Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 179 Another Species

Chapter 179 Another Species

Atticus gazed at Nate and Eric, subtly shaking his head. With the way they were all acting, one would never know that a tsunami of viscious monsters was currently closing in on them from all directions.

But this was not really surprising; the Ravenstein youths, especially the ones that experienced the attack on the Raven camp, had all gone through a lot back then.

All the deaths and blood they had all witnessed that day had steeled their mind set. This situation was even easier, as all of them knew that their lives weren't really in danger.

'Seems like they've gotten close together,' Atticus noted.

Back at the camp, Nate and Eric had been like oil and water, especially after Nate had been defeated by Eric during the combat challenges. Many years had passed since then; it was expected that they would at least get this close.

Looking at the both of them, Atticus wasn't completely sure who would win in a fight. They both were at the Advanced- rank, with Nate awakening the earth element and Eric the expected darkness element.

But looking at it from a logical perspective, Atticus would still lean toward Eric.

Atticus removed his gaze away from the duo and answered Lucas's inquiry, "We'll be defending against them from this elevated vantage point," he explained.

Lucas nodded in acknowledgment. Hearing it from Atticus, he too believed that it was the best option given the circumstances and the sheer scale of the monster wave heading towards them.

Fighting them in open grounds was completely suicidal, and many would instantly get wiped out.

Without saying any other thing, Atticus started walking towards the north side of the platform.

He had thought about how he wanted to deal with this monster wave.

Honestly, there was a very easy way he could deal with this situation.

Atticus could simply stay up on the platform, and if any monster got closer to the earthen platform, he could simply control the earth, sending out earthen spikes and keep on doing this, gradually reducing their numbers.

But Atticus decided not to take that approach. Why?

Because if he did that, he would basically be the only one doing everything.

And that was not what a leader does.

They lead, not handle everything on their own.

Also, Atticus felt like doing that wouldn't give a good 'grade', that was if they were truly being tested.

They were sure to grade him based on his performance of his given role; it was simply the obvious choice.

There was only one way to fight an army of monsters of this size, and that was by whittling their numbers gradually until they were all gone.

Navigating to the northern edge of the elevated platform, Atticus shifted his focus to the earth element.

With a single command, he manipulated the ground beneath and around the 50 foot high structure.

The ground, responsive to his will, shifted and melded beneath and around the 50 foot high structure.

Earth elements seamlessly came together, coalescing into a steep and slanted hill, 50 meters in width, steep and slanted, rising from the ground to the summit of the platform.

A satisfied nod escaped Atticus as he observed the creation of the earthwork. Swiftly, before anyone could register his next move, he propelled himself into the air, descending gracefully to the bottom of the elevated platform.

Atticus moved about 20 meters away from the platform. And with thought, he erected a few hundred sharp spikes that gutted from the earth facing the direction of the approaching monsters all around the earthen platform.

Closing the distance to the platform, Atticus once again honed in on the earth element. His form blurred with speed as he circled the platform, crafting a trench 20 meters wide and 40 meters deep around its perimeter.

Atticus finished his creation by adding sharp earthen spikes at the bottom of the trench.

His speed and control over the earth element were so great that Atticus hadn't even taken up to 20 seconds to do all this.

Moving closer to the platform, Atticus also created multiple more obstacles around the platform and on the hill.

He also added a mudslide barrage at the top of the hill, creating a muddy terrain that would destabilize the approaching monsters' footing as they climb the hill.

Standing at the top of the hill, Atticus formed huge boulders and rocks, stacking them close together at the top.

He also created a large raised platform at the top, enough space to fit 200+ youths.

After creating obstacles all around the area and on the hill, Atticus nodded approvingly, gazing at his handy work.

It looked like a fortress now. The whole platform was surrounded by deadly obstacles, and Atticus focused more of these obstacles on the side the hill was on.

This hill was where they would each fight and gradually reduce the numbers of the beast.

Atticus couldn't call himself an expert in warfare; this was basically his first war like battle. But he had read many books on wars back at the Ravenstein estate.

Plus, unlike those wars back on earth, they had elemental powers here. Coming up with all these deadly obstacles was easy; it simply requires just a little bit of imagination.

Feeling satisfied with his work, Atticus turned his gaze back to see the surprised faces of some of the youths.

Nate couldn't help but gaze at Atticus as though looking at another species entirely.

Nate had only one element, earth. And yet he couldn't even come close to controlling the earth as easily as Atticus had done it!

And what was even mind boggling was the fact that he knew Atticus had multiple elements!

'I really need to stop being surprised by his feats. He's a monster, just accept that,' Nate thought while subtly shaking his head.

Atticus ignored the surprised gazes of the youths and suddenly turned his gaze toward the figure of an aloof girl who hadn't said anything since.

"Aria, I need you to take charge of the rangers, can you do it?"

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