Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 787 T.D.O.N.B: Explorer, Part III

After the fight with Ixa, I really lacked any challenges, and that's why my mind often wondered what I could find in Aaraam'soturi. I wanted to fill the thrill of hunting and being hunted. That's probably why I decided to approach the two knights a bit differently way than I usually would.

I didn't just slap them to death, instead, I attempted to realize an idea that popped into my head, and that was to make them, at least one, but possibly two, to kill one another while trying to get me.

Yes, it was a waste of time, but I just felt this immense pressure on the inside to play around at least a little bit. The first step was to stop retreating and close the distance. I needed to position myself between both of them, blurring them to attack, then guide that attack to be on a trajectory to hit the other one. I would then dodge at the last moment making the enormous blade hit just the other knight.

The best case scenario was to make them both do it at the same time, to smack one another, but it was a challenging task, which simply could take too much time.

The enemy whom I approached swung at me with his blade. I ducked down avoiding it with ease, and then slightly switched directions to position myself correctly, according to plan. Between my speed and fancy footwork, it was easily achieved, just as the creature pulled the blade back, trying to smack me with the flat side.

Perfect timing, because the other guy tried to kill me by swinging his sword too. I jumped at the last moment, making both weapons collide. A loud clang filled the chamber, which briefly become slightly brighter thanks to a burst of orange sparkles.

Normally it would look better, but since my firebird was flying under the ceiling, the contrast between the vibrant color and darkness was marginal.

The sound hurt my ears, making me for a brief moment consider just punching them to death in a form of revenge, but I stopped my anger, and instead, shadow walked to the side.

They needed a moment to regain control of their weapons, which bounced off one another. They raised them again, and I rushed to once more put myself between them, but this time I got closer to the one on my right.

He tried to stab me with his blade, which I easily avoided, but he reacted quite well by changing direction and turning thrust into a slash, which still missed me, as I jumped up dragging my feet as high as possible, which made me for a moment be stretched out completely horizontally. At the same moment, another blade came arching from above.

Before it hit me, I grabbed it and pushed myself away to the side, escaping the attack, which hit the other knight in the hands tightly holding his own weapon.

My shenanigans put me in a terrible position, but I didn't shadow walk to escape, instead landing on my feet, to immediately tumble out of the way, because another attack was already heading my way.

The monster who attacked his companions didn't really seem to care about him. I only bought it from the corner of my eye, but I was quite positive that one hand of the guy who got hit was completely trashed. He still rushed after me, rejoining the battle despite the injury. He couldn't hold his sword properly because only one arm was working due to the hit, so he had to drag the heavy blade behind himself, causing the metal to create sparks orange sparks, as it grounded on the hard stone floor.

I needed to gain a little bit of space between myself and them, so I ended up jumping, to escape. As I landed on my feet, I immediately rushed forward, avoiding the blade of the healthy knight. Once again, I positioned myself between the two, jumping to the side to avoid a second attack delivered by the injured warrior.

The blade slammed into the floor, crushing a bit of stone, and sending another burst of sparks. He had to slowly retract it, meanwhile, the healthy one got a hold of himself, turned around dragging his weapon horizontally as he spun on his heel, and tried to hit me.

I escaped closing the distance between me and the injured knight, but his companion actually jumped forward to match me.

I ducked down under the blade that smashed into the silver armor of an already damaged warrior, who immediately burst into thick black smoke making me achieve what I wanted.

This concluded my little childish game. I shadow walked to the remaining enemy and smashed him with my fist, turning the creature into the same very smoke. Then I picked up the crystal and approached the door to the boss room.

Just like any other, this one had the same image of the world tree engraved on the surface. Without hesitation, I pushed it open revealing a round chamber.

It was quite big, with metal bowls filled with burning oil, placed around the center, which was filled with sand. The wall was completely covered in weaponry. Axes, swords, maces, heavy picks, and much, much more. Some of that stuff was also placed in racks put next to the walls.

The boss was in the very center of that chamber. I can describe it to you quite quickly and quite well. Imagine a bigger version of Martin in his full armor, with the weapon of his choice resting on his shoulder with a small difference. That difference was the color of the armor. The one belonging to the bass was completely black. Maybe slightly more 'jagged' too. Even his helmet had multiple spikes sticking in every possible direction. The eyes also were different, since Martin's didn't glow red through the holes in the protective gear.

- Challenge accepted - I mumbled to him as I stepped into the room with a smirk of complete confidence on my face.

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