Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 722 T.D.O.N.B: Explanations

- AAAAAnyway! - Will resumed his speech. - We are facing a crossroads. Some of you know others were kept in the shadows, but we are all friends, and I believe it's the moment when we put our cards on the table.

He sighed heavily, the immediately began talking again.

- Peter and me, but mainly Peter, have been in contact with an entity who was behind all of this. Behind the device, behind the city, behind the strange undead creatures in the wastelands, and more. It's a long story. At first, we didn't have a choice, because there were other dangers, and he offered us help if we followed his orders, but then the High Queen came, and everything changed. As you know, Peter vanished, and our memories got blocked, but it's only half of the story. The other half is that Peter and that mysterious creature, The Great One, had to fight the High Queen, and they killed her. Now that being is the High Queen, as he assumed her shape - Will said.

His words took the air out of the lungs of almost everybody in my basement. I watched their faces closely, and only Nobuo was able to keep his expression unchanged.

- I know you have many questions, and those will be answered, but let me tell you first the reason why we gathered you here. You all know the history of Uhms, and their masters. I bet you all put the pieces together already. We have to fight a danger that is growing in strength as we speak. It might be far away for now, but it will reach us eventually. That's why we want to build more cities like Arc, and we want you to help us. It will mean a secluded life from everybody else, at least until you can open the portals on your own. If you wish to work with us on this, you will have to build your own teams of people whom you trust - he said and took a brief pause.

Will sighed heavily, putting his thoughts in order while keeping an eye on our friends' faces. He clearly wanted to craft the rest of his speech to suit the best reactions they were already having.

- You can tell them how much you want to. It's up to you, but this information can not spread outside. It needs to be controlled because we can't allow ourselves to create a state of panic. There is just no room for people going to the streets. We need to change how humanity works, and you just received an offer to be at the very frontier of this change - he finished.

- That was a lot - said Sanders.

Few people nodded at his words.

- What happened to you, Peter? - suddenly Nobuo asked, and everybody, like a single entity, turned their faces toward me.

This time I was the one who sighed heavily. I needed a drink, and fortunately, I had one, so I took a big sip. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Celestine, and the confusion painted all over her face. She was very lost, as she was the only person who had no idea about the events that transpired before my disappearance.

- Basically... The Great One, and the High Queen clashed before we got to meet her, and she almost killed him. He managed to escape, though. Some of you know this story - I pointed out, looking at Daniel. - Others don't, but I was enslaved, and memories of people who knew me were blocked. All traces of my existence were erased. It was done to lure The Great One out because Ixa wanted to fight him again. She was a crazy, spoiled bitch. Adrenaline junky, who enjoyed crushing her opponents. In her head, it probably looked different. I bet she was telling herself that she was looking for love or something, but the reality was as I spoke.

I glanced at Celestina at that point, once again. She was listening carefully to every word.

- I probably wouldn't be able to escape, but some of you. Daniel, Tihana, Tam... They found a way to somehow come to my aid, and contact the opposition against the High Queen. Then they located me, and with the help of The Great One, whom they also met during all of this, they freed me. Then we prepared for a battle with Ixa. We won, but barely. She was killed, but before she died, The Great One was able to take her memories. Then he assumed her shape and is now ruling the empire. You probably noticed some changes. It was all done thanks to this alliance.

I sighed once again, then took another sip of my beer.

- It was always part of the plan to expand. You were all destined to know all this from the start, just at the beginning, we couldn't tell you, because Xuvi, who survived the slaughter, tried to use us, and they forbid me from speaking about them. Then I ended up in Loistavadvaar... Eh... It's going to be a long fucking night to tell you about everything - I said before just gulping down all my bear.

Then I proceeded to tell them the whole story and explained our plan about the seeds. It took hours because there were many questions asked. The only person who wasn't speaking at all, just listening, was Celestine.

- It's good to learn about all of this - Martin pointed out, at the end. - But you can't expect us to decide right now.

- We are not. We will wait until you are ready. Take your time - said Will.

- Yeah. We need to get the seeds first, so we even have an idea of how many cities we can build, so there is no rush - I added.

- I need to think about this - said Sanders, and then he stood up, and left, adding just a short: - On my own.

After this signal, one by one, the rest followed. The only two people left were Ki'rai and William, who already knew everything. Even Daniel decided to go.

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