

My trainer alleviated the last bit of doubt I had about the substance. Then I just closed my eyes, as they used some tools to sew me back together, and also put some kind of frame on me to support the hand. Then I was moved on the stretcher and taken out of the sandpit.

The chanting from the stand didn't stop for a second. Some of the aliens even tried to touch me as I was taken out of the arena. Some really were going crazy, but undoubtedly they didn't give a shit about how I felt, or what was going to happen to me next.

I ended up briefly in the waiting room, where they injected me with another drug, and I passed out.

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