Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 228 They Have Power

Chapter 228 They Have Power

Atticus had already gone through the academy shop to see what equipment he could get for his division members.

Considering the number of points they would all have gathered from the battle, he had eventually decided on multiple pieces of equipment.

For the armored, they would all be getting the Titan's Resurgence Plate and Aegis of the Colossus.


Titan's Resurgence Plate

Rank: Intermediate+

Features: Infused with ancient titan essence, it magnifies the wearer's strength and resilience.

Effects: Doubles physical strength; enhances resilience by fortifying the wearer's endurance.

Price: 1500 Academy Points


Aegis of the Colossus

Rank: Intermediate+

Features: Imbued with earth magic, this colossal shield provides unrivaled protection.

Effects: Creates a temporary force field upon blocking, nullifying incoming attacks; enhances resistance against knockback effects.

Price: 1000 Academy Points


And the dealers would be getting Velociswift Silk Tunic and Astral Lance.


Velociswift Silk Tunic

Rank: Intermediate+

Features: Woven from the silk of rare, agile spiders, it grants the wearer unparalleled speed and nimbleness.

Effects: Doubles movement speed; enhances evasion and reflexes for swift and dynamic maneuvers.

Price: 1200 Academy Points


Astral Lance

Rank: Intermediate+

Features: Infused with the essence of celestial energies, it utilizes mana to magnify the spear's piercing capabilities.

Effects: Sharpens the spear to a magical edge, allowing it to pierce through armor effortlessly; grants increased attack speed.

Price: 1400 Academy Points


They all had very good features that were very useful to their fighting style and would enhance it greatly. Atticus decided to leave the selection of weapons for the archers to Aria.

Lucas nodded at Atticus's instructions, and after a few minutes of light talks, they each left the mess hall.

Immediately after Atticus left the hall, the youths in the hall all let out a large exhale.

"He's finally gone!"

Not even a few seconds passed, and the whole hall erupted into chatter and talks.

Only Chubby remained seated at the table; he hadn't followed the group out.

As soon as Atticus had left the building, 'Finally!' he immediately started wolfing down his food, finishing it under a minute.

He swiftly stood up and went to get another portion, wolfing down that one too even faster than the last.

He had been too hungry!

After ordering and eating multiple times, Chubby sat down on the seat with his head raised up against the chair, his hand on his bulging belly while letting out a relieved sigh, "Food is good," he muttered.

After leaving the mess hall, Atticus decided to address something before it could fester. Since they had all killed a lot of beasts yesterday, the earth outside the camp was filled with the scattered remains of the beasts.

Atticus had decided to handle them before they started to decompose and stink up the whole camp.

He and Aurora, having the most potent fire element, incinerated all the remains of the beasts in only a few minutes.

After that, the camp continued its routine, with the youths all continuing their daily training.

Atticus had given Lucas the instructions on what all the youths were required to purchase from the academy store and had also agreed that they would start training with the new equipment the next day.


After a few hours, past 4 pm in the afternoon, inside one of the rooms in the barracks, a dark-skinned, black-haired girl was feeding an equally dark-skinned boy with blue hair.

Both of the boy's hands were completely bandaged from the shoulder down to his wrist. From the way it looked, completely new and tidy, it was clear that he had just been recently bandaged.

He currently had an angry expression on his face as he kept eating the food the girl was feeding him.

After a few minutes of silence, the boy couldn't hold in his frustrations anymore, breaking the silence with an angry tone, "That stupid white-haired bastard," he said through gritted teeth.

"Watch your mouth, Hen, or do you want to get your hands broken again," Zara immediately admonished him with a serious tone.

"I told you constantly not to get into trouble. Stay low! But you just had to do the exact opposite! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Zara exclaimed.

Hen was shocked. His usual shy and gentle Zara was shouting at him like this?

His shocked expression lasted a second and suddenly morphed into anger, "Why are you taking that bastard's side, Zara! What was I supposed to do when someone insulted my father!?"

"The unit's members have been bullying us for so long, and yet he did nothing! This is how the tiered are, Zara, they only care about themselves and being in power!"

"So what?" Zara asked.

Hen was confused, "What do you mean, so what? This is not how things shou-" but he was interrupted by Zara continuing to speak.

"Do you know what my father told me when I said this same thing to him?" Zara asked, and without waiting for Hen to respond, she continued,

"He said they can do whatever they want because of only one thing: power. You whining here constantly about how unfair everything was or about being mistreated is completely and utterly useless."

"You don't like the system? Then get power and change it."

"You can't get that power? Then shut up and adapt."

Just as Hen was about to refute, Zara continued,

"I truly don't understand you, Hen. From what I've seen about the leader so far, we are very lucky. He had been completely fair to everyone. He promised us points for our services, and he delivered them without fail."

"Tell me, Hen, how many people with his strength would even bother to do all these things? You should be happy that we weren't turned into slaves, but here you are causing trouble everywhere, hating on someone who hasn't done anything to you."

Zara stood up from her seated position, dropping the tray of food, and started walking towards the door.

Before stepping out, she turned towards Hen and said, "Use your head, Hen," with those words, she turned and left the room, leaving Hen to ponder her words.


The next day, each of the youths all purchased their equipment as planned and began training with them immediately. The camp entered another routine period again.

And after one week of constant, intense training, every single one of the youths stood all donned in their new shining equipment while facing the large black terminal.

And at the forefront was Atticus, who stood facing the terminal, his expression cold.

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