Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 308 Hello

Chapter 308 Hello

?Atticus gulped.

The elevator wasn't that large, only about 8 x 8 feet. And in this enclosed space, there were only two individuals present.

One was the figure of a breathtaking purple-haired young girl standing directly in front of the control terminal of the elevator.

And just behind her was the half-frozen figure of a white-haired boy who still found it hard to believe his current situation.

Atticus's thoughts raced through a myriad of different things. 'That fucking bastard!' He couldn't help but curse the one who put him in this situation.

Atticus had assumed that Kael had dropped the matter after he told him that now wasn't the time. 'But to think he had been planning this!'

Atticus subtly took a deep breath, calming down his emotions. He then subtly took a brief look at Zoey who was standing in front of him, backing him.

'Doesn't even look like she registered my presence,' He couldn't exactly see her face, but from her body language, it didn't even seem as though she cared or hated that he was in the elevator together with her.

'What do I do?' Atticus had no idea what he should do next.

Although he had always appeared confident and he had been telling Kael, 'Not now,' every time the boy asked him to talk to Zoey, the truth of the matter was that Atticus was… scared.

Apart from the fact that Atticus was far from being knowledgeable about the opposite sex, he would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit scared about getting into a relationship.

Atticus wasn't one to allow his past experiences shape how he lived his life, yes, but that didn't mean that Atticus wouldn't be wary when getting into anything, especially after how his last relationship had ended.

He would still try to get into something, but he would be more careful and wary.

Even in his past life on Earth, Atticus had hardly ever interacted with women. He had no idea how to approach things like this.

How Atticus had asked Kira out and gotten into his last relationship had been shocking, even to him.

He couldn't even say that he had ever flirted with the opposite sex before; it was that bad.

Everything that had happened had been a coincidence, completely a coincidence. They had bumped into each other, and Atticus had suddenly blurted out the question. To his surprise, she agreed.

Sure, he felt attracted to Zoey, but that situation was exactly what Atticus had been hoping for.

He wanted something that would bring them both together. Something random so that he wouldn't have to start afresh.

While many might argue that this current situation was perfect for it, Atticus thought completely otherwise.

'How do I even start?'

Every single one of his thoughts was happening at fast speed. The elevator hadn't even started moving yet.

Although Atticus was truly cursing Kael for putting him in this situation, he recognized how perfect this current situation was. He might not ever get any opportunity like it again.

Atticus took another subtle deep breath, closing his eyes, trying to muster up all his courage. 'You can think hundreds of thoughts before she can breathe, Atticus. You'll figure something out. So stop being a pussy.'

Atticus opened his eyes, his gaze instantly landing on Zoey, who still had her gaze facing forward.

Atticus cleared his throat.

To everyone observing this scene, it might seem as though throughout the seconds that Atticus had been shoved inside the elevator, Zoey hadn't even reacted at all, but every single one of them would be completely wrong.

In Zoey's thoughts, she was completely panicking.

'Why, why, why, why, why,' Zoey's constant frantic thoughts were drowned by a loud and resounding petite laughter.

Lumindra just couldn't help herself. Zoey's reaction had been so adorable.

Although currently, Zoey's outward demeanor remained completely unchanged, the same couldn't be said about how she was feeling inwardly.

And given the fact that both of them were bounded, every single thing Zoey was feeling was being felt by Lumindra.

Immediately Atticus was shoved into the elevator, Zoey's heart had frozen.

The girl had just finished her embarrassing display when she had been watching Atticus spar with Jared back in the hall.

The last thing she had expected was being in a confined space with the same boy she had been blushing for.

Although Zoey had been in many interactions with the opposite sex at her young age due to her mother's persistent requests to find a man, this was the first time she would be so close to someone she was actually interested in, even if just a little.


Zoey's heart froze. 'Don't tell me he wants to…' she had just heard Atticus clearing his throat.

Zoey subtly turned her gaze, making sure not to move her head, and her eyes couldn't help but widen as she saw Atticus looking at her, apparently preparing to speak.

'No, no, no, Lumi!!' Zoey instantly panicked.

Lumindra released a few extra chuckles, wiping a non-existent tear from her eyes. Then she decided to help Zoey. 'Calm down, hot stuff. He's just a boy!'

'What do I do? He's about to speak to me!'

Lumindra sighed. Who would think this was the same girl that heartlessly cut off the dick of one of her guards without even flinching a month ago?

'This is why I don't like dealing with virgins. There's no need for you to be fucking scared, Zoey. Depending on what he says, all you have to do is flash a small smile and respond,' Lumindra instructed.

'Just flash a smile…?' Zoey asked a little baffled.

'Yes, you know the way you smile when you're speaking with Seraphina?'


'Good. Just smile and respond. He's the man, let him handle the rest. Do you understand?'

'Okay,' Zoey reluctantly agreed, trying her hardest to muster up her courage.

Atticus subtly cleared his throat once more, making sure to use his most manly voice. 'Just introduce yourself first, and then you'll take it from there.'


Atticus greeted.

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