Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 192 Building

Chapter 192 Building

Apart from the training grounds and Barracks, Atticus also bought the Water Purification Station and Mess Hall.

They were both necessary. While some might think that Atticus should be more focused on defense currently, rather than growing and making his members stronger, Atticus didn't agree with that.

He felt that if worse came to worst – now that he knew he wasn't being graded – he alone could single-handedly protect the territory if those hordes of beasts came back.

It was better to organize his group first and foremost, plus, he had no plans of forsaking defense.

According to their descriptions, for the Mess Hall, as long as each individual pays a certain subsidized amount, they would be able to get a basic nutritional meal.

And the same was the same for the Water Purification Station. There was no need for operators or cooks; everything was automated.

Atticus also took a peek at the upgrade terms; for each building, they were more or less about 30% of their buying price.

And he could also see the new features that would be added upon the update. Seeing them, Atticus couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

For the Mess Hall and the Water Purification Station, apart from the increased quality and quantity, Atticus, as the leader would also be given a portion of the points the youths all used to purchase their meals and water!

'Not now,' Atticus thought. He had no use for it now. Although he would eventually do it, it was better if he used his points for something else.

After selecting all of these, Atticus moved to the defense category. Although he wasn't planning on focusing on defense for now, Atticus decided that it would be better if there was at least a wall surrounding them.

Buying the wall was a packaged deal. There was no buying part or fencing on one side and leaving the other.

It had to go completely round. The only thing Atticus was given the opportunity to change was the size of the width.

Just below the pricing of the wall, there was a space that prompted for the width size he wished to purchase.

The whole expanse was about 5km wide. Atticus decided to check and see how much it would cost to fence the whole expanse but quickly regretted doing that as he saw a staggering 150,000 DP. And this was just the lowest level!

Atticus would have rather used his earth to erect a wall around the whole expanse, which was something he would have done if not for the fact that it wouldn't last long. Few hours at most.

It was one of the weaknesses of all the elements. If you weren't actively focusing your will on your element, it would eventually lose whatever effect you placed on it.

For example, if Atticus erected a wall all around the expanse, focusing his will and making it very hard and sturdy, the sheer size of the expanse would make it practically impossible for him to keep track of every part of the wall, making it lose its effectiveness after a while.

After which, it would become nothing more than a block of earth.

And to intermediate rank beasts, it was nothing.

Atticus decided to go for something closer, with a smaller width, picking about 500m, which was priced at 15,000DP.

The only thing Atticus was going to use his earth to create was the watchtowers.

Although the buying the watchtowers was sure to be better than what Atticus could make with his earth element, he felt like there was no need to waste points to buy a building where its only function was to provide a vantage point for a trainee to see from.

After adding all of these to his cart, Atticus swiftly made the purchase, watching his points reduced to a staggering level.

And then, the display changed to a large holographic screen displaying the image mapping the whole expanse.

Atticus saw the icons of each of his purchases by the side and letters written above, telling him to choose where he wanted the buildings built.

After pondering for a bit, Atticus decided to place each building not far away from each other, putting them at the north side of the expanse.

But as he placed both the Mess Hall and the Water Purification Station, a prompt appeared asking him if he wanted to join both buildings together.

Seeing that it made sense that food and water were together, he accepted.

As soon as Atticus accepted, the terminal a few meters away from him let out a soft glow. The luminosity descended toward the ground, tracing a path to the northern side.

Almost instantly, the glow intensified in three distinct locations, each about 50 meters apart.

The other youths in the camp all turned their gazes, wondering what was happening. They all looked with shocked expressions as the shapes of buildings started forming.

At the same time, all around the camp, round pillars, just like the one at the end of the expanse, jutted out of the earth.

Each pillar opened at the side, and the same material extended from one pillar to the next, connecting them.

After a few minutes, two large buildings—a 10-story modern-looking barracks and a shorter but wider Mess Hall—were formed, along with a wall, fully enclosing the camp.

Atticus gazed at the barracks, which looked like a well-built, plain structure. The Mess Hall, though shorter, was wider, and Atticus had no doubt it could fit every one of the youths.

Meanwhile, the training ground had no building. It was simply a large, padded space with training dummies and all sorts of equipment.

And although faint, Atticus could feel a small boundary at the entrance of the training grounds. It was as though the atmosphere across the boundary was a bit different.

But before he could move to check what it was, Atticus saw Lucas approaching him with about a group of 50 youths in tow.

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