Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 668 Days UNKNOWN: The Clash Of Titans, Part I

The three of us appeared in the middle of barren land. Up above was a star, shining brightly, making the surface of the planet quite hot.

I immediately noticed the signs of a past battle, that had to transpire there. The landscape was broken, with deep crevasses, wounds, exposing the depths of the astral body. I saw naked mountains around, partially crumbled down and turned into piles of rock.

As I observed them, on the horizon, I noticed something. We were in a massive hole in the round. So big that it was almost impossible to notice.

- This place used to be a desert - said The Great One since he noticed I was looking around. - But when I and Ixa clashed here, all the sand was blown away, and the bare rocks were exposed. Then they got destroyed too. Those mountains, they weren't mountains before.

- A true wasteland - said Druoag.

- Yes - The Great One agreed. - But let us remain focused, as the danger is near.

I nodded, activating my powers. It suddenly got much darker as the void essence started to slip through the world around me, and into my veins. My body changed like usual. Nails, lips, and hair got pitch black. Massive walls of raging darkness covered the horizon, as I pushed the 'Shadow fusion' to the limit of pain. I didn't dare to go past that.

Then I enhanced my body and blessed both Druoag and The Great One with 'Blessing of Vitality' and 'Blessing of Power'.

- Thank you - said the large alien, as he noticed the surge of additional power. - Then he also activated some of his skills.

Red marks started to climb his skin, like a spreading disease. Some of his bones snapped with a loud noise, comparable to a gunshot, as he grew even more in size. The bony protrusions, sticking out here and there, also changed color. They became red, turning deeper and deeper into complete blackness at the very tips.

He slammed himself in the chest, and I thought at first that a bomb exploded next to us.

- I'm ready - he growled.

It was perfect timing because suddenly all the essence in the air hit us like a cloud of smoke. It was pushed by the sudden entrance of the levitating High Queen Ixa, enveloped in a veil of her powers, making the air move and shimmer around her.

She was just like I remembered. A tall woman of pale-gray skin, wearing a long black dress, with a silver crown on her head, enveloping most of it, and turning into something I could only compare to the roots of a tree. Many intertwined, twisted, almost like needles, spreading into something which could easily be called a dead-three crown.

Her clothes were moving, to the rapid rhythm of the winds, she was creating.

"I found you!", she screamed in our heads.

It made my brain hurt a bit, but I was actually used to much more. To tell you the truth, I expected more, but I also underestimated how fortified my mind got through all the upgrades.

The Great One reacted to her showing up without any unnecessary delay. He pushed his hands forward, and all the ground in front of us shattered as a massive tsunami of psychic powers emerged from his little body to get the High Queen. She responded with matching pressure. Their powers collided, producing a shockwave that send me, and Druoag flying.

I now remembered that I could move without using my feet, so it wasn't a problem for me. I easily took off to go a bit further, and then traveled through the side, accelerating quickly.

Druoag, though, crashed heavily, hitting the ground, and destroying a few massive rocks, as he did so. He regained his balance very soon, despite the nasty hit, and rushed forward. His body was like a gargantuan machine. One glance told me, that it wouldn't stop even if a second wave like that was sent directly at him. There was just too much force he was producing by himself.

Fishing for an angle, I had those few seconds to watch all that, as I was gaining more speed, but it was not nearly sufficient to reach the bitch.

I had to make a platform from condensated void essence under my feet, and then jump forward to achieve that.

The sound I made while doing it shook the entire vicinity, and I was able to quickly gain a massive amount of speed, breaching the barrier of sound by a lot. Even modern human technology would fail to produce effects similar to what I achieved by the sheer power of my muscles, enhanced with magic and the essence coursing through my veins.

I blasted through the pressure produced by the Great One, only getting faster, and hit the psychic tsunami The High Queen was creating. It slowed me down, but not by much. To tell you the truth, my eyes went wide because for a split second I thought I'm gonna reach her and break her head, but the reality was slightly different.

She noticed, and all of a sudden I wasn't moving at all. The pressure created by the sudden stop made my stomach feel funny. What came after, though, was much worse. She slammed me to the ground and pushed me with a strength that I never expected. The strength of her powers, that is.

Like a nail hit by a hammer, I went deep into the outer shell of the planet. At least over a hundred meters. I would probably go more, but a quick shadow walk returned me back to the battlefield. Just in time to see Druoag get blasted back to where he came running from.

"You foolish, pathetic creatures!", we heard in our minds. The words, though, were not filled with anger. To my surprise, they were filled with excitement. I understood it immediately. She simply wanted somebody to match her. As a fellow being, who was seeking the thrill, I could understand her.

It put a smile on my face because I knew that if she was really as inexperienced as we all thought, that was an immense advantage. Her foolishness could very easily be our victory, but at that point, it was still too early to read too much into anything, because we were just getting started.

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