Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 322 Space

Chapter 322 Space

?As Atticus approached, its imposing form started slowly creaking open.

Atticus readied himself for any potential attack that would come his way.

He stimulated his fire bloodline, attempting to give himself an unpredictable edge, and he maximized his perception so he would be able to react to anything that came his way.

As soon as the door creaked open, the world seemed to slow as Atticus gazed intensely into the pitch-black room, anticipating any attacks.

But despite waiting for a few moments, Atticus saw nothing.

'I guess I was too paranoid?'

Just as Atticus was about to lower his guard and turn his perception back to normal, he suddenly paused.

He instantly released a mana pulse from his mana core, and then his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as he saw the multitude of colorless bursts of distorted space hurtling towards him from every conceivable angle.

Atticus's reaction was instantaneous.

With his fire element stimulated by his mana, his form flickered rapidly in different directions, deftly evading each of the deadly bursts.

Atticus had no intention of finding out what would happen if any of those attacks hit him; it was plenty obvious he would end up with a spherical hole in his body.

After rapidly dodging for a few seconds, the attacks finally stopped.

Atticus slumped and released a deep breath of relief. 'That was close,' he thought with a deep exhale.

After calming down a bit, Atticus turned his gaze towards the pitch-black room. He still decided to be careful, just in case of anything.

He controlled the air to surround his form, forming an air barrier around him.

Then, seeing as he was ready, Atticus walked into the pitch-black room, the imposing door closing with a loud bang behind him.

The darkness receded, and Atticus's gaze instantly landed on the nature of the space elemental room.

It was… space.

He found himself standing in the midst of space itself.

The room was enveloped in an infinite expanse of darkness, punctuated by the soft glow of distant stars and galaxies.

Bright dots of light littered the space, twinkling like diamonds scattered across a velvet canvas. It was as though he had stepped out of the confines of the Earth and into the vast, boundless expanse of the cosmos.

As Atticus took a step forward, he immediately felt an immediate shift in the atmosphere.

Unlike tangible elements like fire or water, space itself seemed to have a weight, a presence that enveloped him.

Atticus moved his hands around him, trying to get used to the incredible feeling.

The air felt dense, almost palpable, as if he was wading through an invisible sea of energy.

With each breath he took, Atticus could sense the vastness of the cosmos pressing against him, the infinite expanse of space seeming to swirl and dance around him.

It was disorienting yet exhilarating, like being caught in the midst of a cosmic whirlwind.

'This is perfect,' Atticus thought to himself.

Atticus didn't even have to move deeper into the room to know that this room was the perfect place to train his space element.

The room contained an abundance of cosmic energy and void-

like conditions, perfect for honing skills related to manipulation of space, gravity, and dimensional awareness.

Atticus released a deep exhale, trying to get a feel for his current environment.

Although Atticus couldn't actively control or even feel the space element, he was constantly feeling the surreal feeling he usually felt anytime he got transported.

It felt great.

Then, after taking a few more deep breaths, Atticus jumped.

He allowed the cosmic energy and palpable air to lift him upwards, allowing his form to float and move through space unhindered.

It appeared as though his form was actually gliding through outer space.

Atticus released another deep exhale, allowing his entire being to submerge into the environment.

Since his control over the space element was nonexistent, Atticus had long since decided to not even bother trying to go too deep.

He would allow himself to float, but as soon as he felt any discomfort, he would stop immediately.

Atticus's form glided through the quiet space, his eyes closed as he deeply meditated.

He was trying to get a feel for the space element and see if he could control it, but to no avail. He couldn't control nor feel anything.

After one peaceful hour later, Atticus reluctantly stopped his training. His form glided back towards the entrance as he made his way out.

Watching the indigo-colored door close behind him, Atticus released a deep sigh.

He really didn't want to leave. He just found the perfect place to awaken his space element.

'Just one hour left.'

But despite how much he wanted to keep training, Atticus thought it best to check out the other elemental rooms where he would train his other elements before time ran out.

Atticus made his way back and searched for the earth elemental room.

The door creaked open as he approached, and as soon as the door opened, a large gigantic boulder was shot towards Atticus's form with great force through the opened door.

Atticus's gaze didn't even flicker. This was earth, not space.

With a thought, the massive boulder, moving at a fast speed threatening to crush his form, came to an abrupt halt, its massive figure placed gently by the side.

Atticus gazed at the pitch-black room, and without hesitation, he entered.

As the darkness receded, Atticus found the entire room was enveloped in earth.

From floor to ceiling, wall to wall, the room was a symphony of soil and rock.

Only a small space at the entrance was spared; the rest of the room was filled with earth.

Atticus walked forward and touched the earth towering over him.

'Not rock hard, but still hard.' It couldn't be said to be rock hard, but it was still harder than normal soil.

'Looks like without the earth element, no one is training here,' Atticus observed.

Unlike the space and other elemental rooms he had been in, this earth room required one to have control over the earth to be able to proceed a little.

With his hand touching the earth, Atticus controlled it and allowed his form to simply phase through.

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