Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 198 Fire Tower

He examined the aureate radiance:

[Champion's Gilded Belt]


[Strength +30]

[Agility +10]

[Spirit +10]

[Exclusive Attribute: I Am the Champion – Inherent Taunt; any creature witnessing you wear the belt shall willingly seek to engage you in combat, ineffective against human beings]

[Exclusive Attribute: Symbol of a Champion – Wearing this belt, individuals will involuntarily regard you with reverence]

"Quite satisfactory!" Ming fastened the belt around his waist, its golden brilliance prominent. Somehow, he seemed to have embarked upon an inexorable path of ostentatious wealth, which only grew more luxurious with each step.

Alas, there was no alternative.

He proceeded to examine the additional items obtained from the platinum supply crate:

[Epic Treasure Map *1]

[Superior Treasure Map *2]

[Psionic Fire Elemental Defense Tower *1]

"Fire... tower?" Ming took out the card and scrutinized it individually:

[Psionic Fire Elemental Defense Tower]

[Attack Mode: Fireball]

[Attack Range: 200 meters]

[Attack Targets: Zombies, mutated creatures, etc.; can be customized to exempt specific targets]

[Activation Requirement: 10 units of psionic stones; 10 units of fire elemental stones]

"Fire elemental stones?"

Ming searched his inventory, finding not a single one. He had never seen them before.

Fine. He'd received a useless tower; for now, he would hold onto it.

As the enticing aroma of food wafted in, Ming lifted the pot lid and began eating. He habitually opened the chat channel, only to close it immediately, having forgotten about the 24-hour world chat ban. He could only examine the cards dropped from the copy.

Red Card:

[Exclusive Champion's Radiance: While wearing the golden belt and fighting unarmed, there is a chance to trigger invincibility for 1 second, with a cooldown of 5 minutes]

Gold Card:

[Exclusive Right Hook: Upon striking a target, inflicts 0.5 seconds of dizziness and 3 points of armor penetration]

"As expected, they're all for unarmed combat." Ming had mentally prepared for this. The aureate rewards from the octagonal cage were likely exclusive skills for unarmed combat, albeit with modifications.

He recalled Kuet's Champion's Radiance, which should have granted 3 seconds of invincibility without a cooldown. Nevertheless, invincibility was still quite useful.

Talented individuals never suffer due to inferior skills. As long as they have sufficient quantity, they can make do. For now, he would utilize what was available, and perhaps sell the undergarments and mouthguard later, once the post-apocalyptic shop opened. He had no use for them.

Others might enjoy them, after all. In this world, there are those with a penchant for such things, and they often possess considerable wealth, too. Heh.

After finishing his meal, Ming reclined on a chair, basking in the sun. He pondered his current level of 36; just 4 more levels until he could undergo a third-tier awakening and unlock his third talent. Most importantly, he would soon gain a secondary profession as a puppeteer.

The zombies in the inventory must be eager to get out. Speaking of which, he should examine the four-star King-level zombie Da Vinci had collected today to determine its type.

[Fighting Queen Lolita]

[Four-Star King-level BOSS]

[blood: 80,000]

[Physique: 400]

[Strength: 450]

[Agility: 480]

[Spirit: 400]

[Exclusive Skill: Death Cross Lock – Immobilizes the target, rendering them unable to move for 3 seconds; cooldown of 5 minutes]

[Exclusive Skill: Death High Kick – Strikes the target, causing them to be dazed for 3 seconds; cooldown of 5 minutes]

[Exclusive Skill: Death Seductive Punch – Targets mesmerized by her stunning figure briefly lose their combat consciousness, lasting for 3 seconds; cooldown of 5 minutes]

[Exclusive Talent: Champion's Radiance – Chance to trigger 3 seconds of invincibility during combat]

[Exclusive Talent: Super Endurance]

[Exclusive Talent: Lethal Strike]

[Brief Bio: Once a prodigious female fighter who amassed immense wealth, she was later swindled by a fund manager into making poor investments, ultimately resulting in crippling debt. Enraged, she sought out the fund manager, who responded with insolence, and she killed him with a single punch.]

"As expected, one shouldn't dabble in funds," Ming recalled having invested in some before the apocalypse, only to lose everything. Through that experience, he understood that the most reliable way to earn money was to save it.

There was another female zombie, whom Da Vinci claimed was even more beautiful than Alice and possessed an exceptional figure.

[Seductress Agent Aiyana]

[One-Star Emperor-level BOSS]

[blood: 200,000]

[Physique: 800]

[Strength: 800]

[Agility: 1,000]

[Spirit: 800]

[Exclusive Skill: Here's My Card – As an experienced agent, hands over her business card to the target, who cannot resist, immobilizing them for 3 seconds]

[Exclusive Skill: You Are the Star of Tomorrow – Used on the target who accepted her business card, sends them into a starry dream, hallucinating for 10 seconds; cooldown of 20 minutes]

[Exclusive Skill: Let's Split the Profits – As an experienced agent who has cultivated her star performers, naturally takes a share; used on the target in the starry dream, collecting 15% of their monetary wealth; cooldown of 5 minutes]

[Exclusive Talent: Let's Fake a Punch – Used on the target in the starry dream, has a chance to trigger a fake punch, rendering her immune to any damage; 3 minutes]

[Exclusive Talent: Agent Philosophy – As an agent, adept at handling any emergencies, immune to immobilization, dizziness, etc.]

[Exclusive Talent: Lethal Strike]

[Brief Bio: In her lifetime, she was the agent for four octagonal cage champions, controlling their lives and wealth distribution. Before the apocalypse, she watched a match at a fighting venue featuring a rookie she had trained. After the apocalypse descended, she mutated into an Emperor-level zombie, becoming the 'King of the Arena' dungeon BOSS.]


No wonder he couldn't find the dungeon BOSS, and no wonder he didn't receive a five-star chest after clearing the dungeon with five stars. It turned out that Da Vinci had collected this dungeon BOSS.

Most importantly, it was an Emperor-level one!

Normal – Elite – Lord – King – Emperor…


Although only a one-star Emperor-level, if Da Vinci hadn't captured it, he would have faced a brutal fate confronting her alone. After one set of her skills, he would undoubtedly perish.

Her agility of 1,000 was outrageously high, twice as much as his peak agility.


The Emperor-level zombie's skills were exceptionally potent. Regardless, she now belonged to him. In just four more levels, he would become a puppeteer, and she would be his.

Great! Thrilling!

[foodie, lying next to the koi fish, communicates with their eyes. Today, I'm infinitely glorious, fighting zombies... The koi fish blows bubbles, looking at you sitting on the chair by the shore... foodie blinks, actually, I'm the strongest support...]

[Your Da Vinci, tired, returns to the pondside. It looks at you, wanting something to eat to replenish its energy... It takes the bug you handed over, glances at the bullfrog and koi fish in the pond... then looks back at you, now we're the same...]

"We don't have to be the same," Ming grabs Da Vinci, placing it on his belly, rubbing its head, and says, "I have a whole row in my warehouse. What about you?"

[Your Da Vinci opens its mouth, bites your belly, thinking it won't hurt... It bounces onto your face, sticking out its tongue to lick your face...]

[Da Vinci thinks your face tastes a bit salty...]

"Thank you, Da Vinci. If it weren't for you today, I might be dead. To express my gratitude, let me level you up," Ming pets Da Vinci's head and starts to level it up.

During the dungeon, Ming spent 21,440 travel experience points, leveling foodie up to level 30. He decides to give the rest to Da Vinci, making it fairer.

Ding~ Da Vinci levels up to level 45.

Travel backpack capacity reaches 15 slots, travel distance reaches 5,000 meters.

[Your Da Vinci feels full of power. Next time, it wants to embark on a long journey, perhaps with a little butterfly... They could go to the seaside to watch the sunrise... or to the mountains to see the sunset...]

[Your Da Vinci looks at you, hoping that one day you can help fulfill this wish...]

"Of course~" Ming rubs Da Vinci's head, gazing at the Northland Mist. Once the apocalypse ends, definitely.

[Your Da Vinci is touched... It swears to make you the man with the most wives in the world...]

Ming strokes the froggy's head, "Having too many wives isn't easy to handle~"

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