Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 227 Medusa

[Your Da Vinci rushes downstairs, followed by foodie. With such a big event happening at home, they must check it out. As for the plan to deceive a kiss, it can be done every day...]

[Your frog babies squat in front of a large snake egg and see that the surface has cracked slightly, and more and more cracks appear around the crack. Foodie gently taps Da Vinci, "Look, your egg is about to crack..."]


Little Bear squats outside the door, peeking inside. Ming stands nearby, touching his nose, waiting for the eggs to crack completely. The squirrel climbs on the roof beam and watches...

It could be said that this is a major event for the Ming family!

[Your Da Vinci is very nervous. After so many days of companionship and careful care, the creature inside the egg is finally about to meet everyone. "I hope you are something good; otherwise, I can only say sorry..."]

[Foodie squats on the side, waiting. It now wants to know the taste of the thing coming out. It thinks it could borrow and try it from Da Vinci...]

When the egg showed no movement, you guys looked forward to it daily. Now that it's starting to crack, you first think of eat it?

Ming holds a knife in his hand, quietly waiting... If it's not something good, one cut will make it disappear...

Crack~ A small opening in the middle of the large egg, and a delicate little head comes out halfway.


Ming is stunned; from an egg as large as three basketballs, just a head smaller than a straw comes out.

What the hell is going on?

[Your foodie looks at the little snake's head with a touch of red on top and feels it's not enough for one bite. Such a big egg produces such a small head, which may be due to malnutrition...]

[Da Vinci stares at the little snake's head, wondering why only one head appears from the three eggs. Foodie tells Da Vinci that it might have eaten the other two. Its appetite seems good...]


Ming takes a closer look and finds some small bumps on the delicate head of the snake, stretching from its eyes to the entire body.

Crack~ At this moment, another small hole appears on the other side of the snake egg, and a similarly delicate little head is cautiously watching outside at the edge of the hole. It doesn't stretch out immediately but only after making sure there is no danger. Unlike the first snake head, the second one has a touch of gold on top.


Ming doesn't understand why two colors have appeared from the same egg.


Ming continues to stare at the trinity snake egg. Two heads have come out, and how far is the third head?


Another small hole appears on the egg, and a small head suddenly bursts out from the hole. Its shape and appearance are no different from the other two snake heads, except that there is a touch of green on top. As it suddenly rushes out, the other two heads immediately retreat into the egg.

[Your foodie looks at Da Vinci, "Since you don't like them, let me taste them. These three little guys are quite unique. Look how much they look like snacks..."]

[Foodie tells Da Vinci that frogs and snakes are sworn enemies... Da Vinci glares, having raised them for so long before they hatched. If they don't behave, they'll consider the next plan...]

The three little snakes retreat into the eggshell at the same time...

"If we want to eat them, we have to wait for them to grow up first. They are so small they don't even have meat, and it's a waste of seasoning~"

Ming puts his hands in his pockets, wondering how long it will take for the snakes to grow up. He then takes out the "Poultry and Livestock Raising Guide," but finds no teaching on snake breeding.

This book is no good.

Ming takes another look at the little snakes:

[Five-Star Friendly Snake]

[Total Attributes: 1]

[Exclusive Skill: Awakening…]

[Exclusive Talent: Awakening…]


Ming shakes his head, leaves the frog babies behind, and returns to the roof with Little Bear to continue cooking. Although he doesn't know what the future holds for these three little snakes, they have served a purpose since their birth.

The three little snakes have lowered the status of the snail's home, from the big waste to small waste.

[Your Da Vinci looks at Foodie... Foodie understands Da Vinci's intention, smashing the snake egg with its head, helping the little snakes break free from the eggshell... Foodie looks at the little snakes, and hesitates for a moment... turning back to look at Da Vinci... it's a monster...]

[Da Vinci gazes at the three little snakes sharing one body and appears quite happy. It will be so convenient to take them out for a walk in the future, just holding one tail is enough... Foodie grins, admiring the self-comforting Da Vinci...]

[Foodie thinks Da Vinci should give them a name... Da Vinci is considering... Foodie sticks out its tongue and suggests Medusa, although they don't know if it's male or female...]

"Medusa?" Ming chuckles, finding the name fitting.

"Three heads sharing one body?"

One body is good, saves food~ From the looks of it now, these little snakes are quite good at growing.

[Foodie tells Medusa not to be afraid, that this home is very safe, and they must grow up well... The little snakes swim to Da Vinci's side and wrap themselves around its front leg, their three small heads tucked under its belly...]

[Da Vinci feels a mysterious power surging from deep within its heart straight to its brain... Da Vinci understands, this must be the legendary responsibility... Da Vinci and the little snakes engage in a mysterious communion...]

[Foodie looks at Medusa and says, "Don't be afraid, Da Vinci will take you to eat grilled snake meat, it's soft, easy to digest, and delicious..." Da Vinci pats Foodie, "Grilled is too dry, it should be stewed until tender and mushy..."]


Ming looks at the snake soup simmering in the pot and falls into contemplation... No worries, Medusa is a three-headed snake, and the snake in the pot is an ordinary snake, not even from the same species. Besides, in the pre-apocalyptic world, snakes eating snakes was quite normal.

Yeah, it should be fine~

[Foodie bounces to the roof and dives headfirst into the pond, delivering the Radiant Flower into the koi's mouth...]

[Da Vinci comes to the roof and looks at you, wanting to tell you that this snake is called Medusa. You must remember their appearance and not stew them... Seeing you nod, Da Vinci is relieved... It turns to Little Bear and says that raw snake meat is hard to eat, so don't lick it...]

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