Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 511 True Neutral

Ever since the hiding and forgetting of Kyros, a great change in the history of the world as they knew it occurred, and no one noticed.

Because of Lanthanou's curse that sealed all memory associated to Kyros, the Steele family's rise and the battle in Middle had changed according to the memory of the world.

In the Great Realms beyond time...

Destiny stood and watched the events with several Fallen Gods next to him.

Thora, the Watcher, and the Fallen of Aging glanced at all creation, adding age, entropy, atrophy, and decay.

Her hair had grown long to signify that the End had been moving on by centuries.

Next to them was a Fallen with a very poor, ugly, and wounded form.

Lanthanou, the Fallen of Oblivion, was in constant wars with the God of History, Histerion.

"Finally... End is now approaching at a faster rate." Thora sighed in relief. Her hair has suddenly gotten shorter.

"No thanks to you, Lanthanou!" Thora turned to the old man and cursed at him.

"You should be thanking me! For all we know, I could have sealed another son or disciple of Histerion into the Forgotten Pages and thrown it to Oblivion! It could have been the Nephilim! The champion of Fate! And now even Fate has forgotten about this champion!" Lanthanou defended.

"The Nephilim was a risky gamble that Fate threw out with her allies. But that champion is nothing compared to having Histerion as our enemy!" Thora argued.

"Destiny. What if your plans? Have all of Fate's movements been stopped?"

"We had to usher in the Era of Middle, and it will soon arrive... But with this, we finally have secured End. Fate's strange powers have led to the many rising Challengers who survived my scourge. But nevertheless, I know the future, and those destined to lose will lose." Destiny bragged.

"Oh, stop acting so high and mighty! You even used Lord Pausontai to help you! And wasn't it you who dragged Lanthanou to clean up something that led to Histerion taking their side?!" Thora cursed again.

"Just as Lanthanou said, it must have been something important! Who knows? Maybe the important victories that Fate had were tied to the Nephilim! Without him, I can easily kill the greatest champions of Fate faster!"

"And which of them are the greatest champions?"

"The at the most important place in this battle! In Planesworld! Where Present Middle is! The era of Middle seems to spiral with these champions close to the center of events! They were surely the allies of the Nephilim! But we slew the Nephilim, and even though Lanthanou made us forget them for a while, I found them! And this set in motion the truth!"

"How did you see that? I am watching over them, and I cannot see any signs of Fate among those champions! Present Middle is at the hands of a weak clan. Are you saying that the strongest Champions of Beginning will be connected to those Commanders? This... pathetic Steele family?"

"Their name hints that they are connected to Hyperion Steel!"

"Yes. But what can these mere Commanders or Cardinals do? Send a force to kill them."

"It's not that easy. Fate's a tricky one. She has been blocking my entry point. But do not worry. I figured out how Fate's attempts were unnoticed by my minions in the present. She has used quite some means to give them power and hide them! That Steele family managed to conquer my Cardinals while they were Champions in Middle! And now, I'm sure! They must have found the heritage of Fate herself! One among them holds the power of Fate! Whether or not he or she knows it!"

"An incarnation of Fate appeared before them? That will assure power and survival. But that still doesn't explain how they have hidden their Fate Challenger in our eyes. All of Fate are cursed. If they are of Fate it would have been clear as the world would quiver and find them!"

"The fact that this Steele family was at the center of Middle's awakening is proof that they are of Fate. To be specific, Fate hid them as True Neutrals! She used many lost legacies of the gods or fallen from long ago that didn't want to be part of this battle! The lord of lies is with them, after all! Unfortunately, his power of lying is probably hiding the True Neutrals!"

"I see... True Neutrals will be hidden from our war and will not accurately depict the future."

"Exactly! Isn't that why we either sealed, befriended, killed or allowed them to flee?"

"But lying is not enough. You cannot lie to the word forever. The Lord of Lies has great limitations now, ever since his betrayal. Something else is hiding them. How did you figure this out and find them?" Thora asked.

Destiny smiled.

"Because another True Neutral appeared. One who found Xermolipi's Corruption. A True Neutral vampire that fled. I'm guessing a descendant of the Fanged Fallen. And since his father died, he had to flee from our power and became a True Neutral. So now he found Xermolipi's Corrupt and is doing his best to join our side."

"What if it's an evil scheme to deceive us?"

"One who has Xermolipi, the Charmed Fallen? Why would Xermolipi betray us? On the contrary, up to her supposed death, she was a staunch supporter of our alliance."

"...Fair enough. One who has Xermolipi cannot resist her. She who wants to be the only beauty in all the cosmos will seek our side..." Thora nodded.

"It's a good thing your ugly." Lanthanou also nodded.

Thora glared at Lantahnou.

"Thora. I will need your help again. This Nightwing has set a plan, and Impyernos, a Celestial Fallen, will invoke a spell to break through the Planesworld. I was hoping you could alter the laws so that the barrier of the Planesworld will not recover quickly and will allow Impyernos to send soldiers to this Nightwing. Nightwing will lead the charge to kill all these champions of Fate!"

"Using True Neutral to kill True Neutral. A fitting end since you discovered them because of True Neutral. I shall aid you." Thora turned her eyes, glanced at a specific place in time, and focused on the Planesworld's protective barrier.

The gathering in space began as many aliens of Conquerors might be prepared to attack the world.

Down in the Lowlands...

After much political discussion, a small delegate was sent out to the Midland kingdom of Ever Day. It was the Kingdom of constant Light as it was in a position of the Planesworld that Light would constantly hit.

A caravan was moving out to meet the King of this kingdom.

It was heavily guarded as the Supreme Commander of the Alliance of the Lowlands was there to request aid from the king.

Inside, Branze and Diana waited as the other companions arrived.


Mechiel, Scarlet, and Stellya appeared inside the carriage. An energy formation circle was drawn to make them teleport.

"How is it?"

"We should have support to meet the king now. Move without fear."

"Good. Now, our plan is to keep ourselves under Fate's radar. We stick to appearing as True Neutrals. We cannot act out to reveal these kingdoms as enemies. Princess Listrel warned us of this. Nightwing's plan cannot be revealed and his standing as a True Neutral must be preserved at all cost."

"So what is the plan? Why are we headed to this Midland kingdom?"

"Because we will use them as bait, a whetting stone, and a force that will delay the Conquerors. Mechiel. Scarlet. Infiltrate these traitorous kingdoms and prepare our way. Stellya. I need the connection to the Fortress to be complete so that we can use the Nephilim Storage Space to use its dimensional power to take away items. We use these nations to fight back against Nightwing and his hordes through misunderstandings and personal vendetta. And when they are about to have their grand fight, we steal and take everything this kingdom offers." Branze smiled.

"So we squeeze these kingdoms down to the last drop and abandon them to be destroyed by Nightwing... Sounds like something Kyros would do."

"I am his father in his past life. He must have picked up some things from me. If exhausting a kingdom in the Lowlands can only take us to the peak of Commander, let's try a Midland kingdom. They should have the resources to help us become Crowns, right?" Branze chuckled.

"Interesting. We annihilate forces of Destiny and make it look like a ripple effect of this True Neutral. We steal the resources of this kingdom using the Nephilim Fortress and use that to grow stronger. In my memories, I recall three kingdoms nearby who would betray the side of the Highlands." Mechiel smiled.

"Those are our targets. Nightwing shall conquer three Kingdoms! And we shall ransack them during the chaos! Stellya! That's why you are here! You will accompany Mechiel, and Scarlet to prepare the escape warp pads so we can steal their resources at a crucial time!"

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