Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 642

I barely slept overthinking everything which happened on the previous day. There was just so much to unwrap, and my imagination was running wild. I fell asleep just before sunrize, and then was woken up by the AI announcing:

- You have a visitor.

I blinked a few times, then rubbed my eyes. Fatigue was almost instantly gone.

- Let them in - I said not really carrying who it might be.

There were only a few people who usually visited me, so I was suspecting it was either Bashan or one of the Atri. I was right, as I learned after stumbling out of the bedroom - half-naked.

The alien woman in white robes was already waiting there for me, and despite how I looked didn't seem shy at all. She bowed to greet me.

- Good morning, Peter.

- Yeah... Hi. So... Why did you come? Did something happen?

- You alongside others received an invitation for tomorrow's party organized by warrior Vazasse.

I almost stumbled a few steps back while blinking, as her words completely surprised me.

- W-what?

- Two hours ago he did a press conference where he expressed that although you won fair and square due to his mistake, he wishes for an immediate rematch. He expressed that the conflict which arose between your fans and his is unnecessary, and to put it to an end he wishes to invite you to a party where you will be able to discuss the possibility of a rematch, and publicly show that there is no... How do you say this one? Beef among you?

- What?

- Everybody else already accepted the invitations. I came to deliver yours to you - she said and presented me a piece of electronic on an open hand.

It flickered two times, and a hologram of a massive crocodile-man named Vazasse appeared above. The image started speaking, and I could even hear the voice belonging to the alien, but sadly I couldn't understand it at all.

- Do you wish for me to translate? - she asked.

- No... No... No... Everybody else accepted?

- Yes. The great Bashan is already waiting for you downstairs, to accompany you in acquiring proper clothing for such an event.

- Why the hell didn't he come up by himself? - I asked.

She didn't answer. It was like she never heard the question at all. I ended up sighing heavily while I shook my head.

- Never mind... I'll wash, and go down...

She nodded to my words, turned around, and left. I just found it so bizarre that for a moment I even considered grabbing a drink, so I could deal with this bullshit somehow because I felt like without alcohol it might be hard, but a moment later I deemed the whole idea dumb and went to take a shower.

After cleaning myself up, putting on some clothes, and the translating device, I slowly made my way downstairs. The flying vehicle was already awaiting me there with Bashan and the Atri on board. There was only one of them, the same which came to deliver the message to me.

- How are you today, Peter? -asked the old man smiling at me.

- Cut the crap, what the fuck is going on? - I asked, as soon as I got inside, and we got cut off from the outside.

- And that's exactly why I had to send her upstairs because you have no patience mister.

- What?

Bashan sighed.

- Just wait until tomorrow, alright? You will learn everything tomorrow, but until then keep your mouth shut.

- No! Did you bribe Vazasse? Is this whole thing some kind of intrigue? Whatever this is, I have enough of my own problems.

- I'm well aware of your problems - he smiled at me again. - And yes, it is an intrigue. Quite sophisticated one, to tell you the truth. And no, I didn't bribe Vazasse. I'm afraid that man is impossible to bribe. The whole idea came from him, way before you even knew he exists. This is as much as you will be able to get from me for now. Tomorrow, during the party you will find the rest of the answers.

I rolled my eyes like a teenage girl during her 'rebel' period of life, which immediately brought Tihana to my mind in her iconic outfit with shorts, knee-high socks, and the beanie on her head.

- I don't care. I'm not playing your games.

- We will see about that tomorrow when you learn everything, but until then, keep your mouth shut. I'll be there to pick you up, so you don't need to worry about that.

I just shook my head. Knowing that no matter why I say to him, he won't stop trying to include me in something I didn't give a shit about, and also considering the fact that I needed him to advance with my own plan of getting the hell out of Yagg's and the High Queen's grasp, I felt like there was nothing more I could do.

Before this mess, I really liked Bashan. I enjoyed his company and respected his knowledge about fighting, but this was just too much.

I felt like one of my friends was trying to get me into a pyramid scheme he himself got involved with, and couldn't even really sell the damn scam to me. I just stopped talking with him and allowed the two of them to take me into one of the fashion districts of the city. I already have been there, while working on some promotions with the clothing brand which was sponsoring me, but back then we didn't have much time to walk around.

That day was different. We visited several fancy shops, where I could try different stuff. In the end, I insisted on getting a proper suit back from Earth, which was impossible to get in such a short time, but they could make me one in one of the shops, which specialized in making any kinds of clothing on demand.

It took several hours, and they needed a scan of my body, but by the end of the day, I got what I wanted. A proper black suit with a black shirt and, surprise, a black tie. Then I returned to my apartment, tired as hell.

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