Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 515 True Lies

The two forces that clashed were at the levels of Crown! Such display of force was not common, and the power of the Crowns that appeared was breaking the threshold of a level 1 Crown!

The laws of the Planesworld began to limit the power of the two, but yet, the two powers displayed no signs of decay as the two attacks met!

The impact caused the entire castle to tremble, yet the powerful material gave no signs of the structure and integrity of the castle from ever wavering.

The shield of Steele appeared with cracks forming around it.

Diana and Branze were trembling as the shield they created broke and caused a backlash of power that wounded them.

"Great King of Ever Day. Please be a bit more lenient to us, your humble guess. It's not like we both can easily harness the power of a Crown and resist it." Branze immediately spoke as he remained standing.

The crowd was startled to see that the two still stood before their king!

They were of the Midlands! The Lowlands would have Commanders at best! And yet, while using their powers together, these four had managed to resist a power of a Crown!

"Hahaha! Well met, Shield Experts! I am King Ian Brightsun! I commend and applaud your strength! It seems that the two of you are truly meant to be! Forgive me for the late notice. But it seems that the wife of the Supreme Commander of the Alliance of Lowlands is also not to be looked down on and would even match the beauties here! And, of course, your two... daughters-in-law are vastly superior to our princesses!" The king laughed as he stepped down. The gigantic, two-handed sword-wielding avatar dispersed.

It was only then that the four bowed to the king.

"Ah... You resisted a Crown, and you still bow."

"We, your humble servants, simply needed to prove with our strength that we can stand least the news that we deliver will be heard by deaf ears."

"...Ah, yes. Your daughter-in-law speaks of a kidnapping that involves the Eldrich!"

"Yes, my king! It has to do with Middle. The strange world that we have reported."

"Most of us were not interested in the claims of these Golems. Rumors of a Celestial Golem have reached us. But of course, we did not give serious thought to it. A Celestial Golem is not easily created. We, in our vast wealth, can only support the birth of Conquerors. So why would a Celestial Golem that could be controlled appear in the Lowlands? It was too good to be true! Perhaps you can enlighten me."

"It is too good to be true. This land, known as Middle, has numerous portals leading to other planets. Some of which are the neighboring planets of the Planesworld! The Golems that you have heard about are truly at that level. But as far as we know, there is no way of ever controlling the Celestial Golem, and its armies. We can add and help them get stronger, but the clause set in their life is to stay guard for this place. We discovered many strange things that tie this Middle to the Planes world. It seems that even in times past, our little planet is of great importance to the gods and fallen!"

"Gods and fallen are interested in the Planesworld? Do you know how many planets there are in the universe, Lowlander?" One Crown Paladin spoke to the side. His expression was that of suspicion and anger.

"My King... These two dare to resist your attack. Instead, they have shown nothing but arrogance and suddenly spurt out wild theories." The Crown Paladin added.

Branze and the rest immediately knew that this person was of Destiny.

"Yes. A war between the gods and the fallen are occurring. The Eldrich race that wants to reclaim the Planesworld is but a tool by these gods and fallen. My son fought and infiltrated the place behind enemy lines but was captured."

"You claimed he was kidnapped. But now, he was actually captured? You speak so blatantly, not respecting the king before you!" The Crown Paladin inquired again.

"Your majesty, must we entertain this treason?" He turned to the king.

"You dare put my husband's sacrifice in vain? Do you know what he had to go through and what he is going through now if he is alive?!" Mechiel suddenly erupted.

The pain in her eyes was reflected clearly, and many were moved.

"Your majesty... There is a reason for our words. We did speak lies. But only to reveal the truth." Branze explained.

"Truth in lies? Your play of words does not impress us, Lowlander. Get out with your true lies!"

"We dare not say that he was kidnapped least the Netherlands will send more forces to claim Middle in the Lowlands. We do not have the firepower to fight them. The Highlands knows as we had met Princess Listrel by chance when she was lost in Middle. She helps us because we have helped and even saved her."

"...You saved Princess Listrel?" The king raised his eyebrow.

"From the Eldrich. This is why we were allowed to have this meeting, your grace. Why would the Highlands allow a few lowlanders to move to your great estate?"

"I see. That explains Princess Listrel's favor."

"Then you are here to request for soldiers to take over Middle, correct? You want us to save your son if he is indeed alive? Do you realize what you are asking?" The Crown Paladin pressed.

"...No. We are here to inform you of what my son discovered. The Eldrich plans to send a secret force of aliens through a special power that can destroy the protective barrier that covers the Planesworld. An army consisting of Conquerors will be coming here."

After Branze spoke, silence followed.

The king, the princes, and all the nobles, including the Crown Paladin, couldn't believe what they heard.

It was as if everyone was not sure if they had heard the report correctly.

"Conquerors?!" The Cardinal Paladin Prince was the first to confirm and exclaimed loudly.

"Yes, your majesty! A team with Cardinals, Crowns, and Conquerors will be sent here. They will land within the Midlands and will begin their conquer."

"Impossible!" The other Prince reacted.

"Princess Listrel sent us here because she believes that it is possible. She spoke of an Ancient Eldrich being. My son was captured but could send this information without alerting the Eldrich. Therefore, a breach will be made, and these armies will fall. I am here because Princess Listrel trusts this kingdom and wants this kingdom to launch an ambush against the raiding parties of the Eldrich."

"Wait! That doesn't make sense! Why would a raid be sent here?!"

"The goal is still Middle. There are various limitations in the portals of Middle. It cannot send powerful cultivators through. My family has managed to secure it and use the Golems to stop all the forces from moving inside. Hence, they plan to launch an attack from the outside. They have another ally. An incubus on the west. Someone called Nightwing?"

The expressions of everyone suddenly turned ugly.

"Nightwing is an incubus?!" The King exclaimed.

"...Oh? You know him? We don't know much about the name. But my son's information speaks of him bearing a Corruption of power. He is the reason why the Eldrich is sending their forces here."

"They have an incubus?! This is bad! If Eldrich is aiding an incubus, then this should be a powerful incubus! That's the reason for the strange changes in the West!" The King exclaimed.

"Advisors! Verify this information! I want proof! If this is true, then war approaches the Midlands! An Incubus could conquer an entire nation! The Midlands have slaughtered succubus and incubus and even asked the Highlands to help us! If one were to rise and be aided by the Eldrich, then we risk losing this kingdom!" The king commanded.

"But my lord! Such claims are insane! Why do we trust these people?"

"Because our princess trusts them." A voice was heard, and several powerful Crown energies appeared, walking past the doors of the throne room.

Two men stood. Both bore the mark of the Highlands!

"That Highland mark! It's that family!"

"Knights of Protos Endoxus!" The Crown Paladin was also amazed.

"Your majesty..." A Crown Mage walked bearing the mark of the Holy Family.

Next to him was an elf with the powers of the Crown.

"I am Merik. And this is Tathar. We are retainers to the High Princess, Princess Listrel Protos Endoxus." The Mage introduced.

Hidden amongst shock of everyone, Mechiel was also startled.

The likeness was very similar. The elf, Tathar, looked exactly like one of the Celestials that waged war against the Highlands. A Celestial of another planet which served the Eldrich! Celestial Tathar Malwasul!

"Impossible..." Mechiel thought to herself.

"How could it be him?! Did that Celestial manage to send spies into this land?! A spy serving Listrel?!"

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