Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 727 T.D.O.N.B: Second Chance

After Japan, the time came for the US. We ended up in Albuquerque because that was the city Celestine was actually born in and lived through her early life before moving to Vegas. She rented us a full apartment in a quiet neighborhood.

It actually had four rooms, a big kitchen, a dining area, a garden with a  pool in the backyard, and a big garage for the car we rented. I didn't really know why, because I was able to move us faster, plus we could just call the cab if we wanted to, but my girlfriend clearly preferred driving herself. That was because I couldn't. I lacked the necessary papers.

After Japan, I wanted to take things slower. Celestine had a big list of friends and family when wanted to visit, but I persuaded her that there was no rush. Still, we invited some of her friends for a dinner.

I was in the kitchen, working on that, moving from the stove to the counter in front of it, where I was preparing all the ingredients for a full-on fest. There were no windows there, so the only light was provided by a lamp fixed to the ceiling. It was one of those dome-shaped ones.

- Dad? - Tihana asked for my attention, and she suddenly joined me there.

- Yes? - I answered with a  question, still focused on the work.

- You won't believe who just called me - she stated.

This made me look at her, as I stopped the cooking process.

- Who? - I asked.

- John. John Wu. You remember him, don't you? - a single one of her eyebrows got raised.

The better question was how she got to know his name, but I didn't ask it in return. I was too curious about how the heck that was possible.

- You gave him your number? - I raised my own eyebrows.

- No. Uncle Will did. He messaged me to say that he would to apologize for what happened. He wants to meet. What should I do? - her vibe switched to more anxious.

I contemplated the question for a moment.

- If you feel like giving him a second chance, then go for it. I can go with you if you are not feeling safe alone - I proposed.

She needed a moment to process what I said.

- No. I'll handle it.

- How about I bless you, just in case? - I offered.

- Ok - she immediately agreed. - I'll tell you when.

Then she left. She filled my head with mixed thoughts, as I continued working on the food. I couldn't help but worry about her safety. On the other hand, John seemed to be too smart to fuck around with me, knowing what I can do. Revenge? Also didn't seem likely.

"Maybe his father found out what he did?", I asked myself at some point, mixing the rice with vegetables on a frying pan.

There was a lot of sense in that. John seemed like one of those rich kids, who beg for attention because their parents don't give a shit about them, so they do stupid things. Maybe his friends were the ones who gave him that attention, and he was desperately trying to impress them. It was a likely possibility, the more I thought about that.

I was also torn between living this issue to Tihana, or secretly following her. Just in case. In the end, I decided to talk it through with Celestine. Later, when we had the meeting with her friends out of the way.

They came sometime later, and we all gathered in the dining area to eat. I didn't really have a good time, because they tried too much to engage me in a conversation which I didn't like. It started with sports. Something I've never really liked too much, and at that point in my life was completely out of the loop since I didn't really have time for that.

Things got better when they started asking about hunting-related stuff, and about the device itself. I told them a little bit about that, but not too much. Eventually, everything came to an end, and I felt more tired than when I was fighting the High Queen herself.

- Tough? - asked Celestine, when we were cleaning after dinner.

Tihana was helping us too.

- Yeah... I feel exhausted - I admitted.

- Then go take a nap. We will finish here - she offered.

I took this offer, but I couldn't fall asleep. The situation with John kept bugging me too much. Fortunately soon Celestine joined me in the bed.

- John contacted Tihana, and he wants to meet to apologize - I said to her straight up.

She raised her eyebrows.

- Apologise for what?

I sighed to her world, then proceeded with an explanation. She was shocked by the arm-ripping part, but as I evaluated, she came to understand my reaction.

- You should go - she said after I was finished. - Just in case. If you can watch from a distance, then you should do it. Who knows what's in this guy's head? He might do something stupid.

I sighed again.

- You are so damn right about this... I'm scared about that too. Maybe it's his father who is pushing for it, if he found out, but otherwise...

- It could be - she agreed. - He has a huge deal with William about that app, doesn't he? A lot of money is at stake, and you are clearly an important person, so he could be feeling like such reaction is in need.

- I certainly hope so. I had enough problems with his son. First Tihana, and then he shows up again, around you...

- But he didn't do anything back then. If anything, he only made you look better. He seemed to trust your skills - she pointed out.

- Yeah. I guess after what I did, he couldn't help but be impressed.

My words made Celestine laugh.

- It's hard to not feel anything towards somebody who rips your arm off - she stated.

- Yeah... You are right. Anyway... I'm tired. I need some sleep.

- You were supposed to be already sleeping - she said.

It was like a command to me. I just rolled on the other side. The conversation worked like a charm, and I almost immediately drifted away.

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