As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels

Chapter 7.11

Chapter 7.11

The next time Fan Yuan opened his eyes, it was already two days later. He recalled that Feng Ze had fed him a glass of water, and he didnt know what happened next.

So Feng Ze had drugged him, but why? He couldnt figure it out, just like how he couldnt figure out why Han Lang had made such a crazy move, and more so how the strong Lei Siye could die so easily

Just two nights ago, the man was still embracing him and telling him how happy he was, but now, he had disappeared from the world forever. No matter how hard he looked for him, he wouldnt be able to find him ever again.

That man was Yan Rui. Though he knew that Yan Ruis soul was immortal, he was nothing but an ordinary man after losing his memory. In the face of death, what was going through his mind? How desperate, how painful, how unwilling he felt Fan Yuan couldnt even begin to imagine it. Fan Yuan only knew that his chest was in so much pain that he felt like he was about to die.

A warm palm touched his forehead, and a mans voice asked softly, Feeling better?

Fan Yuan tilted his head and looked over, only reacting after a long while. The man in front of him was Feng Ze, he was still wearing the casual black shirt from before. Having not taken care of himself for two days, Feng Ze had already started growing out a stubble. His whole look came off as disorderly and dispirited, but the tenderness in his eyes could not be mistaken.

Fan Yuan opened his mouth, and what came was hoarse and unpleasant to the ear as he asked in a low voice, Where are we?

Feng Ze poured a cup of water and helped the boy up to lean on his shoulder as he replied in a soft and gentle voice, Were now rushing to head Northwest. Han Langs men were originally planning to head North, so whether we continue to go Northward or Southward, were in danger. My fathers old division is in the West. After weve settled down there, we can collect the debt from Han Lang.

Fan Yuan avoided the cup of water that Feng Ze had pressed by his mouth, laying a fixed gaze on him. Feng Zes actions paused, and he took a sip of the water and laughed, Dont worry, this glass of water hasnt been touched. Before, I fed you sleeping pills because I was worried that youd do something irreparable on impulse. By now, you shouldve calmed down right.

Fan Yuan refused to comment on his words, but he didnt make a move to avoid the glass of water any longer. He obediently took two sips.

After waiting for him to finish drinking, Feng Ze left a kiss on his watery lips. Fan Yuan didnt respond, but his eyelashes trembled slightly. Feng Ze gazed at his face before letting out a low laugh, Being kissed by me makes you feel so horrible? What about Lei Siye? You must have been very happy to spend time with him, right? What am I lacking as compared to him?

Fan Yuan stared ahead indifferently. Han Lang had also asked this question, and he couldnt be bothered to answer.

Feng Ze sneered, During these two days that you were unconscious, it was I who fed you food and water each mouth by mouth, do you feel disgusted? Its okay, you have to get used to it sooner or later. After all, from this point on, you belong to me.

Fan Yuan slowly shut his eyes, and when he opened them again, there wasnt a single shred of light left in his gaze. A question slowly rolled out, Lei Siyes death did you have any part in it?

Feng Ze met his interrogative look and laughed bitterly, Youre suspicious of me? If I did that, both Han Lang and Lei Siye wouldnt ever escape. I wouldnt have to flee to the Northwest in such a mess either.

Fan Yuan nodded and accepted the explanation. Feng Ze stroked Fan Yuans soft, smooth white face with a light smile, Its normal that you have suspicions. After all, Im the one who benefits the most from this matter. Han Lang definitely didnt expect this, he schemed so carefully, but he ended up making a wedding dress for me in the end. When hes not able to find you anywhere when he goes back, who knows whether hell go crazy. How truly amusing.

Fan Yuan saw his expressionless demeanour, You so despicable.

The colour in Feng Zes eyes gradually deepened, You think Im despicable. It is because Im taking advantage of your threatened state and bringing you to the Northwest by force? But have you ever thought about it? If I didnt, by now youd have become Han Langs exclusive property. Ive liked you for so long, so why should I give you up to others? On top of that, Im not some kind of proper gentleman to begin with, you probably knew this long ago.

Biting his lower lip, Fan Yuan kept silent for a long time, but suddenly he began to laugh. His smile was more ugly than if he were crying, At least in my heart, I always took all of you to be good people. You, as well as Han Lang, are people I never thought to be on guard against. Why did things become this way?

Feng Ze grasped Fan Yuans jaw and raised it to meet his gaze, slowly mincing out each word, We have never been good people. Whether it may be me, Han Lang, or even the dead Lei Siye, our good has always been directed at you. Youd better remember this, if not, Ill be in a very difficult position moving forward.

Fan Yuan was wordless, as if his heart had already turned to ash and frost, but Feng Ze didnt mind. Who knew where he pulled out a down jacket from, but he wrapped it around Fan Yuan with a secure tightness before pulling him to head out of the door.

Currently, it was snowing outside, snowflakes floating about all over. It was only October now, but the extreme climate during the apocalypse was becoming increasingly serious. Such a climate had little impact on those with abilities, but it was a disaster for ordinary people. These snowflakes contained an unknown virus that could mutate people into zombies if they were exposed to it too much.

Xiao Wu, what is our current position?

Ding, our position is situated at the edge of city D. According to Feng Zes speed, it will take less than two weeks to reach the Northwest military base. If Master wishes to escape and head back to the imperial capital

Why do we have to go back to the imperial capital.

Xiao Wu went Ding, and its voice contained hints of uncertainty as it probed, Master intends to give up on following the plot?

Fan Yuan let out a cold en in acknowledgement, I want the murderer to pay the price.


Two years later, various forces gathered in the imperial capital to participate in the antibody development seminar.

After the release of the antidote half a year ago, Han Langs group had created a miracle once again. As long as the antidote was injected into the human body, the person couldnt be infected with the virus for at least 20 years. This research result could be said to be of epoch-making significance, as it meant that before the virus mutated, the basic safety of humankind had been guaranteed.

However there was still an issue the development and launch of this antibody required an enormous deal of funds and materials. This time, Han Lang didnt choose to develop the antidote independently and sell it at a premium price. Instead, he allowed all forces to be shareholders of this project. This very meeting at the imperial capital was to show the miraculous effects of this antibody.

Everything was the same as it was in the original. Han Lang and Feng Ze occupied two separate areas respectively, becoming the two most powerful forces in China, and also enemies of one another.

According to people who were more familiar with the matter, the two Level Nine top powers were once very close friends. Later on, they had become enemies because of a beautiful boy. It was said that elder Brother Han had almost gone crazy for the child, but who knew how he pulled through. Up till this very day, there was still no one by his side, so one could only guess that he was still pining over the boy.

Feng Ze chuckled, He really thinks hes a love saint.

He was holding a tall girl by his side in an intimate manner. The girl had long black hair and was clad in a short red corset dress, topped off with black stockings that outlined her two charming long legs. Meanwhile, her lips were a flaming hot red, her eyes frost cold, and her face young and tender. Everything about her wordlessly teased the male animals that were present.

The girl heard his words and squinted at him, keeping her thin lips pursed as she coldly spat out three words, Youre so annoying.

Feng Ze, who had always been a tyrant in China, surrendered instantly and flattered with a smile, Yes, yes, Im annoying. Baby, youre so beautiful today, Im starting to regret bringing you out.

The girl gave him a sidelong glance, gritted her teeth and whispered, Ive already done what you asked. You want to regret it now?

When she was angry, her face turned a faint red that caused her entire appearance to change. Feng Zes gaze immediately turned hot. He quickly walked into a room with his arm around her, locking the door and pressing the person against the wall while kissing fiercely. Uncontrollably, his hand reached under the persons skirt.

The girl suddenly pushed him away and wiped her mouth, taking off her slender high-heeled shoes to fling at a certain someone. She yelled angrily, Big pervert! What bad taste! If you like this kind of thing, go find a woman, dont mess with me!

Feng Ze plastered his body onto the other person with a silly smile and pulled the child into his arms from behind, How can I do that ah~ Baby, I only like you~ Isnt more interesting? And I dont want Han Lang to recognize you

Fan Yuan snorted coldly, What does it matter if he recognises me or not. Anyway, youre going to kill him for me. We agreed on this. Dont forget.

Feng Zes eyes flashed a touch of darkness, while his tone was slightly helpless, You still cant forget Lei Siye? How long are you going to let him occupy your heart? You should know, my patience is limited.

With bare feet, Fan Yuan climbed onto the sofa and sat down with his legs crossed. His lotus-shaped short skirt disappeared in an instant, leaving him in a mere black, silky see-through G-string. His white butt was so obviously exposed, however, he didnt seem to care about it. Instead, he laughed unbridledly.

You can try, if you dont want to do it till halfway and realise that Ive become a Corpse.

Before he was done speaking, Feng Ze sealed his lips. Fan Yuan laughed, but didnt respond or resist, just letting the man kiss him. This mans kissing skills were on a completely different level from Lei Siye. Every time, he would make him extremely satisfied, and there were many instances where he almost couldnt hold back on responding. However, he still hadnt forgotten how this bastard played him.

Lei Siye was undoubtedly Yan Rui, as for the man in front of himthats right, he was also Yan Rui! What about Han Lang? Fan Yuan felt that he no longer had the desire to verify this.

This would explain all kinds of irregularities in the past, such as why he couldnt resist these three people, why he felt so sad for Han Lang, why he felt that familiar feeling when kissing, and why Lei Siye died in this world; even the question of why the man never came to find him though his soul shouldve recovered its strength and memories over time. All these questions had been answered.

No wonder Lei Siye died so easily. The only one who could kill him was himself. This man played himself to death, but he had also made him shed so many tears. It was simply an inexcusable sin!

He dared to divide himself into three people to play around with him. He had to pay a little price, no?

When Feng Ze finally had enough of kissing, Fan Yuan lay on his body panting for breath. His fingers gently stroked a certain someones stiffness that had long stood at attention, and perceived that the mans breathing had become increasingly heavy. He gave a low chuckle, Youre hard from just this. Youre deteriorating more and more.

The blue veins on Feng Zes forehead immediately pulsated. Exhausting almost all his strength, he was finally able to suppress his impulse to solve the problem before him right on the spot. As he encircled the person with his embrace, he simply felt that he was drinking a cup of poisonous wine. He clearly knew that he would suffer and hurt, but he was reluctant to let go.

He tried to calm the evil fire within, gritting his teeth, I really owe you from my past life.

Fan Yuan remembered that Lei Siye had said this as well, and he grinned, You dont owe me anything from your past life, its what you owe me in this life.

And that debts threefold, you two better pay it back well.

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