Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 367 "What A Great Idea!"

"That's a really good project."

David squatted on the ground, seeing the two of them turn around simultaneously, he spun around to face them again, "Hear me out, if I can't persuade you guys, I absolutely won't mention it a second time."


"Okay, I plan to open a bank in the free trading zone, responsible for protecting the personal valuables of customers, and charge a small fee. Not asking for much, just one gold coin for each item, or an equivalent amount of spiritual energy, elemental stones. Isn't that cheap?"

While David was speaking, he was also gesturing on the ground with a small stick, "Just think about it, how big would the flow of people be in the free trading zone every day? At least several tens of thousands, right? Then how much would the income be in a day? Just thinking about it makes me drool~ Aren't you guys tempted?"

Alan said calmly, "It's quite ordinary, many people would think of this, there's nothing outstanding about it."

Ming said, "I agree with Alan."


[Your Foodie is holding a plump gray mouse in its mouth, telling Merlin, this is Little Bill, look how suitable it is to be a lab rat~ Little Bill looks at Merlin, it's love~]

[Da Vinci looks at Merlin who is extracting venom, and slaps Little Bill's head, my sister is still a child, keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. What's that stone in your mouth? Da Vinci uses his extraction ability on the stone in Little Bill's mouth, and extraction successful~]

[Da Vinci pats Little Bill's head, it's not good to go home with an empty mouth, go find some more stones to bring back... Little Bill quickly leaves... Da Vinci is very happy, a mouse with OCD is quite easy to train~]


David, with his small stick, squatted on the ground and sidestepped to the front of the two men who had turned their backs again, "I haven't finished yet. Even though many people want to open a bank, there are conditions, and we meet all of them. Let me explain it to you."

Alan nudged the person next to him with his elbow, "Boss, don't you usually charge for conversations?"


Ming was initially stunned, he wondered, who turned Alan into what he is today?

He used to be a model youth, it must have been the hard times.

"Fine! As long as you let me finish, I'll pay!"

David squatted in front of them, jabbing the ground with his stick, "Indeed, the idea of opening a bank isn't novel, but not everyone can do it. Think about it, opening a bank requires strength. We have Gutman, this name alone carries weight and people will feel safe. Alan, don't you feel safe sitting next to the boss?"

Alan said, "To be honest, I do feel safe, but I can't guarantee that he won't be into men."

Ming shrugged, "I'll be honest, I'm into men."


"Have you two had enough fun?"

[Your Da Vinci asks a dispirited Medusa if she encountered anything special during her outing... Medusa's three heads shake, nod, and shake and nod simultaneously~]

[Da Vinci chastises each of them, they're not behaving well, always learning to party... Finally, he learns that not far ahead there is a small mountain, on the top of which is a pavilion. Inside the pavilion lives a creature with a human body, an eagle's beak, and wings, holding a hammer in both hands~]

[Foodie tilts its head. Axes are rare, but hammers are plentiful. It charges in the direction indicated by Medusa, planning to take back its own hammer~]


"Boss, stop laughing and seriously consider what I'm saying~"

David sat on the ground, looking as if he wouldn't leave today until they made a decision.

Alan laughed, "What's up, playing the scoundrel now?"

David glared at him, "Alan, you've changed a lot recently, try to act a bit less smart, learn from Mike. Look at his laid-back demeanor all day, he's so happy."

Alan chuckled, "Yes~ so, about that thing where you let him invest in buying land, how are you going to explain it to him?"


David sighed, drawing circles on the ground, mumbling, "I just thought of making that money back."


Ming, who had been silent for a while, finally said, "I ask you, what is the purpose of the free trading zone?"

David said, "To make trades."

Ming smiled, "Right, people go there for trades, why would they deposit anything?"

David nodded, "What you said... seems quite right."

Ming said, "Then why is there a free trading zone?"

"Still to make trades?"

David was drawing on the ground with his stick, and suddenly broke the stick, excited and exalted, he said, "I get it!"

He suddenly stood up, grabbed Ming's shoulders, and shook them, laughing at Alan, "I'm such a fool, why open a damn bank when I could just open a trading house!"

After being pushed away, David continued to stand there excitedly, "We offer security for the trading house, take a cut, just need to open for business and collect money, whatever happens outside is none of my business, what a great idea!"


"Also, we can divide the trading house into different areas, ordinary area, VIP area, VVIP area, different services, different prices~"

David looked at the two in front of him, drooling with excitement. Suddenly he clapped his hands, "Yes, yes, yes!! I can also open an auction area, where the consignor doesn't have to show up, and customers also don't have to show up, I could make a killing from commission!"


Ming and Alan exchanged glances, each pulling out an umbrella to shield themselves.

David looked up at the sky, pacing in place with his fingers tapping in excitement, "Yes, yes, yes!! I also need to open a casino, a restaurant, a bar, anyone who comes in, don't think about leaving with everything they came with!!"


Ming suddenly felt that, compared to David, he was sometimes not capitalistic enough, but he was still a good person.

Alan shook his head, he thought he was a kind person.

David said, "With our 109 as a signboard, this thing is bound to succeed, I'll go first, I need to prepare~"


The two watched as one person left like the wind, and exchanged glances, "Where were we in our conversation?"


David, who had walked away, turned around and shouted, "Boss, thank you for your enlightening advice!"

[Your Foodie hops halfway up the mountain, it's tired, it really can't climb any further. At this moment, a pangolin covered in armor-like scales pops its head out of the ground, looking dazedly at the frog in front of it~]

[Your Foodie communicates with the pangolin, who doesn't have a name and has been living here all its life. It's an orphan and likes to dig holes... Foodie says it's also an orphan... they become good friends~]

[Foodie tells the pangolin that it wants to go to the top of the mountain and asks if it can help. The pangolin nods, turns around, and burrows back into the hole, inviting Foodie along. It has a tunnel that leads to the top of the mountain~]

[Foodie is distressed, I'm tired, I need a lift~]


Ming looked at Alan, "How far can you control puppets? Have you ever calculated it?"

Alan shook his head, "No."

Ming smiled, "I have time today, let's calculate it together~"

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