Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 230 ”That Is My Skill“

Eve sighed, "Perugia, it seems that we'll witness Guterman's true strength in a moment."

Perugia suddenly realized that the shared monster battle would begin at 9 o'clock.

Eve glared at him, "You're a fool when you should be smart!"

"Hehe~ Eve, as long as you're smart, everything will be fine. You just point out where to go, and I'll follow, so simple."

"What kind of business did you do with David?"

"I can't tell you. It's a secret."


Eve shook her head, not knowing what to say.

On the other side, Ming and David found a corner where no one was paying attention. Holding a coconut each, they engaged in secret communication.

"You raise funds to get that title, but eventually, you'll have to redistribute it among everyone. You understand, right?"

"I know, but there are only 35 puppet masters in District 31, so this business won't last long."

"Don't worry, it won't be long before everyone has to undergo the third job change. From what I know, many people will choose to become puppet masters. Let's capture some more and sell them to those with a puppet master sub-job. This can become a long-term business."

"Yeah, even if some people don't choose puppet masters during the third job change, they might become puppet masters during the fourth or fifth job change. This business does seem to have a long-term potential."

"But we can't capture them all. We still need to kill some so that people think the captured ones are rare and valuable."

"Boss, you're so cunning, but I like it."

"Don't say that. Everyone knows I'm a good person. Don't ruin my reputation. You know how hard it is to accumulate a good reputation, right?"

"Yes, yes, my bad memory. You're the best person in the world."

"Let's stick with second. The first is a bit too high-profile."

The two looked at each other and laughed before parting ways.

Ming found Mike and his girlfriend, and said to the snake woman, "I'll need to borrow your Mike again today."


The snake woman nodded, "Just don't let him get hurt again."

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him. You know, he's my lucky charm."

Ming assured her and then led Mike off the city wall towards the maze's center. Mike was a bit confused, as the last time Ming hadn't treated him this gently. He vividly remembered Ming's murderous gaze!

"Big bro, you're suddenly so gentle with me, and I can't quite handle it."

"Do you want me to beat you up instead?"

"I prefer you being cold, ruthless, and a bit cunning."

"Mike, you have to remember, I've always been a good person, understand?"


At this moment, David took the megaphone from Hawkins, chased him off the high platform, and shouted loudly, "Today is still the puppet master's welfare day! If you need it, come and sign up with me as soon as possible! No latecomers!"

After finishing his speech, he took out a small notebook and started preparing for registration. The people of District 31 on the city wall were a bit confused, while the people of District 109 explained to them.

"This is an old tradition of our District 109. To increase our overall strength, Guterman and his team would capture some powerful zombies or mutated creatures and give them to the puppet masters in our district for free."

"Free? That's so good. Having Guterman in your district is really a blessing."

"Of course, it's free. However, if a puppet master has special requirements, they have to pay separately. Look, that zombie over there, the one being fed grapes by its master was customized and auctioned by someone who loves grapes. It seems it cost 4,000 gold coins. I regret not becoming a puppet master back then."

"It's alright. We both have the opportunity when we reach the third job change. Strange, why does that zombie puppet have such smooth skin?"

"That guy bought puppet masks for it every day after he got it. He's very dedicated."


At the center of the maze, Mike asked, "Big bro, since our two districts have merged, and the number of puppet masters have increased, are we going to capture them all today?"

"No, we still need to strive for excellence. This is our professional integrity, understand?" Ming said, his face stern and meticulous.

"Big bro, I really admire your serious and down-to-earth character."

Mike nodded heavily, asking, "So how are we going to capture them today?"

"You just follow your ideas when capturing. Don't be limited by my thinking. Believe that your judgment is the best."

Ming patted Mike on the shoulder, looking very serious, "I've kept this hidden in my heart for a long time, but I've always thought highly of you."

"Big bro!"

Mike felt inexplicably moved upon hearing these words. Finally, the sunglasses-wearing man started to appreciate him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he asked, "Big bro, can I get a little more money this time?"

"Well... let's talk about it after everything is done. We're doing this for charity, not for the sake of making money," Ming said solemnly.

"Alright!" Mike nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Perugia arrived at the center of the maze and approached them, "Eve asked me to come and help you."

"Alright, that's good," Ming nodded, feeling happy inside. He looked up at the city wall and saw Eve, who was watching him. She was indeed a smart woman. He then turned to Perugia, "Do you have any unique insights about wealth?"


Perugia was confused. What was going on? Did the people of District 109 need to study economics before fighting monsters? He looked at Ming and tried to answer, "Usually, those who wear crocodile leather clothes should be quite rich."


Ming and Mike shook their heads at the same time. The former thought that Perugia was only being confused by the attribute effects of the crocodile leather clothes, while the latter thought his words were pointless. It was common knowledge that their big brother was rich.


"This guy!"

Standing on the city wall, Eve's face looked a bit unpleasant. Although she didn't know what Perugia had said, judging from Ming and Mike shaking their heads at the same time, Perugia must have said something foolish again.

"Eve, what should we do later? Do we follow the previous battle strategy?"

Marie and Benjamin walked over.

"Hawkins said that before the final boss arrives, all we need to do is stand here and wait on the city wall," Eve replied, resting her arms on the wall and looking towards the center of the maze, "I'm also curious to see how they catch the puppet monsters."

"We just checked the puppets of District 109's puppet masters. The lowest-ranked ones are all five-star lords."

"Then we have to learn from them even more."




At this time, nearly 2000 people from Districts 109 and 31 were standing on the city wall. Their reactions to the impending shared monster were completely different.

"Hey, buddy, you don't need to be nervous. Before the final monster arrives, it's all halftime break time."

"Ah, well... Although we have a well city, I think it's better to be cautious. buddy, I'm really curious about how they catch the puppet monsters."

"It's simple. First, build a tent; second, stuff all the zombies or mutated creatures inside; third, open the tent door to feed them some medicine; fourth, catch them one by one. Simple, isn't it?"

"Now that you've mentioned it, it does sound simple."



Hawkins took the megaphone and shouted, "Everyone, start the holy song and ghost dance to activate the buffs. All professions with buff skills, activate them! Hey, you! Stop dancing!"

"I'm a special dancer master; this is my skill..."

"Then, carry on."

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