Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 161 Instructions

Chapter 161 Instructions

"Would you just shut up?" Octavius admonished, his expression visibly irritated.

Luminous shifted his gaze towards Octavius, "Oh, you wanna go bunny ears!? Come, I'm right here!"

He remarked, increasing the intensity of his voice even more as his bright golden aura surged.

The orange glowing gem on his forehead let out a low glow, as if waiting for the slightest push for it to burst out with uncontained power.

The Stellaris family was filled with flamboyant, proud, valiant, and hyper individuals. The most accurate way to describe them would be, they were like pretend superheroes.

Always trying to act noble and fair, especially during battles and fights.

But of course, this was simply what they portrayed on the outside. Everyone in the room was well aware of how twisted the Stellaris family could be. In fact, the only reason Luminous had even spoken was only to annoy Octavius.

Octavius narrowed his eyes in response, subtly releasing his aura. The large headsets covering his ears started to vibrate, everyone in the hall knew that he was ready to act at any given time.

Just the emission of both their auras made the atmosphere struggle to stay together. The structure they were in shook as it threatened to collapse.

Both of them locked eyes, and just as it seemed like they were about to erupt,

"You boys should calm down a bit," a very soothing voice sounded, immediately halting the unfolding tension. The voice carried soft melodies that were calming to the mind.

Both of them turned to see a very beautiful woman whose every feature embodied perfection in every aspect.

She had purple hair that flowed gracefully down her back. And despite having lived over a century, her face was perfect, without a single wrinkle. This woman was the paragon of the Starhaven family, Seraphina Starhaven.

"She's right. You old coots should stop acting like children. It's starting already," a man with a growling voice spoke. This man was basically a giant, with big and thick muscles.

His form completely filled the chair he was sitting on. If he were standing, he would easily be 10 feet tall.

He was clothed in beast skin and was completely hairless. Every single inch of his body was covered with tattoos. This man was the paragon of the Frostbane family, Aurelius Frostbane.

"Tsk," Octavius and Luminous simultaneously clicked their tongues and turned to face away from each other.

The other Paragons in the room didn't pay attention to both of them. The two of them had always liked to be on each other's throats anytime they met. Luminous was just too hyper, and Octavius hated too much noise, so it wasn't a surprise that they got on each other's nerves.

Apart from these five Paragons, sitting on another chair was the form of a man whose hair color was constantly changing rapidly.

He had iridescent eyes, and it was as if his every existence he was showing to everyone was a lie. This man was the Paragon of the Nebulon family, Zephyrion Nebulon.

Seated just beside Zephyrion was a man with fiery red hair that cascades over his forehead, framing his countenance in a wild and untamed manner.

Partially obscuring his gaze, his hair seems to enhance the intensity of his sapphire eyes, which pierce through the veil of uncertainty with a sharp, discerning brilliance. This man was the Paragon of the Alverian family, Thorne Alverian.

On another seat was a man with raven black hair that framed his face, casting a stark contrast against his tanned complexion.

Muscles, firm and unyielding, coiled beneath his skin like steel cables, a testament to his strength and endurance. He was a figure of formidable presence, his very aura exuding an air of command. This man was the Paragon of the Emberforge family, Gavric Emberforge.

Lastly, seated just beside a currently empty seat was a man of formidable presence we all know too well, Magnus Ravenstein.

This year's entrance test was different from all other years that had taken place. This was the first time so many Paragons had come together to watch the entrance test.

This event occurred every single year because of the youths entering the academy. And the only time a Paragon ever comes to watch the event is if one of their grandchildren or disciples was participating.

That was why this year's entrance test was unprecedented, nine out of the ten tier one families all had someone from their main line joining the academy this year.

It was the first time this had happened since the history of the academy, and many couldn't help but wonder how intense the competition would be.

Aric walked towards the empty seat just beside Magnus and sat down without saying anything.

None of the Paragons spoke anymore. Although they were all currently gathered in one room, each of them was far from being friends.

Then, everyone turned their gazes towards the middle of the hall where different screens were displayed.

Each of the screens facing each Paragon only displayed the live video of their respective interests.


Atticus experienced a brief darkness and the same surreal feeling he felt when he had entered the Ravenstein's vault realm.

After a few seconds, after the feeling was gone, Atticus felt it was okay for him to open his eyes.

He found himself in a completely different environment than where he had been before. Unlike before where he had been in a large expanse without any vegetation, he was currently in the middle of a forest.

'Teleportation?' Atticus pondered, trying to make sense of his situation.

To be honest, he thought that this assumption was the obvious answer, but he still wanted to be sure that what he had experienced was teleportation and not that his consciousness was the one transported.

But just as he was about to experiment, the artifact he was wearing on his wrist suddenly let out a golden glow, and then suddenly, a holographic interface materialized in front of him, showing him just one thing:


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