Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 239 Plan

Chapter 239 Plan

As soon as Emeric got all the information from the scouts he had sent, he rested his hand on the table in front of him, focusing his gaze on the map displayed on the table.

"The Ravensteins huh," he muttered under his breath.

If he had to be honest, he had expected to face a lot of different types of opponents, but the last thing he expected was battling a tier one family right off the bat.

It had to be remembered that the division he took control over was headed by a tier 3 family youth!

Granted, the youth's rank on the ranking went up a lot because many of the other youths from the tier 1 and tier 2 families, who made up the majority of the top 1000 ranks, had decided to relinquish their right to form a division and lead.

They all instead join their strongest youth who was higher in the ranking.

This had been exactly what the Ravenstein family did, where they all joined Atticus's division despite the fact that they all ranked within the top 1000th.

Therefore, given the fact that their division was currently in the top 100, it wasn't too crazy to be fighting Atticus's division at the start. Since they were also technically at the top.

But despite the fact that he was going to battle tier one family youths, Emeric's smiling expression never once changed.

'So what if they were tier one youths? Their family strength means nothing here.'

And in this particular battle, while strength was important, the one with the biggest brains had the better advantage.

And since he had gained self-awareness as a child, Emeric had never once doubted his intellectual prowess.

As long as it wasn't any one of the Enigmalk family youths, no one else among the first year entrants to the academy was worthy enough to compare.

'I'm glad it's the Ravensteins,' Emeric thought.

The Ravenstein family were far from the smartest in the human domain. They were purely a warrior family.

It was quite obvious that a family known as the mad men of the human domain would be mostly brawn than brains.

But apart from all of these things, there was one feature everyone in the human domain knew the Ravenstein family for, and that was their pride.

They were all incredibly prideful and confident.

'And it's this confidence I'll use to show those white haired monkeys their place,' Emeric thought with giddy anticipation.

One could only wonder, there were more than a thousand youths in the opposing division, very obviously not only the Ravenstein. And yet why was Emeric only thinking of crushing the Ravensteins?

The answer was simple, to the tiered families, even their youths, only another tiered family was worthy enough to be their opponents.

This was the height of their confidence. The rest of the other youths in the division were just extras.

Emeric's mind worked at a fast speed as he tried to come up with a strategy with all the information he had received from his scouts.

Unfortunately, the scouts had only been able to observe them from afar, and this was only possible because of the abilities of some of them.

And from what the scouts had reported, they were currently guarding each of the terminals with nearly identical numbers of youths, with at least a Ravenstein youth at each location.

This information Emeric had gotten revealed a little about who he was facing, about the leader of the Ravenstein group.

Either said leader was profoundly stupid or was incredibly smart.

And given the identity of the family he was battling, Emeric was leaning on the former.

It might simply be the height of his confidence, the same confidence that would bring him to his knees before him.

But even with this deduction, Emeric still had no intention of letting his guard down. He was far too intelligent to make that kind of mistake.

From all the information he had gotten, with how spread out the Ravenstein youth were, it was extremely obvious what strategy anyone with a functioning brain would use against them.

Many might even call said strategy smart.

But to Emeric whose intelligence was way above his peers, this strategy was simply the most obvious path.

And he had no intention of making use of an obvious strategy even if his opponent was too dumb to realize.

Turning his gaze away from the map, upwards, Emeric suddenly spoke, "Listen up,"

And immediately every one of the youths bowed down 90 degrees with fervor, simultaneously responding, "Yes, leader!"

Lucas stood at the back lines, within the encirclement of the youths. He was currently looking around the expanse and the forest, completely at alert.

The 10 minute count down timer for the capture of the terminal had already elapsed, and the initial blinding green lights had turned red.

On top of the terminal, another count down timer materialized a few minutes after that, this one counting from 1 hour instead.

It was clearly the time they needed to maintain ownership of all the terminals simultaneously.

Another 15 minutes had elapsed from the one hour, making the remaining time 45 minutes.

'Aren't they going to attack?' Lucas pondered.

More than 25 minutes had already passed since the terminal lit up like a beacon, and during this time, they hadn't spotted even a single one of the opposition. It was very odd.

Lucas, just like Atticus had also come up with different strategies the opposing division could use against them.

But he couldn't help but wonder what they could possibly be planning that they hadn't shown themselves for so long.

'Or did they some how find out that the division was headed by Ravensteins and got scared?'

He was well aware of how numerous the abilities in the human domain were. It was possible for the opposing division to have someone who could spy from long distances.

They might have done exactly this and saw the white hair of the Ravenstein youths.

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