Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 250 Seething

Chapter 250 Seething

After a few seconds of blazing through the forest, Aurora reached the end, getting out of the foliage of trees.

She was instantly met with an imposing hill that stretched high up.

Aurora's figure gracefully touched down on the floor, bending her knees and assuming a stance reminiscent of a coiled spring, poised for imminent release.

Beneath her feet, flames congregated, intensifying with every passing second, causing the earth to shudder in response.

And then, with a colossal explosion that shook the very foundations of the land, Aurora ascended into the sky, her blazing form carving through the hillside.

In an instant, she reached the hill's summit in under two seconds, leaving behind a trail of flaming brilliance.

In the air, she instantly spotted the forms of the worn out looking tents sprawled across the earth.

Reversing her legs and hands, Aurora unleashed a sudden burst that propelled her earthward with incredible speed.

She landed amidst the tents with a thunderous impact, accompanied by a devastating


An intense, smoldering wave of fire rippled outwards, swiftly engulfing the surroundings.

In a 50 meter radius, the tents and remnants of fallen beasts were incinerated in the wake of this fiery onslaught, leaving behind a scorched aftermath.

Aurora turned her gaze around the camp, searching for any signs of students being present in the area.

And seeing that no one was present, Aurora's form blazed, "Shit! No one!?"

The raging flames engulfing her body suddenly surged as if in response to her anger.

She stomped her right leg on the ground, instantly sending another wave of scorching fire in every direction, this time going past the 50 meter mark and stopping at the 70 meter mark, incinerating every tent and carcass in that area.

If the youths of this division could see what Aurora was doing to their tents, they would all cry tears of blood.

These tents were all bought from the academy shop with their already dangerously low points.

They had all reluctantly bought these tents because they all needed it. Unlike Atticus's division, their division had been far too poor to even dream of buying a barracks.

They all had to sleep in the open, and the cheapest option in the academy shop was the tents. It only had space for sleeping and nothing else inside.

There were no toilets or bathrooms for them to relieve and clean themselves. Each of them had to do their business out in the open, hence the occasional feces on the floor.

This same situation was what many of the lower end divisions were facing, with some in even worse situations than this.

The academy was a cruel place, and it had no intention of babying anyone. Every youth would have to learn how to survive here, whether they liked it or not.

Not only would they all have to lose 10% of their points for 'dying,' but they would use their points to pay for their treatment.

Atticus had left them all bloodied and incapacitated, and the academy never gave free things. They would each have to pay for their treatment or incur debts depending on the severity of their injuries.

And now, each one of them would have to buy new tents. With many of them already bankrupt, how the hell were they supposed to afford them?

Many of them would just lay down and cry if they saw how Aurora was destroying everything in a fit of rage.

"I should have known this was all his plan! I shouldn't have left the camp!" Aurora seethed.

She took in a deep breath, and exhaled in the next second releasing steam from her nose. "Calm down, Aurora. You're too quick to get triggered."

She took in more calming breaths, the intense raging flames surrounding her calming down, their forms reducing until they eventually got extinguished.

"Let's find that leader and get out of here," Aurora decided, and she immediately started running towards the normal looking building not far away from the black terminal.

Just as she got a few meters away from the building, the door of the control room suddenly slid open, and one Raven haired youth burst out of the building.

This same youth had been the second youth who had been standing behind Emeric in the control room.

He was the original leader of the division. But unlike before where his eyes had been completely emotionless and his movements robotic, it was clear that he had already regained back his senses after Emeric had received that backlash when he had the clash of wills with Atticus.

The Raven haired youth's eyes instantly landed on Aurora's approaching figure.

"You! Who are you!? Where are my divis-" His words were abruptly cut short by a brutal searing fire enveloped fist landing on his face.

A golden glow swiftly enveloped him before his whole head could be blasted off. His form disappeared instantly.

Aurora wasted no time, the cold expression on her face not changing one bit. She swiftly entered the control room, her gaze sweeping through the control room in search of any other division members.

But to her disappointment, she saw no other person in the control room.

She immediately walked out of the control room, her gaze turning towards the imposing terminal in the middle of the camp.

She started running towards the terminal, reaching there in a few seconds. As soon as she got close to it, a hatch suddenly opened up in the terminal, displaying the word 'scan.'

Aurora swiftly followed the directive, scanning her device, and immediately the hatch closed.

Aurora quickly backed up a few meters, as though foreseeing what was about to happen. And it proved to be the right decision as the terminal suddenly let out a blinding green light that shot up to the skies, piercing the clouds.

From each of the terminal locations, the Ravenstein youths and the other division members turned their gazes towards the southern direction, each of them instantly spotting the blinding green lights.

And then, an AI voice suddenly resounded through out the whole forest.

[The battle is over. And the winner of this battle is the northern division lead by, Atticus Ravenstein.]

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