Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 170 In Love?

Young Rubio teleported back to the cathedral, only to behold his own Puppet dutifully pouring tea for his uncle; his ire surged, so he activated the teleportation again.

A radiant white light descended, and upon landing, young Rubio found himself amidst a desolate wilderness. As he turned around, he recoiled in shock and hastily directed his battle-axe Puppet to shield him.

He faced four individuals: two men and two women. One man and both women stood several meters tall atop colossal crabs, while the other was seated upon an enormous black scorpion. Behind them, four giant centipedes loomed, and two immense eagles circled overhead.

Young Rubio's lips trembled, unable to speak as he gazed at the figures before him. Glancing at his frail battle-axe Puppet, he began to doubt whether he truly was a puppet master?

At that moment, the kindly, gaunt man spoke, "Greetings. You must have been startled just now. Do not fear; cease your trembling, for we mean no harm."

"Ah, I am not proficient in English," young Rubio stuttered.

The gaunt man replied, "No matter, as long as we can communicate. By the way,  my brother and I have already swept this area clean. You needn't waste your time here; you may return."

"Um, may I ask if you have seen a blonde girl with blue eyes, about this tall, and a mole beside her mouth?" Little Rubio inquired, gesturing.

"No, we haven't. Be on your way."

"Very well. Goodbye."

Without delay, young Rubio activated his teleportation scroll, marveling once more at the opposing army of mutated creature puppets before vanishing into the ether.

Upon returning to the cathedral, Old Rubio scrutinized him, "How did you manage to return so quickly this time? You've been gone for less than two minutes!"

"Uh... well... I teleported to an area I had already searched earlier, so it was a duplication," young Rubio explained, activating the holographic screen. He couldn't help but ponder the two individuals he had encountered and wondered how they managed to control mutated creatures, even their low psychic power but hard to become obedient puppets.

"What are you dawdling for, boy? Get a move on!" Old Rubio bellowed.

Young Rubio teleported away once more.


Having dressed again, Alice faintly remembered her intimate encounter with nature and submerged herself in the water before losing consciousness abruptly. She was being transported here and there in her dream, much like a package on a conveyor belt.

Nonetheless, she felt blessed by divine providence, as kind-hearted individuals came to her aid while unconscious. She silently thanked God.

After dressing, Alice approached her savior and said with reserve, "Thank you for rescuing me."

"It's nothing, just a helping hand."

Ming gazed at the woman before him, thanks at the fortune of encountering someone who spoke English. Handing her a fish, he said, "You must be hungry. Eat this fish."

"Thank you. You truly are a kind person."

"Yes, others often say so."

[Your Foodie perched on the cobblestones, watching incredulously as you spoke with the newly collected zombie in the distance. Da Vinci informed Foodie that the creature was an actual human. Foodie glared at Alice, who was enjoying her grilled fish, and let out an indignant cry.]

[Da Vinci was pleased, as it seemed Ming was finally want to the idea of romance. However, he found it odd that Ming hadn't released Wendy, Luwia, and Jessica. Perhaps Ming only fancied those with exceptionally striking features?]

Alice nibbled on the grilled fish and gave Ming a thumbs-up, "This is delicious! Your grilling skills are superb."

"Thank you," Ming smiled and nodded, recalling that his little frog had said the same.

Alice inquired, "Did you also arrive here today?"

"Mhm," Ming handed the remaining grilled fish to Alice, urging her to eat more and replenish her energy. He stood up, saying, "Now that you're alright, I have to attend to my affairs."

"Thank you. What are you going to do?" Alice accepted the grilled fish and rose to her feet as well.

"I'm going to gather some fruit to bring back with me." Ming smiled, pointing to the fruit trees on the hill.

"If you don't mind, I could help you pick the fruit."

"Of course, I don't mind."


[Your little frogs' eyes sparkled with delight as they watched you and Alice enter the woods together. They felt you would spend a splendid afternoon.]

[Your Da Vinci was happier; it never imagined you to be such a Veteran in the romance. You had seemingly won Alice over in no time at all.]

[Foodie gazed longingly as you and Alice disappeared into the forest, it missing the little Koi. Nevertheless, it decided to return home later today, allowing you more time.]

[Your little frogs exchanged glances, feeling they had finally helped you achieve a happy event. They bump each other in celebration. Da Vinci was knocked into a pond, and Foodie's swollen bump was hit again, causing it to bleed and cry in pain.]

"How much fruit do you plan to gather?" Alice asked, surveying the vast expanse of fruit-laden trees.

Ming considered her physique; although she had a great figure, she might not have the stamina for the task. So, considering her just awake, he pointed to a hill ahead and said, "We'll be done once we've picked the fruit from this hill."


Alice took a deep breath, smiled, and nodded. Picking the fruit of this hill, huh? This hill... Yes, this entire hill!

She was now somewhat regretting agreeing to help, thinking, I genuinely wanted to assist, but you genuinely want to exhaust me.

"Let's get started then," Ming pointed to a tree ahead, "I'll leave this tree to you. I only need five minutes to pick all its fruit."

"Alright, ~~~" Alice smiled on the outside while crying inwardly. Oh Lord, I am following your guidance to repaying the person who saved me.

I promise I won't abandon this task, but I regret it now. I know you're watching me. Don't worry, and I will do great.

"Okay, I'll watch you climb the tree. If you can't get up there, I can give you a boost," Ming said earnestly, rolling his sleeves.

"No, no, I can do it myself." Alice climbed the tree and began picking fruit.

"Your tree-climbing skills are incredible, even better than a monkey's!" Ming gave her a thumbs-up.

Alice gave a half-smile, "Really? You sure know how to compliment someone."

Ming laughed, "No, I never flatter people. I'm just stating the facts."

"Ha~~~~"You might as well lie.

[Your little frogs, lying in the distant bushes, stared at the scene before them in astonishment. They had initially thought you were a master of love, but now it seemed like you were training Alice to become a fruit-picking expert. The little frogs wondered if something might be wrong with your mind.]

[Your little frogs shook their heads. They finally understood the actual reason why you were still single until now. They felt that they should help you once again...]

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