Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 546 Return To Previous Struggles

The warriors of Central Midlands gathered and formed ranks.

Among them was a surprising character who appeared and took charge of many nearby kingdoms.

Princess Listrel Endoxus sat on a throne and watched the gathering of forces.

Below her were numerous guards and warriors with the highest cultivation. Most were Crowns and guarded Listrel.

A carriage approached the large building that was erected for the Princess.

Many of the guards drew their weapons.

"Let them in. Those are my special guest." Listrel smiled.

The guards resumed their formation.

Branze and Diana left the carriage and saw the many guards who were princes and political figures in the Midlands.

They were all fawning up to Listrel. The relationship between the Midlands and the Highlands was slightly antagonistic. But Listrel moved as an ambassador and claimed that she was looking for a suitable candidate who she would marry.

And so, despite the Midlands' history of waging war towards the Walls That Endured, many began to fawn up to Listrel with the prospect of becoming the ruler of the Planesworld. However, it was known that the king did not have a son.

And so, everyone became suspicious when the groups heard that Listrel would meet with a diplomat whom she had personally summoned.

They saw Branze and immediately assumed that this man had a special relationship with Listrel and hated him.

But then, two figures emerged from the carriage.

Two breathtaking beauties. One who was scorned by the world, and the other, who was innocent and had a wonderful smile.

Every one of the Crowns who saw the two couldn't even breathe.

"...Oh? It seems that you can now stand beside me." Mechiel secretly communicated to Scarlet.

"I have been thinking deeply about what you said."

"At least you managed to catch up. It will be dangerous if Uncle Aron arrives and bestows on me the power of the soul. I'd probably lose myself. You have to stand and contend with me and steal away Kyros if possible. I won't be the same after this, Scarlet." Mechiel voiced out with deep emotion.

"...I understand." Scarlet maintained her smile but knew Mechiel was pleading for Scarlet to grow more powerful.

The group walked towards the halls of the building.

"Leave us," Listrel ordered.

And all the men left, and only those who served Listrel stayed.

"...Princess Listrel. Could your trusted men be ordered aside for now?"

"What?!" Tathar and the rest frowned at Mechiel's bold request.

Listrel raised her eyebrow and looked at Mechiel.

Diana, Branze, and Scarlet were equally surprised at Mechiel's request.


"It pertains to my memory in that world."

"...I see. Leave us."


"Tathar, I am not so weak to fall against them. Even if they attack me together, my current level could already match Conquerors." Listrel sighed.

"...I understand." Defeated by Listrel's arguments, Tathar left with the others.

"Do you need me to create a sound shield?" Listrel asked.

"Yes. And I think Father-in-law and Mother-in-law should also create a force shield to surround everything us."

"So wary." Listrel chuckled and used her powers to create a powerful wall of mirrors that guarded every inch of the building.

The people outside were amazed at the creation of mirrors and marveled at the power of Listrel.

Even Listrel's guards were amazed.

"Father, mother..." Mechiel turned to Branze and Diana, who also created a powerful dome of Force wall over them.

"There... Now, what exactly is causing you to demand such... precaution."

"I dared not to tell you this by other means, Listrel. But that man that serves you... The one called Tathar. He looks like Tathar Malwasul. A Celestial that served under the banner of the Eldirch." Mechiel explained.

Listrel's casual expression turned to shock and then to anger.

"...He's a spy?"

"I don't know. We never met in the past life I lived. I also don't sense any form of energy from Destiny from that man. He could be a True Neutral. In any case, you should have felt the power of Destiny returning now. I can sense that the powers that want to kill me are slowly catching up. So who knows what will happen?" Mechiel explained.

"Have you met with Kyros?" Branze asked.

"No. He couldn't come. But he made a powerful attack yesterday. It was at a Crown's level and came swiftly. To the rest, it only appeared like Nightwing shot a powerful earthen meteor from the heights, but I knew there was more to it. And here it is." Listrel then revealed an Elemental Core.

"That's... Eugene!" Scarlet recognized the one core of the Okto-Khefali.

The core took shape as Listrel gave the power of life to it, and a golem stood.

"It's good to see you, ladies." The golem spoke.

"Eugene. How's my husband?" Mechiel asked.

"Nightwing or Kyros? Nightwing's asleep now. Kyros is in control." Eugene explained.

"Finally..." Scarlet sighed in relief.

"What happened?"

"Well, it's a long story..." Eugene then began to tell the tale.

He told of the duality, the fears and worries of Kyros, and finally, Eugene told of the plan that Kyros hatched. He explained how he used Nightwing to hide the numerous curses, which was bound to increase again.

"Once Folly returned, it would have been possible to sense him, and all the gods and fallen would be able to increase the curses," Eugene explained.

"So... Kyros knew more about duality and knew that while Mysterion and the Nephilim Sealing Temple had hidden him from the gods and fallen and that their curses could not attack him, it was only a matter of time that they could..." Listrel understood.

"The issue is Oblivion. We were forgotten. Fate's team acted like a protective blanket that halted any curses Destiny could send. But now, Fate has forgotten about Kyros as well. Through Folly, they located the Nephilim and attacked him. Amazingly, he figured out the one thing that could attack him. So this means we only have little time until the curses of Destiny return to us, with a vengeance."

"Yes. Kyros also warns everyone... Because of the Curse of End, you could all die now."

"So right now, we should be... faced with the same challenges as before? We're back to the previous struggles of fighting against Destiny..." Diana sighed.

"Right. And it will slowly get worse. But, for now, we have the advantage of the situation and should make the most of our current plan and kill as many forces of Destiny as possible." Eugene answered.

"Alright, then. Tell Kyros of Tathar's current situation. Mechiel, has Kyros met Tathar in his last world.

"Not that I know of..."

"...Then it's better that Tathar will go with Kyros. But what is his plan? The number of forces that we gathered could deal with the army he brought if they went on the offense. The Midland forces I brought here have already erected a paling that will hinder teleportation."

"Kyros will release a massive army of Darklings to attack your forces. The battle will be intense, and you should all release Crown attacks. One of the palings must be deactivated to create a small gap. It has to happen in a fraction of a second. Just enough time to send Kyros and his team behind enemy lines."

"Simple and effective. Alright. Tell Kyros he can begin now."

"He already started... You also should move your base a bit. This place is within range of his cannon."

"What? How?! At this height, any magic or physical attacks would clash with the wind resistance and fall far out. How could it reach here?"

"Breveros has awakened a Code of the Wind."

"So it's going to be similar to the Unrecorded Pages where the wind was very little, allowing us to make those ranged attacks using arrows..." Listrel recalled.

"No. It's much worse. Breveros did not take away the wind resistance. He is blessing the mortar weapons to gather and be pushed by the winds. You'd need Crowns to deflect these attacks."


Listrel heard many ringing metals outside as numerous people began to attack the erected glass wall.

"This sounds fun. So I am now going against that Breveros? Alright. Resume your stances. Let's execute this mission beautifully."

At once, Listrel, Branze, and Diana undid their spells.

As the domes that covered them were removed, they could see a massive boulder falling on them.

"Branze. Diana. Help me block that. This is annoying. Breveros has a height advantage." Listrel moved out, and the two followed.

The trio saw the massive boulder.

"Something is inside it..." Listrel sensed.

Many Crowns began to gather, and everyone had an ugly expression as they attacked it.

But a thick layer of wind that was at the level of Crown defended against their attacks.

"Branze. Diana. Pass on your Force energy. Let's make one hell of a shield!" Listrel smiled.

The light under her feet created a strange heat and drew an Energy Formation Circle.

Everyone was amazed at the precise power and speed that created it.

"Wow. You're this good!" Branze was amazed. He had studied energy formation circles and knew how difficult it was.

"I've been around Kyros. I'm trying to catch up." Listrel smiled.

Branze and Diana gave their Force energy.

Listrel wielded it and smiled as she glanced at the incoming meteor.

"[Emperors Shield]!"

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