Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 181 Blazing Guardian

Chapter 181 Blazing Guardian

The youths at the top couldn't help but smile at the sight of the beast meeting their demise so easily.

The trench Atticus had made had been massive; if this continues, they could kill thousands of beasts without having to do anything.

But then, as if suddenly gaining functioning brains, the youths watched in horror as the beasts started coalescing in front of the trench.

More creatures joined, forming a living, grotesque ladder. When they reached a sufficient height, they fell over, creating a gruesome bridge with the higher end landing on the other side of the trench.

Using the bodies of their brethren as a gruesome stepping stone, each of the vicious monsters continued their relentless advance towards the platform.

Atticus's strategic obstacles, though seemingly small, played a crucial role in slowing down the horde's momentum, forcing them to ascend the platform more slowly.

Soon enough, they all got to the platform and began their ascent.

Atticus had intentionally made the hill a few meters wide; each of the monsters struggled to fit as they tried to climb the hill at the same time.

Viewed from above, the scene was nothing short of devastating. It resembled a nightmarish swarm of black ants converging on the platform, coalescing at the entrance of the narrow hill and ascending with alarming speed.

Many of the beasts triggered the extra traps Atticus had set, with many losing their balance, falling and creating a small avalanche.

Yet, it did little to deter the relentless advance of the horde.

And soon enough, their rapid advance got them closer and closer to the top.

Just as they got 50 meters away from the top, a commanding voice cut through the chaos,


In response to the resounding order, the elevated platform transformed into a symphony of attacks.

Each youth, armed and ready, unleashed a relentless barrage against the approaching threat.

Aria's hands moved in a blur as she released a flurry of arrows with unparalleled speed. Her speed was incomparable to when she had fought Lucas back at the Raven camp.

Each swift draw of her bowstring sent forth five arrows simultaneously, finding their deadly marks with unerring precision, piercing the foreheads of the oncoming beasts.

Atticus observed the orchestrated chaos unfold as all the other youths added their own lethal contributions. Various projectiles filled the air, with some of them even going as far as throwing stones.

His eyes couldn't help but move towards some of the youths who were apparently using their bloodlines to attack.

Bloodlines were not something that most in the human domain had. It was only more prominent in the tiered family, but that didn't mean that other people from ordinary families don't have it too.

The attacks, both mundane and bloodline powered, found their targets, momentarily halting the relentless advance of the monstrous horde.

However, given the overwhelming size and scale of the incoming beasts, the combined efforts of just 200 youths were not enough to fully hold them back.

In a matter of moments, some of the relentless beasts broke free from the barrage and charged rapidly towards the line of youths standing just a few meters away.

The sight of the oncoming monsters intensified the trembling among the youths, their weapons shaking in their hands. The only thing keeping them from fleeing was the white haired youth standing confidently at the forefront.

Nate, wearing a confident grin, unsheathed his broadsword and held it in front of him. The rest of the Ravenstein youths mirrored his actions, brandishing their weapons and preparing for the imminent clash.

At the forefront, Aurora, her form still emitting hot steam, gazed down at the approaching beasts with piercing red eyes.

Equipping her gauntlets, there was not a hint of nervousness on her; only a profound anger. In her eyes, the oncoming beasts were nothing more than vessels for her to vent her frustrations.

When the creatures were about 30 meters away, Aurora bumped her two fists in the air. In an instant response, her entire form became a living inferno, flames erupting and charring the ground within a 5 meter radius.

Witnessing this display of fiery might, the rest of the Ravenstein youths wisely shifted further away, giving her the space needed for her impending assault.

Without uttering a word, Aurora soared through the atmosphere, leaving a fiery trail in her wake.

Closing the gap between herself and the approaching beasts with astonishing speed, she drew back her right hand, gathering fire around her fist with a menacing glow.

Aurora's fist shot forward like a comet, unleashing a devastating punch. Fire extended from her hand, tearing through the oncoming beasts in a spectacular display.

A wave of flames cascaded through their ranks, leaving nothing but incinerated remnants in its wake.

Despite her formidable display, the sheer number of monsters overwhelmed the space. The creatures surrounded Aurora, their watery mouths inching closer to her form.

Undettered, Aurora's eyes blazed with intensified determination as the fire enveloping her surged twofold. With her right hand raised high, she brought it down with a forceful punch.

Waves of fire radiated outward, engulfing all the beasts within a 20 meter radius in a furious storm.

Alone, she stood as a blazing guardian, holding the right side against the monstrous onslaught with unwavering resolve.

Nate commanded the earth to wrap around him, forming an armor made of earth that encased his entire body.

With his broadsword firmly in his grasp, Nate shot towards the approaching beasts.

His broadsword cleaved through the air in a devastating swing, cutting through the forms of the creatures with brutal efficiency.

Blood sprayed in a macabre dance as the creatures crumpled in the wake of his relentless assault.

Taking a colossal step forward, Nate unleashed earthen spikes that erupted from the ground like deadly stalagmites.

The spikes impaled the charging beasts, the air echoing with the cries of the creatures and the squelching sounds of their demise.

Meanwhile, Eric, utilizing the element of darkness, seamlessly blended into the shadows cast by each approaching beast.

Swiftly maneuvering through the swarm, Eric slit the throats of the creatures, each motion executed with instantaneous and deadly accuracy.

The shadows seemed to embrace him, providing cover as he moved unseen, leaving a trail of silent demise in his wake.

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