Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 242 Ascending

Chapter 242 Ascending

A lavender haired youth walked out of the entrance of a foliage of trees, stopping at the base of a high hill.

Turning his gaze upwards, his eyes instantly focused on the top of the hill where a massive walled structure stood.

Emeric's lips curled up into a huge grin, displaying his ugly un even teeth for all to see.

"Finally," he muttered while letting out a huge exhale.

Directly behind him stood a slender purple haired youth and a few Raven dark haired youths, who were all completely motionless with an expressionless face, their collective gazes forward.

And just behind them, more than a thousand youths spilled out from the forest entrance, stopping directly behind Emeric and his group.

Many of the youths were still in their earlier worn out forms with a lot of them still spotting claw marks and bites around their bodies.

Parts of their clothes were tattered and filled with blood.

Unlike Atticus's division members who were completely subservient to him after witnessing his overwhelming display of power, Emeric's division members were different.

It was quite unfortunate, but the Pysquillian bloodline could not exhibit the same overwhelming show of strength that Atticus had displayed.

Not even close.

The Pysquillian bloodline wasn't so overpowered that Emeric, who was currently at a low level, would be able to control more than a thousand youths.

He wasn't at that level yet and might never even reach it.

At his current level, apart from him having to personally satisfy each and every condition for each individual he wanted to control, he wouldn't even be able to withstand the burden of controlling that number.

To simplify things, he couldn't even control more than 10 individuals simultaneously. And to control that much people depended on a lot of factors.

But despite the fact that Emeric's bloodline couldn't display such flashy and deadly powers as Atticus could, many of the youths were still very scared of him.

Why was that?

It was simple; each of the youths feared his nonexistent powers.

Apart from the fact that Emeric was a tier 2 family youth, he also had basically all the strongest youths under his control.

But even then, each of the divison members numbered in the thousands.

A handful of youths, even if they were strong, wasn't enough to make them fear Emeric.

The reason each of them feared him was shown in the way the students under his command were behaving.

It was very clear that every single action they were carrying out was completely against their will.

Regardless of how stubborn most of them wanted to prove they were, none of them wanted to be controlled as puppets.

To be forced to walk against their will, to be forced to bow against their will, to be forced to worship against their will, none of them were willing!

None of them had any idea how his powers worked, and no one wanted to be the test subject they would use to find out how it worked.

But what they do know was what it does, and that was more than enough.

Plus, it was completely in their best interest to obey Emeric in the first place.

Many of them were well aware of how intelligent the Pysquillian family was, and from what they had seen, Emeric seemed to show this trait well.

And seeing all of this, most of them decided to quietly follow him.

The minority being the stubborn ones. And no matter how stubborn they claimed to be, none of them wanted to be the scapegoat.

Looking at the massive structure on top of the hill, Emeric smiled widened.

He suddenly shivered in giddy anticipation, imagining the look on the division leader's face when he appeared in front of him.

Emeric had his suspicions on who the leader of the division might be—no, he was about 90% sure of who it was.

Who in the Colosseum didn't see the faces of Atticus and Kael displayed on the big screen after the test had ended?

With all the talents of the tiered family participating, there was no way a random white haired youth would be displayed so openly.

It had to be a tiered.

And there was only one snow white hair tiered family in the human domain.

And this suspicion was further confirmed when the ranking list was displayed. He clearly saw that said person was a Ravenstein.

'Atticus huh,' Emeric thought.

Emeric, though, was sure that Atticus might have already figured out that he was bringing his division members to his camp.

If he hadn't figured that fact out, then Atticus truly was stupid, incredibly stupid.

But even if he had figured out that he was bringing his forces here, so what?

Emeric was confident he had been able to execute his plan perfectly.

It was all about timing.

From the numbers of the opposing division his scouts had reported, in each terminal location, there were about 140 members of Atticus's division.

And with a simple multiplication, Emeric was able to figure out one shocking fact—basically all of Atticus's division members were away from the camp!

It was practically impossible for them to make it back to camp in time.

From the numbers, it meant that at most only about 50 students were left behind, and Emeric was ready to bet a fortune that those 50 members couldn't fight.

This right here was exactly why he had been happy he was facing a Ravenstein. They were far too retarded!

Emeric couldn't even begin to comprehend the thought process of Atticus. Just what was his plan? Was he that confident?

This was a thousand youths they were talking about!

Did he think he was some kind of main character with plot armor or something!?

'Forget it, Emeric. You'll never understand how people with low IQ act,' Emeric released a short sigh, shaking his head slightly. He decided to stop thinking about it.

This confidence—he would make sure to completely crush it.

Then, without further ado,


Emeric's voice resonated across the area, and then every single one of the youths started ascending the massive hill.

Their destination was clear—the camp at the top.

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