As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels

Chapter 6.6

Chapter 6.6

Never did Gusu Moliang expect that he would like a man, but ever since he met Bai Muyuan in the inn, he had already started to feel a little strange. The sight of the young mans beautiful watery eyes as they glared at him had been deeply imprinted into his mind, inexplicably impossible to forget.

And thats when he thought, his heart might have moved for a man.

In fact, he also understood very clearly that being the most outstanding offspring of the Gusu Family, it was his duty to start a family and have a son, making it impossible to be with a man. However, his feet couldnt help but gravitate towards Bai Muyuans guest room subconsciously.

He lightly knocked twice on the door, afraid of disturbing the young man in the room. His own careful actions made even himself feel surprised.

Despite the fact that Gao Sui had told him that the young man was not as weak as he looked, he couldnt help but want to treat him more gently.

After not getting a response for a long time, Gusu Moliang felt it was a little strange and gave a few more knocks.

This time he caught the sound of the young man tinged with sleepiness, Who is it?

So it turns out that he has just fallen asleep and I disturbed his good rest? He immediately apologised, Brother Bai, its me, Gusu Moliang. Did I wake you up?

The young man replied, his voice sounding nasally from sleepiness, Its okay, Im not feeling too well, is there a matter, Brother Gusu? Wu.

Wuwhat did that mean? He noticed that the ending of the young mans sentence was a little strange, so he quickly questioned, Brother Bai, whats the matter?

The young man quickly replied, Im fine, its just that I saw a cockroach.

Gusu Moliang frowned. This particular guest room had just been cleaned, how could there be cockroaches? He said, Brother Bai, why dont I get someone to prepare another room.

The young man interrupted abruptly, Brother Gusu, may I ask, what can I do for you?

He heard the impatience in the other persons voice and hurriedly rushed to explain, Its not an urgent matter, I just wanted to ask you if theres anything youre short of. If there is, Ill help you get it as fast as possible.

Sure enough, the tone behind the young mans words became much warmer, Theres nothing Im lacking, thank you for your hospitality.

Then, Gusu Moliang continued, I dont know if its a convenient time for me to come in for a chat.

After a moments silence, the young man replied, Its convenient. Please come in, Brother Gusu.

Gusu Moliang pushed the door and entered, and what he saw was Fan Yuan lying on the bed, covered tightly with a quilt. His face was a little red, looking as if he was really unwell. Gusu Moliang asked in concern, Brother Bai, have you caught a cold? Ill send for the physician right now.

Fan Yuans mouth curved down slightly in a frown. It was currently the warm spring season and he was covered tightly in a quilt, it would be weird if his complexion looked normal!

He shook his head, There is no need to trouble yourself. As a martial artist, how can there be a need to see a physician when one gets a cold. Seeing that Gusu Moliang was about to urge him to see a physician again, he added, If my condition worsens, I will ask Brother Xiao to prescribe some medicine for me.

Gusu Moliang suddenly realised, Oh yes, Im the silly one, Brother Xiaos medical skills are so many times better than those of the physicians outside. In fact, I asked him to come here to cure someone.

With that, his expression revealed hints of sorrow while Fan Yuan gazed at him silently. A few moments later, Gusu Moliang saw that Fan Yuan had no intention to ask any further. He felt embarrassed and said, In fact, that man is my grandfather, the famous master of the Lingyun leg-fighting style, Gusu Yi, in the Jianghu.

Fan Yuan nodded slightly, Oh.

Gusu Moliang: He pondered for a moment before saying, I saw that Brother Bais riding skills are extremely good, who taught you that?

Fan Yuan said, Dad.

Gusu Moliang was about to ask something again, but Fan Yuan suddenly said en. Gusu Moliant hurriedly asked, Brother Bai, that was?

Yan Rui was messing about in the quilt, constantly feeling him up around his sensitive areas. Fan Yuan was secretly upset, but he had to reply seriously, No, its nothing. It was just that I suddenly thought of the Pearl Carp that I loved to eat the most back home. I dont know if I can trouble Brother Gusu

Gusu Moliang hurriedly answered, Alright, Ill go inform the kitchen to add this dish right now! What else would you like to eat?

Seeing Fan Yuan shake his head, he turned around and rushed out. Just as he was about to go out, he directed a bright, beaming smile at Fan Yuan, leaving Fan Yuan stunned by his shining aura.

After he had left for a good while, Yan Rui lifted the quilt and stared at Fan Yuan with gloomy eyes, Whats your relationship with him?

Fan Yuan turned his face away and said impatiently, Its none of your business.

Its none of my business? Yan Rui held his chin and smiled cruelly. Then I will kill him. And also, you are the right vanguard of the Demon Sect. I think your two brothers will be very interested to hear this.

You dare?!

Watch to see if I dare.

As soon as he said that, Yan Rui landed a heavy kiss on Fan Yuans lips. Fan Yuan wanted to respond to him, but he had to pretend to be very resistant, so he appeared partly forced and yet, obedient as he was kissed.

That Gusu Moliangfancies you?

Fan Yuans soul had almost flown away from the intense kiss, but Yan Ruis voice suddenly sounded in his mind. His body stiffened subconsciously, and he replied with guilt, I saw him for the first time today. I dont know why hes like that. I promise I didnt do anything, Xiao Wu can testify.

Hearing this, Yan Ruis kiss became even more passionate, Why do you attract people so easily? Hm?

Fan Yuan wanted to cry but there were no tears. You think I want to? This kind of body which bends people in minutes is simply too troublesome! Fortunately, Gusu Moliang didnt have any emotional entanglement with the female lead in the original story, otherwise, Gusu Moliang would ruin this part of the plot because of him and cause his reward to be deducted!

Just as the kiss between the two got even more passionate, a man in black suddenly appeared in the room. He carried no expression as he knelt on the ground and said respectfully, Master, its time to go.

Yan Rui released Fan Yuan and replied with a faint en. His forefinger gently rubbed Fan Yuans swollen red lips, yet his tone was absolutely overbearing, Im going to leave for a few days. Be obedient, dont make me unhappy again, otherwise, even if its the young gongzi of Gusu family, Gao Suian or Xiao Zi, only death awaits them. Understood?

Fan Yuan gritted his teeth and glared at him angrily, only to see his slightly uplifted grin as he chuckled before disappearing with the man in black.

Of course, Fan Yuan knew where Yan Rui was off to. Currently, the court was scouring the streets from top to bottom for the remaining criminals of the former dynasty. In order to protect his precious son from living in fear, Yang Chengtian created a descendant of the former dynastys royal family and sent him to the court.

All that was left now was the lack of a blood-red birthmark on the mans clavicle, and so Yan Rui had left to add on this birthmark.

A few dayshow many days exactly?

While Fan Yuan struggled with Yan Ruis departure the following few days, Gusu Moliang had fallen into the whirlpool of love as he discovered that he was still reluctant to give up on Bai Muyuan.

As for matters like getting married and having children, his grandfather had been paralyzed for such a long time, the Gusu Family probably had nothing to look forward to anyway. The task of having offspring could be handed over to his brothers, he would pursue his happiness wholeheartedly!

It was said that to grasp the heart of a man, one had to first win over their stomach, so Gusu Moliang decided that he would make the Pearl Carp dish himself! He had to make sure that the young man would never leave him! Yes, that was how good he was!

Please stay healthy and safe everyone!

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