Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 638

The troubles with an annoying group of assholes continued, as they kept showing everywhere where I went. Fortunately, the security was not fucking around, and if they had to, they would beat up those who insisted on blocking me, which was quite the interesting outcome.

Every time that happened, and I was in the company of somebody, they would tell me to not pay too much attention to that, so I didn't. Although I was still concerned about my reputation being damaged, and all the potential supporters, who would leave of such incidents. For me, the championship was only a means to the main goal, of getting the hell out of that place, and getting back to earth.

Eventually, it all ended with me, walking down the corridor to the waiting room, and looking at the massive arena where I was supposed to very soon fight with a giant walking crocodile named Vazasse.

Since people were still getting inside, all the lights were turned on. It was a different arena from the one I fought in previously. It was a bit bigger, but all the surrounding facilities, waiting rooms, broadcasting rooms, etc., seemed to be placed in a similar way.

On the right side was a big stage where some technicians were preparing it for the musicians. As I was notified a popular band was supposed to play during the opening ceremony, but I didn't really care bout that. I just went straight to my room, followed by Druoag, Bashan, the tree Atri, and Yagg himself.

As soon as we all packed ourselves inside the old man said:

- It's a big opportunity for you, Peter. If you win, you will prove to them all that you belong in this place, and they will stop harassing you.

- I don't really care, but I admit it's kinda annoying, plus I'm not used to stuff like that. Can they really just do it?

- Not really - explained Druoag. - But it's widely accepted across the empire. You have to understand that many cherish this form of entertainment, and they see you as somebody who took a piece of cake he did not deserve, but they will learn.

- They saw my fight with Sevva.

- I told you already - sadi Bashan. - It was just one fight. Besides fights with Calludins are different. Not everybody understands what their psychic powers can do, so for them, you could very well just be lucky, as Sevva was the one who seemed to be most active during the fight.

- He is right - agreed Druoag. - Not everybody goes this deep. Some are just casual watchers. Some even don't watch all the matches and focus only on those with their favorite fighter. It's just a small group of extreme fans.

- Small group? There are several thousands of them.

- Considering the population of the planet, it's quite a small group - my trainer pointed out.

- How many do even live here? - I asked, pushed by curiosity.

- Hundred and twenty billion - said Yagg, suddenly joining the conversation. - Plus, minus ten. There are plenty of visitors.

- Ok... That's... That's a lot - I just gave up.

- Right now it all is not important. You should ease your mind, and calm down to get focused before you fight - said Druoag.

- My fight is the last one. I have plenty of time.

- This might be the hardest fight in the whole league for you. You shouldn't take it lightly. If he really is hiding what he can do and will go all out on you, this might end badly - my trainer argued.

I sighed.

- I'm as ready as I can be. Besides, why would he go all out against me, when he was pretending for so long?

- You know exactly why - said Bashan.

I briefly glanced at Yagg, who was completely ignoring me at that point.

- I'll be fine - I just said and went to get something to drink.

Then I sat on the couch, where the three Atri already were sitting, and waited, watching the last preparations for the event being finished on the TV screen. The whole arena was filled to the brim, probably because of my fight with Vazasse.

Many, presumably, wanted to see the newcomer who was taking the league by a storm, getting beaten up by the number two. Who wouldn't want to see a cheeky bastard put in his place? The only problem was, that I wasn't cheeky at all. I didn't do any interviews, but I also had no idea how the media was portraying me since I didn't watch any of it.

All of that stuff was taken care of by Yagg, or Bashan. I tried my best to focus on training. As much as I trusted the second one, I didn't trust the Calludin at all. The fact that was was making me look like an asshole wouldn't surprise me, but I also kinda doubted that, since he didn't seem like that type.

As I was thinking that, the lights above the arena suddenly got turned off, and the soft music started playing, as the reflectors around the stage blasted beams straight at the ceiling. They wiggled them left and right as the speaker said a few things, and then they finally illuminated the stage itself, with a band of weird-looking aliens, who started playing some weird stuff.

I was just not used to such a type of music, so I couldn't really appreciate it. Plus the fact of the fight getting closer was building up my anxiety, which caused me to be a bit more irritated than normally.

The three Atri seemed to appreciate it, as they moved side to side in the rhythm, and one even silently sand alongside the vocalist. At least it looked this way since I couldn't really tell if she was imitating the sounds or not.

When the performance finished, everything went dark again, and quickly a single light illuminated a person in the middle of the sandpit. It was a handsome alien with scales on his face, the speaker, as I recognized by the voice.

He said a few things, and the audience erupted, as the event finally really began.

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