Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 293 EarPlugs

Chapter 293 EarPlugs

?293 EarPlugs

After a few hours of training at the caves, Atticus returned to his room. He took a long bath, and after a few minutes, he changed into a better outfit— his usual trench coat.

Then, Atticus made his way across the camp towards the front of the black spire. As usual, the area was already crowded with other division members.

Atticus instantly spotted the Ravenstein youths standing at the forefront as usual.

Lucas and Nate were also standing at the sides, with the former looking worn out and tired and the latter with his usual characteristic sad look, clearly at the thought of having to go to school.

They turned to greet him as he approached, and Atticus nodded to the rest of the Ravenstein youths. His gaze then shifted to the right, where he saw Aurora approaching the group.

"Late as usual, princess," Atticus remarked with a teasing tone.

Aurora responded with an exhausted look at his remark, "Haha so funny!" she sarcastically replied while rolling her eyes.

Atticus chuckled, "Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he said jokingly as Aurora stood beside him.

Aurora sighed, "I just want to get today over with," she said exhaustively.

"Hmm," Atticus turned his gaze at her and gave her a thorough scrutiny. 'What's wrong with her?' he wondered.

But after less than a second, Atticus came up empty.

Aurora looked completely okay physically; he even checked her mana core to make sure everything was okay and was satisfied to see that there was nothing wrong with it. Her mana was stable.

So what was wrong with her?

This was the first time he was seeing Aurora like this, and he couldn't help but get slightly worried.

The clock struck 11:30 AM, and before Atticus could say anything, Aurora suddenly walked into the golden light without uttering a word.

Atticus stared at the spot she disappeared from for a second. Seeing he had no choice, he decided to leave the matter until she came back from her lectures.

He would make sure to get to the bottom of it. With a quick nod to Lucas, Nate, and the others, Atticus stepped into the golden light, instantly finding himself inside the familiar pristine white room.

Atticus walked towards the door and stepped out as it slid open for him.

As he got outside, he was met with the usual scenario of the beautiful expansive garden through the transparent wall in front of him.

And to his right was Zoey's departing figure, the air still rich with her enchanting scent.

Also, the expressionless figure of Kael was currently gazing at him while subtly pointing his head towards Zoey, clearly asking Atticus to approach her exactly as he had done yesterday.

Atticus smiled wryly and simply started walking through the hall.

As though already expecting this, Kael shook his head, muttering what was unmistakably a cuss word under his breath and started following, catching up to Atticus in a second.

Today's setup was exactly the same as yesterday.

With Atticus and Kael at the back, Zoey and the rest of the tier one youths at the front of them, and some other youths who were all obviously trying to walk faster and completely avoid the group of monsters behind them.

And just like yesterday, they each all walked in absolute silence, each of them minding their business.

Each of them were the perfect representation of why the tier ones were different from all others.

They were all impeccably dressed, and despite their young age, they all walked with grace.

They walked with class.

They walked with unflinching confidence as though each one of them were the main characters of the world.

They were tier ones.

After moving through the hall for a few seconds, when they were each just a few steps from the elevator, Atticus, who was still walking with Kael behind the group, abruptly stopped.

Kael also stopped his movement, turning his gaze to face Atticus, wondering why he stopped.

Atticus smiled.

"Do you know where we are going to?"

Atticus's question, although spoken in a low tone, was heard by every one of the tier one youths.

Immediately they heard, all of them, apart from Zoey, abruptly stopped their movement.

Many would wonder why had they stopped.

Simple, neither of them had any idea where they were going! They had all been instinctively going to the classroom located on the second floor where they were taught the LDSP-001 class.

Every one of them had forgotten that they had a different class today!

The LCBT-001; Leaders Combact Training.

Each one of them had stopped moving for just a single second; swiftly tapping their artifact, they immediately subtly questioned the oracle on each of their devices.

And in the next instant, they moved as though they never stopped in the first place.

Atticus shook his head seeing their actions. Despite how fast they thought they were, it wasn't enough to escape Atticus's senses.

'So prideful,' Atticus thought.

It was obvious they had all forgotten they were taking another class today and realized when Atticus mentioned it.

But because they didn't want to admit they made such a silly mistake, they tried to pretend it never happened.

Atticus clicked on his artifact, navigating to the oracle section. He inquired where the class was located. Kael didn't bother to ask as he saw Atticus already asking.

Getting his answer, they both continued walking, and after a minute, they found themselves on the third floor of the building.

Stepping out of the elevator, they were met with a hallway looking quite similar to that of the second floor, with pristine white walls and different doors with tags on them.

Their steps led them to a door with a tag LCBT-001.

And they both couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as they read the words displayed on the wall just beside the door.

Please be sure you put on earplugs before entry. This is for your own good.

Happy learning!

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