Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 636

The next couple of days were filled with me meeting different aliens across the city alongside Bashan, and first discussing the deals, to later usually agree to them, since the old man already selected only those who seemed good, and for the most part, legit.

Then we actually went to do this thing. I had to record some lines of alien language, which I had no idea what they meant, so I insisted on getting somebody who could translate that, and Bashan got one of the Atri to do so. It was some slogans, for the products I was promoting.

Then I had to go naked and let some devices scan me so then they could use it for advertisement purposes. They would shoot commercials, create posters, and do other stuff, which got combined with the previously recorded lines.

I got to be the face of some drink, which the blue old man really liked, a clothing brand, fitness chain, and even manufacturer of small flying vessels.

With all of that nonsense out of the way, I slowly returned to training with Druoag. The first couple of days were mostly strength and endurance exercises. Then he introduced to me some light sparring sessions with some guys who were promising athletes, but still in the making. I was way stronger than any of them, but that was actually the purpose, to take it lightly.

Around two weeks later, since my arm was working fine, I finally got a first proper session with my trainer. We still didn't push it, but at least there was some level of difficulty involved. At that moment I started hearing first words about my next fight.

Despite the astonishing success of my match with Sevva, I didn't get any strong opponent. As I quickly learned that was because Druoag insisted on not pushing me too far when we still were not sure if the arm is fully functional. We quickly learned, that it actually was almost fully recovered. I had a bit of pain in my shoulder though when I was really going out at a hundred percent, but it wasn't something that I could not endure, and on top of that it eventually went completely away.

Soon I found myself back in perfect condition, and ready to take the second fight, which I did, and which I won. The opponent was simply not on my level, which clearly was the top of the league.

After that I shot some more commercials, trained, and eventually climbed my way up the ladder, building a fanbase.

Despite that, there were no signing events prepared for me. Yagg simply refused to do so. This pushed me to slowly work Bashan up into doing something like that against his knowledge. I really had to butter him up to even mention that thing.

On one of those days, I invited him over, to talk business over a drink or two.

- You have a visitor - announced the AI.

- Bashan?

- Yes.

- Let him in.

The door immediately opened, and I saw the familiar face of the old blue man wearing strange, and very luxurious clothes literally made out of precious materials. Instead of the usual white cloth over his face, he was wearing a turban with an amber stone placed slightly above his forehead.

- Hello Peter - he greeted me thanks to the translating device on his lip.

- Welcome, friend - I said with a smile. - I already prepared you a drink, so let's talk business.

He smiled in response, and just went straight to join me by the bar, as the AI closed the door behind him.

- Although I won't refuse the drink, I'm unsure if talking business is a good idea considering what I learned just a moment ago.

His words surprised me and immediately made me quite anxious.

- W-what happened?

He smiled again.

- Nothing so bad you should be worried - he said, as he finally closed the distance, and sat on the chair next to me. - Just the fact that your next fight was agreed upon. You will be fighting Vazasse.

- So soon? - I was genuinely surprised.

During my time on Jaff-15-B I managed to learn how bit the league I was in really was. There were hundreds of fighters in it, and going after the top fighters in your first year of participation, was almost unheard of.

- Well... You have a clear record of just wins. It's eight to zero at this moment. Maybe it's not that impressive, but let's not ignore the fact that you fought Sevva and won. He is definitely a top fighter in the whole league. By the way, he wants a rematch...

- We-wa-Wait...

I rose my hand as I shook my head. It was just too much information to digest at once. First I needed to go through that fucking Calluding who ripped of my arm, then as I managed to somehow accept that, I moved to Vazasse who accepted a match with me.

- Ok... First of all, I'm never fighting with Sevva again. Fuck that guy.

- Well... I'm afraid you don't have much choice since Yagg is the one accepting your matches, and on top of that, the audience really wants a rematch. It was a really good fight, but for now, you might want to ignore that and focus on Vazasse. He is really strong. There is a high chance of him being stronger than Sevva.

- Is there a possibility of somebody pushing him to have this match? - I asked since this strange idea invaded my mind.

- By somebody, you mean other Calludins?

- Yeah.

- I doubt. There is almost nobody else among them who could put enough funds except Yagg to convince him into that. I think it's his fanbase who pushes for this.

I nogged. I started to realize that I slowly was getting paranoid of everybody wanting to get me. In the meantime, Bashan took a sip of his drink. After we restarted the conversation it slightly changed its tracks.

We still focused a lot on the fighting, but mainly Sevva and if this whole rematch was a good thing. Bashan really saw it as an opportunity to showcase that I can beat that guy, which could lead to them leaving me alone. I saw it as another opportunity to lose my arm.

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