Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 252 Cheap

Chapter 252 Cheap

After a few minutes of intense cheering and celebration, each of the youths eventually stopped as soon as a count down clock appeared on the surface of their artifacts.

None of them had to think much and were able to instantly figure out that it was the time each of them had left before they were transported back to the camp.

The appearance of the count down clock was followed by each of the youths receiving multiple notifications about their rewards for winning the battle.

They all had huge grins on their faces as they made their way back to camp, each still led by their respective Ravenstein youth.

The instant the AI voice had announced the end of the battle, the entire control room building Atticus and the non combatants were in lit up and suddenly started turning ethereal, even the table in the middle of the room.

After a few seconds, the building simply faded out of existence as though it wasn't really there in the first place.

Atticus and the other non combatants all landed on the floor as the floor of the building disappeared from beneath their feet.

Zara and the other non combatants turned to Atticus as though asking for what to do next, but seeing as he was busy gazing at the air as if looking at something, each of them turned silent; it was obvious he was busy going through his artifact.

Despite the fact that they all hadn't actively participated in the battle, since they were amongst the winning division, they all got rewarded too.

They each clicked on their artifacts, excited about their rewards.

Atticus focused on the plethora of notifications displayed in front of him. Apart from receiving the division reward for winning the battle, Atticus had also received a lot of points for defeating more than one thousand students.

It turned out that the 10% each of the youths would lose when they 'die' would be given to whoever 'killed' them.

And although each of them had close to nothing, when pooled together, it was still quite a lot.

Atticus also noticed that apart from the mission rewards, each of the members of the winning division also received rewards from the academy itself.


Dear Atticus Ravenstein,

Greetings! The Academy extends its heartfelt commendation for your exemplary leadership and outstanding performance during the recent division war. As the distinguished leader of your division, your accomplishments during the battle have not gone unnoticed.

Your notable achievements include:

Organizational Excellence: You displayed exceptional organizational skills, ensuring the preparedness of your division members.

Strategic Ingenuity: Your creation of a highly effective and well thought out strategy greatly contributed to the success of your division on the battlefield.

Tactical Mastery: Your live and effective orders played a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of the battle, significantly influencing its scale.

Singular Heroism: The Academy acknowledges with great esteem that you, single handedly, defeated an overwhelming 99% of the opposing division's army.

In recognition of your outstanding leadership and battlefield prowess, the Academy is pleased to bestow upon you the following rewards:

Academy Points: 30,000 points for your invaluable contributions.

Reward Privilege: You are granted the privilege of selecting any item from our collection, valued at equal to or less than 20,000 academy points.

We celebrate your achievements and eagerly anticipate witnessing your continued excellence in all your future endeavors.


'How cheap…'

Gazing around him, Atticus saw how each of the non combatants were all smiling and showing happy faces while looking at their fronts.

'Looks like each of the division members was rewarded,' Atticus surmised.

Atticus left choosing the item and division building for later when they get sent to the expanse. He already had an idea of what to choose anyways.

After a few minutes the other division members started streaming into the camp.

Among the first to arrive was Nate, who wore a brooding expression, completely sad about how the battle had played out.

Of everyone in the division, it was only Nate that didn't engage in any battle.

Seeing as more than a thousand youths attacked the camp, Atticus saw no need to send both Aurora and Nate to the opposition camp.

Plus, he still chose to be careful, having Nate stand by in case there were any more surprises even though he doubted that.

"Cheer up, big guy. We would still be fighting another battle next month; I'll make sure you fight then," Atticus reassured, trying to lift up his spirits.

But Nate absentmindedly nodded still showing a sad expression on his face.

Atticus sighed, "Alright, I'll spar with you later," he added.

Hearing his words, Nate's eyes immediately lit up. Swiftly turning his gaze towards him, "Really?!" He asked.

Atticus reluctantly nodded in response.

"Yes! Finally!" Nate exclaimed, his bulky figure jumping up in exhilaration, making some of the non combatants turn their heads wondering what made him so happy.

Nate and even the other Ravenstein youths had been trying to get Atticus to spar with them for a while now.

Although Nate, who was closer to Atticus had always been able to voice his intentions, the rest of them unfortunately didn't have that luxury.

But it wasn't that Atticus didn't want to spar with them; he just saw it as a waste of time.

He would rather go through an intensive training session than spar with people weaker than him. It wasn't pride, he just felt that he wouldn't be gaining anything from it.

After a few minutes of waiting, each of the different groups of the division started arriving one by one.

The armored youths had long since taken off their helmets, and each of the youths was all smiling after receiving thousands of points as rewards from the academy.

As each of them arrived at the camp, they all saw a large completely charred area. This was the same area Atticus had defeated the army of youths in.

It became charred because of the fire he had used to disintegrate the pools of blood the youths left behind.

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