Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 282 Walking Upright?

Ming arrived in front of the tent and roughly estimated its size. It was about 10 meters tall and 20 meters in diameter.

He immediately deployed his skill, covering the tent in front of him. Regardless of the strength of the boss inside, he had to be absolutely safe.

Then, he released the Chef, Lopene, and Baul from the puppet space and issued instructions:

"Baul, after going in, taunt the guy with the long horns and run around the tent!"

"Chef, after Baul successfully taunts, you cook for the one with the long horns."

"Lopene, you follow the Chef. When he's cooking, you try to get an investment from the one with the long horns!"

"Little Bear, follow me. If the situation goes bad, run first!"



"Okay, let's go in!"

With Ming's command, he opened the tent door.

Baul was the first to rush in, followed closely by Chef and Lopene. Ming, leading the little bear, also stepped into the tent.


Suddenly, a lion's roar echoed inside the tent!

[Triggered tent effect, silence failed]

[Your puppet Baul is stunned]

[Your puppet Baul's head is smashed~]

[Your puppets Chef and Lopene are stupefied~]


Suddenly, Ming felt a blank in his mind, as if a flash bomb had exploded in his head.


Another tiger roar!!

[Your puppets Chef and Lopene are dazed...]

[Your frogs are collectively dizzy...]


He didn't even see the opponent's shadow and his whole family was disabled first.

Is it so strong!?


There was a loud sound like a burst water pipe, and the liquid was sprayed all over!

[Your puppets Chef and Lopene are poisoned, and defense value is continuously reduced]




[Tent durability -180]

[Tent durability -180]

"Holy cow!"

Ming felt the liquid coming at him, probably because Chef and Lopene were blocking him, only a little of the liquid splashed onto his coat.

But the smell was pungent and fishy! A feeling of suffocation, as if being strangled by someone, welled up.

[Coat durability -180]

[Mental strength -18]

[Mental strength -18]


[Your Merlin is madly sucking up the poison, good stuff, good stuff, bring more!!]

[Your Da Vinci and foodie feel like they are about to die~]

[Your Merlin jumps and brushes past the monster's body. It anxiously tells you that this guy's poison resistance is too high, it can't be poisoned!]



Two muffled noises.

[Your puppets Chef and Lopene are knocked back, trampled, ravaged, tortured...]

[Your puppets Chef and Lopene are being beaten with their eyes closed...]


Ming came back to his senses. He could resist the poison, but his clothes couldn't.

He used the repair scroll continuously and quickly. The poison was really strong!

Fortunately, it only got on his coat. The durability of the synthesized equipment was high. If it landed on his pants, they might explode directly.

This poison liquid consumes equipment durability, and inhalation will consume mental strength~ No if this continues, not only will all his equipment explode, but the exhaustion of mental strength is even more terrifying!

Drink the mental potion!!

"Holy hell!!"

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a scaly fist smashing toward him!

"A fist?"


Ming got punched in the chest, flew backward, and smashed into the tent.

[Clothes durability -180]

[Physical strength -180]

"Holy cow! This thing's normal attack can actually reduce physical strength!"

How can this guy be so fast?

Then, he saw a hoof full of fur stomping over!


Ming activated the extreme dodge and rolled to the right, taking Chef and Lopene into the puppet space. He was already in a passive state, and the situation was unclear. Retreat first! 

Puff!! Another stinky poison liquid sprayed out.

Ming rolled up and forward, summoning a psychic giant eagle and hound at the same time!

The eagle and three dogs pounced on the horned monster, pecking at its eyes and tearing at its hairy little legs.

Puff!! Poison liquid splashed, and the eagle and hounds shattered into little points of starlight.

So freaking strong!

Ming, rolling, caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and the monster was even whipping a whip that was as black as ink!

[Furious. Bloodthirsty Circus...]

"Two prefixes?"

"So harsh?"


Before Ming could see the attributes with the hawk's eye, the whip was already lashing at him.

At this point, he was lifting three frog cubs with his left arm and couldn't dodge at all. In a rush, he held up the shield in his right hand to block it!!


The shield shattered!!


Another whip was coming his way.

"Darn, it! Take the money!"

Ming kicked the ground with both feet, rolled forward, and handed out a broken bowl at the same time.

[Skill effect failed, immune.]

"Holy hell!"

Ming rolled to dodge again. As the whip was about to hit him, a black shadow appeared. It was the bear cub!

It picked up Ming and ran toward the outside of the tent.

"Good boy!"

The moment he opened the tent door, Ming released psychic energy and summoned a car!

Boom! A pickup truck landed on the ground, just blocking the horned monster that was about to rush over.

At the same time, the bear cub ran out of the tent carrying Ming!

"Close the door!"

Ming ordered in a low voice. The tent door closed. Then he broke away from the bear cub, handed the three frog cubs into the bear's paw, "Take them and run! Run as far as you can!"


The bear cub hesitated, but after seeing its master's determined eyes, it put the three frog cubs on its back and ran on all fours. While running, it kept looking back.

Ming waved at it, "Keep running, I'm okay~"


It hurts~

Ming turned to face the tent, clutching his chest and grinning. The punch he took just now still hurt. At the same time, he drank potions for physical strength and mental strength, replenishing the physical and mental strength that was consumed when he was hit.

He never expected that this monster would actually be immune to the broken bowl!


Did it discriminate against beggars?

[Tent effect triggered, silence failed]

[Your tent durability -180]

[Your tent durability -180]


At this moment, the durability of the tent was rapidly decreasing, which confirmed Ming's guess. Ordinary zombies and mutant creatures would not actively attack the tent if they couldn't see their target.

This horned monster was not only strong but also smart.

He didn't have time to observe closely just now due to the urgent situation. Now, it's time to cool it down a bit.

Ming took out his phone and retreated while running and looking back at the durability of the tent, hoping that it could hold up until he got a little farther away.

When he reached the predetermined location, he took out all the arrow towers and fire elemental stone towers from his warehouse and placed them down. Then, he took out Annie and Janna and replenished their statuses.

[Tent Durability 380/10000]

"Blow it up!"

Ming immediately lay down and started to dial his phone.

[Tent Durability 200/10000]

[Tent Durability 20/10000]

[Your tent exploded!]




The ground shook, the shock wave spread out all around along the ground, the lawn was flipped, and the surrounding tents flew up in flames! Then, a mushroom cloud of black and gray rose into the sky!!

Gravel, chunks of earth, and shards of rock fell like rain!!

Ming looked up in the direction of the explosion!

The smoke was still there, and a tall figure walked out of the dust. A pair of pale orange eyes, like a ghost, met his gaze.


A pair of crescent-shaped curved horns protruded obliquely from the head of the male lion. The mane on its neck reached down to its chest, its chest, abdomen, and the inside of its arms were covered with dark green snake scales, its back and legs were covered with tiger-striped fur, it had tiger legs and cow hooves, and a lion's tail!

In its left arm, it held a burning blue flame ring, and in its right arm, it held a black long whip!

Walking upright? Upper limbs like human arms?

How many people or strange things had it eaten to evolve into this form?

No wonder there were no zombies here, they were all eaten by it, weren't they?

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