Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 276 Trembling

Chapter 276 Trembling

?276 Trembling

Atticus found some of the bones of the wolf like beasts on the floor, obviously from when he had rampaged and killed the beasts in the cavern.

After walking for a few seconds, Atticus also saw a large crater that had formed on the floor, presumably from the explosive landing he had made the last time.

'Did they take it away?' Atticus wondered.

Thick amounts of mana were still blanketing the entire space, making him unable to feel things correctly.

While he could sense everything around him, he couldn't identify them accurately due to the interference of intense amounts of mana.

As Atticus stopped walking and pondered whether to brighten up the expansive space with illumination runes, two blood orb like eyes flickered open high in the air, both of them focused on Atticus's supposedly invisible form.

The two orbs burned with such fury that there was no mistaking it for anything other than intense hatred.

It was as though the creature were gazing at its fated enemy.

The two blood red bright orbs kept descending at an eerie slow pace before suddenly stopping.

They remained just after the 50 meter mark high up in the air, seemingly aware that entering that range would alert the white haired boy to their presence.

Without making a single sound, hundreds of large tendrils, reminiscent of colossal octopus tentacles, gathered around the glowing red eyes.

Each massive tendril coiled backward, their razor sharp ends all pointing dangerously toward Atticus's form.

It was clear that the beast wanted nothing more than to turn Atticus into Swiss cheese.

Just as the tendrils were about to shoot toward Atticus, the beast suddenly saw Atticus's right arm gravitating towards the katana hilt on his left waist, holding it firmly.

In the next instance, it was as though the whole world suddenly stopped as the Shadow Seraphon's entire form froze.

Many people watching this scene would wonder what could make a master- rank beast suddenly freeze in its tracks so abruptly.

While it was true that currently in the human domain, there were millions of individuals in the master- rank, this might seem like a lot, and truly it was.

But considering the human domain currently had a population of billions of people in different sectors, the number of master- rank individuals wouldn't seem that much anymore.

And although they numbered in the millions, each one of them was formidable in might. They were all highly respected no matter where they went.

This was because reaching the master- rank was not something just anyone could achieve.

Not many in the human domain had the talent necessary to achieve such a rank. It was a level of strength only a select few could attain in the human domain.

Master- rank beasts were even rarer than master- rank humans, numbering far fewer than the humans.

They were physically stronger, fiercer, and more adept at utilizing their bloodline powers than humans. This has always been the norm, a beast was stronger that humans in the same rank.

In essence, they were more powerful.

Given all this, it wouldn't be a surprise why many would wonder why the beast had frozen when it saw Atticus's action. He literally just placed his hand on his Katana's hilt!

Just what was going on?

But their shock wouldn't be even half as much as when they see the current state of the Shadow Seraphon.

Every single one of its massive, tentacle like tendrils was… trembling.

Even the once fierce blood red eyes of the Shadow Seraphon showed signs of wavering, trembling with intensity.

Any one knowledgeable watching would be utterly and completely baffled.

The Shadow Seraphon, the lord of the shadows, a beast even master rank individuals in the human domain would think twice about venturing in to its domain.

This formidable beast was trembling at the sight of a 15 year old Advanced+ rank young boy who simply placed his right hand on his katana hilt?

They would be utterly astounded. Rightfully so.

But regardless of the beast feeling intense, deep rooted fear from just looking at Atticus's actions, at the end of the day, it was a master- rank beast— a rank that could only be attained through blood and tears.

There was not a single master- rank being in the human domain who was a coward, and the Shadow Seraphon followed this ideal. It wasn't one to cower, especially when it was in its domain.

This puny human had intruded in to its domain, and he would face the consequences of such actions.

The Shadow Seraphon's blood red eyes seemed to glow with even more intensity as the massive tendrils that had already loosened up from their initial coiled state because of their trembling suddenly tensed and coiled with even more tension than before.

Without so much as a sound, the hundreds of massive tendrils shot towards Atticus's form with mind numbing speed.

Their movement cut through the air so forcefully that concentric circles of displaced air materialized around each tendril.

Yet, no sound was made.

Just as the massive tendrils entered the 50 meter radius mark, an incalculable number of silver streaks burst forth, filling the space, each of them briefly illuminating the pitch black space.

The appearance of the streaks was followed by an intense and deafening,


The whole cave trembled; the intensity of a master- rank beast scream was enough to blow the brains of any one without adequate strength.

The hundreds of tendrils all initially heading towards Atticus's form abruptly fragmented, their forms spilling into multiple, still massive pieces.

Black, hot liquid gushed out from the severed tendrils, the massive forms of each of the pieces crashing on to the cave floor,causing tremors with each impact in response to the weight.

Atticus swiftly turned his gaze back ward; his eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness, his gaze instantly meeting the blood red eyes of the Shadow Seraphon.

Atticus's cold words followed, his words sending shivers through the Shadow Seraphon's form,

"Found you."

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