Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 298 Double Kill

[Your frogspawn is perched by a muck pond, watching a robust earthworm spitting muck at a creature with wings on its back and four arms standing by the pond. The four-armed monster rolled and moved forward, but the muck was so pervasive that it couldn't get any closer.]

[foodie watches the scene, feeling that a packet of chips would make the moment perfect. It suddenly misses the chef, so this is the feeling of missing someone. Its stomach is really suffering.]

Earthworms that can survive in an environment like the mist are definitely not weak. What if it's an epic one and you plant it, then it's in trouble. So, fight, it's better to fight until both are hurt.


Ming laughed again, it must be Vashak.

If the events continue as it was, he should contribute something to Ming's family today. What a visionary monster it is.

[Your frogspawn sees the four-armed monster enveloped in the muck, wobbling back a few steps, then flapping its wings and descending onto the midsection of the earthworm, punching out with all four fists.]

[ Foodie feels it's unfair. The four-armed monster is bullying the earthworm for not having hands. Da Vinci told Foodie that there's no real fairness in the world... Poof... With a loud noise, the frogspawn is stunned in place, they see the earthworm's body explode and six heads separate out. One body, six heads, foodie bumps Da Vinci, now it's fair.]

[Merlin watches as the four-armed monster is enveloped in muck spat by the six-headed earthworm. The six heads simultaneously bite the muck ball, and with heads twisting in both directions, the closely packed teeth cut through the four-armed monster trapped in the muck. Merlin thinks that the earthworm is a great pet, it decides to win it over with kindness.]

"A six-headed earthworm?"

Ming gets up from the couch and comes to the border of the mist. He can already confirm that the earthworm is definitely an epic existence. Now the two epic entities are fighting, it's a great opportunity to pick up some bargains~


Ming looks at the mist, the eyeless creature is still inside waiting for him. It's a bit difficult to go in and pick up some bargains, he needs to distract it first.

To distract or attract the attention of the eyeless creature, it requires a pro. They need to be quick and agile.

Raoul won't do it, he needs to go with Ming to pick up the bargains. Kubo, it has to be Kubo.

But, how can Kubo both attract the eyeless creature and stay safe?

At this moment, a rattlesnake winds its way along the border of the mist, going left into the mist, right out of the mist, then left into the mist again, winding its way forward in and out~

"This snake looks quite familiar~"

He remembers this seems to be the snake that he turned into a puppet and threw into the mist. This guy actually didn't die, you are quite fortunate...

Ming slaps his forehead, then he snaps his fingers at Kubo who is sitting in the driver's seat. The latter immediately drive over.

Ming is very satisfied with its response, this is the tacit understanding developed through grinding. He patted Kubo on the shoulder who was sitting in the driver's seat and said, "See that snake? You are much smarter than it. Drive the car later and move along the border of the mist just like the snake, moving in a wavy line, in and out, over and over, got it?"


"Alright, let's go!"


After that, a car entered and exited the mist, advancing along the border of the mist in a wavy line.

Inside the mist, the eyeless creature heard the sound of the car and chased after it. The next moment the sound of the car disappeared, it stopped and tilted its head to listen again.

The car entered... it chased forward... the car exited... it stopped... endless...

Ming, sitting in the co-pilot seat, watched all this while making many detailed adjustments to Kubo's action of luring the eyeless creature.

A few minutes later, Ming got out of the car outside the mist, and patted Kubo on the shoulder, "You have grasped the essence of the rascal technique, go on~"


Kubo started the car and embarked on the rascal's path.

A few minutes later, Ming watched Kubo go away, then he turned around and headed towards the border of the mist.

Currently, according to the information from the frogs, it can be determined that in this area near the mist, there have three monsters.

The first one, the eyeless creature, has gone to practice the rascal technique with Kubo, and judging from the effect, Kubo is really suitable to be a rascal.

The second one, the four-armed Vashak, is fighting against the third one, the six-headed earthworm.

This is a great opportunity given by God.

Ming entered the mist, heading in the direction of the frog's journey.

[Your frogspawn saw that the four-armed monster broke free from the shackles of the six earthworm jaws, but its wings were broken, and fell to the ground. It raised its four fists and smashed the ground, causing the muck pond to sink into a deep muck pit. The six earthworm heads spit muck simultaneously, the four-armed monster dodged, raised its four limbs, and held four bone knives, slashing wildly at the six-headed earthworm that chased onto land, the earthworm was instantly cut and injured all over. foodie exclaimed that the guy with four arms had thick skin, he wasn't torn to pieces.]

[The frogs saw that three of the earthworm's heads were cut off, the four-armed monster had the upper hand. Merlin looked at the two monsters and shouted that the earthworm couldn't die, it's my pet!]

[Da Vinci jumped onto the foodie's back, charging forward to save the earthworm~ They rushed to the battlefield and used their collecting ability on the four-armed monster's bone knife, pants, necklace, and bracelet, successfully collecting them~ and immediately retreated from the battlefield~]

[The frogs saw that the four-armed monster was once again wrapped in a muck ball by the earthworm that only had three heads left, the three huge mouths bit it, and the heads twisted back and forth, using the teeth to cut~]

At this time, Ming driving Raoul appeared in the high sky, examining with his eagle's eye, both Vashak and the Earthworm Emperor's defenses were zero!

Ming took out his raging axe and jumped down from Raoul's neck, raising his battle axe like a falling meteor to chop off the middle head of the earthworm!

The Earthworm Emperor released the four-armed Vashak, both heads turned towards the human holding the battle axe, and the moment its mouth opened, the human disappeared in front of it!

Ming turned invisible, quickly moved to the bottom of the left head of the Earthworm Emperor, jumped up, and chopped off its left head with his axe, at the same time injecting it with a hallucinogenic poison needle, the skill took effect.

The earthworm rolled its body on the spot, continually spraying muck from the broken part of its head.

Ming bit on the sober peony, holding the chainsaw and circling around its last head to cut!

He killed the epic-level Earthworm Emperor!

He turned around and rushed to the four-armed Vashak, which only had a moving head left, looking at the injuries that the puppet repair card could not repair, he put away the chainsaw, took out the shotgun, and pulled the trigger at its head.


He got a double kill on the epic level!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

One by one, beams of light rose up, and the information of experience and gold coins poured into his mind.

Immediately after, a global broadcast.

[Global broadcast, congratulations to Ming for the double kill of the epic level in the mist, obtaining the exclusive title of[Epic Hunter], as a celebration, all the survivors around the world will receive a 100% increase in experience, a 100% increase in gold coins received from killing zombies, and a 20% increase in all attributes BUFF. The above BUFFs will only take effect when entering the mist, and last for 72 hours,except Ming]

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