Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 374 Succubus Queen (4)

The last part of her sentence was cold and merciless, so after gritting my teeth and squeezing my palms so hard it drew blood, I calmed down.

"I'll kiss your feet as many times as you ask. That should be enough, right?" I asked, slightly looking up.

"Fufufufu… Well then, get to it my little pet. After this you'll be my pet for life, and I'll be sure to make good use of you in this problem on this plane… such annoyances need to be taken care of quickly, so be prepared,"


Annoyances, huh… That probably means something else is happening on this plane and it's not going to be a pretty process.

Maybe another war, struggle for power, or maybe a rebellious organization trying to take her down from the throne.

It could be anything when it comes to demons… but I also hope it is related to angels…. That would be nice.

If I could form relations with angels early on, then I might be able to save myself if something bad ever happens in this toxic ass environment I'm in.

Maybe I could go to heaven or something… Yeah, probably not but I'm just going to keep huffing this copium until I die.

"Hey, do you think one little smooch was going to satisfy me?" She asks while lightly tapping my face with the ends of her toes.

She smelled like sweet and almost seductive candy that sort of drew me in, despite having sweaty feet.

Ugh, let's just get this over with…

Chu… Chu… Chu… Chu…

"Very good. Now, I'm leaving you here until I see that you've become obedient. But, when I come back in two days, and you haven't adjusted to my want, then you will be punished accordingly…" She muttered with a sadistic smile that sent a shiver down my spine.

This bitch…

About two days have passed and she's finally returned to me. I mean, I was getting so bored in here, so I honestly didn't care what she was going to do now.

Upon seeing my glare, she went through a wave of confused then joyful emotions as she grabbed a leather whip from inside her dress.

What the fuck… did she pull that out of her pussy or something. That would be pretty funny…

I chuckled a bit at my own comment, but just as I was riding the laughter, she grabbed my neck and pulled me towards her.

"My little birdy, you really are a disrespectful little bitch, aren't you?" She muttered before pushing me back and then ordering me to stand up.

As I didn't want her whipping my beautiful face without a chance of healing it, which was obviously her intent, I stood up and prepared self.


"Ah fuck! What the hell! Why does that hurt so much!" I shouted as slight tears welled up in the corner of my eyes.

"This what disrespectful little bitches get when they don't follow their Mistress's orders,"


It went on for about fifteen minutes, but by the end I was writhing in pain, but didn't beg for her to stop as that would show weakness, a crack that she could possibly exploit.

"I'll be returning in two days again, and if you aren't obedient, we'll try something else," She said with an even wider sadistic smile.

I just need her to give up… because once she sees that I don't really have a weakness, even after going through all these torture methods, she'll most likely let me a bit more free than if I submitted to her.

A few weeks have passed and I was growing a bit bored from her torture methods as they weren't so extreme, but some of them still did really hurt.

It was kind of a long process, but eventually, she finally gave in and unchained me from the wall, sighing deeply.

"Seems my little birdy is well trained… Haizzeeee… Okay, follow me birdy, we'll get you changed into some appropriate attire," She said and I was expecting some weird ass, seductive lingerie, but surprisingly, she gave me a full suit of armor.

Granted, it was a bit exposing, but I assumed that was too make the armor much lighter… and I guess a treat for my allies.

"Did you have to make it so lewd looking?" I asked but my new Mistress just licked her lips before trailing her finger down the cleavage area of my armor.

"Of course… It's a sign that you're mine… Well, I guess I have to put the tattoo first," She said and all of a sudden, a searing pain came from the right side of my chest.

A tiny, dark purple, bat tattoo on the lower part of my left breast, and for some reason, it felt as if it was throbbing.

"There, now it shows that you are mine. Today, you can rest, but tomorrow, I'm going to need you to kill somebody for me. Don't worry, it shouldn't be that hard," She siad before gesturing for me to stand next to her throne.

I noticed the other pets were a bit frightful of me, so I just gave them a small smile before massaging the succubi's shoulders.

"Ah, you are pretty decent at massaging," She muttered, moaning a bit from my deep tissue cleansing massage that I learned from one of the masseuse's in the higher plane.

"I'm glad you like it," I replied and slowly made my way to right about her neck and it seems she noticed my intent so she just slowly turned her head around with a glare.

"Seems I'll have to bring out the aphrodisiac again… That really brought you down from you highest of horses," She chuckled before pulling me in for a light kiss.

The bat tattoo on my chest throbbed a bit, and my knees wobbled as the light kiss turned into a toungeful one which almost made me melt.

"Oh my, my little birdy is weak to kisses," She chuckled once again as she pulled away and I used her shoulders to support me.

She then brushed my hands off, and I was forced to lean on the throne as without it, I would collapse onto the floor.

This bitch… she placed another curse on me, didn't she.

She just stuck her out at me before one of the pets fed her some fruit which she thoroughly enjoyed.

The rest of the day consisted of maybe three meetings that the succubus really didn't want to attend.

Apparently they were from enemy countries, trying to negotiate with her in order for the royals and nobles to save some of their status when she devours their countries.

It was smart, trying to get on her good side, but if she already doesn't like you, unless she turns you into a pet, you'll most likely stay hated all the way until you die feebly within the palms of her hand.

She kind of reminded me of myself back on the Plane of Twilight, but of course, I had control over several empires.

Getting them to benefit from each other was hell, but thankfully, after a long fucking two or so months, they finally started to get going.

I just hope when I return that the plane wasn't in chaos and my family hadn't died.

Well, I'm sure there has been a coup d'etat once or twice after the information of me leaving appeared, but Hades is more than enough to take care of that.

In fact, if Loki and Hades worked together, they might be an unstoppable force as one has the army and power while the other has the brain and wits.

It would be ideal for Hades to have both of these traits, but you can't have everything in life and I'm still more than proud of him for what he accomplished by the time I left.

"*sigh*... Two mistakes today and all of them are in my little birdy here. You three can return to my room as your meals are prepared, but you little birdy, need to be punished," She said before clearing the tray of food from her lap, brushing off the crumbs and then patting it.

It was a clear gesture for me to lay across her lap, but I had some much armor on that this wouldn't work out.


But, my new Mistress snapped her fingers once, and my armor disappeared into thin air but just as I was about to ask her what had happened to it, she dragged me by my armor and took me across her lap.

She lifted up my clean black skirt before massaging my behind creepily.

"Men are much better at fulfilling my personal pleasure, but women are a treat for the eye and fun to play around with. Their reaction to pleasure is so much more stimulating than men," She muttered before slapping my ass.


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