Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 333 Fight You

Chapter 333 Fight You

?As soon as the clock hit 10:30 AM, as per its usual occurrence, the terminal suddenly lit up in a golden glow.

Atticus wasted no time. As soon as the floor lit up, he gave Aurora and the other Ravenstein youths a quick nod and then dashed into the golden light, his form immediately disappearing.

Aurora, Lucas, and even the usually somber Nate all stared at each other, each of them wondering what was going on with Atticus.

"Maybe he really likes school?" Nate jokingly commented.


Atticus's eyes snapped open, his gaze landing on the familiar pristine white teleportation room. He didn't waste any time and started walking towards the exit.

As soon as the door slid open, Atticus's gaze instantly landed upon Zoey's sideways form. Unlike the last time they met, she was wearing a purple flowing gown that reached her legs, which perfectly complemented her purple hair and amethyst eyes.

Atticus didn't even know when his lips curled up into a warm smile.

"H-" Just as Atticus was about to offer his greetings, he didn't get a chance to, as Zoey rapidly walked past his door as though trying to avoid something.

Atticus was speechless. He released a huge sigh. 'This is what I was hoping wouldn't happen,' Atticus instinctively knew that there was a huge possibility that Zoey would start avoiding him after that incident.

'How should I handle this?' Before Atticus could continue this line of thought, a voice suddenly called his attention, "Hey."

Atticus turned to see Kael looking at him with his characteristic expressionless face.

"We're going to be late for class," Kael added after a second of silence.

Atticus released another deep sigh and shook his head. He would deal with it later.

Atticus nodded with a smile at Kael, and they both started making their way to class.

Because of the slight delay, the rest of the students had already gone further ahead, leaving only the duo left in the hallway.

They both walked, maintaining their usual silence until it was eventually broken by Kael, who suddenly spoke, "How was the date?"

Atticus had met Kael on Friday just after he had worn his clothes and was headed to the location he set for the date.

He had eventually decided to tell the boy how he asked Zoey out on a date and she agreed.

"It was..." Atticus seemed to think for a bit before he shook his head slightly. "It had been going really well, but something happened at the end, and now she's avoiding me."

Atticus had no idea what telling Kael all of this would do, but he just felt like sharing it with someone. And it just so happened that it was only Kael who knew his current situation.

Kael went silent for a bit with his gaze still pointed forward, and then he suddenly turned his gaze towards Atticus and spoke,

"You have to be more assertive, a little more forceful. But not too much," Kael advised.

Atticus expected Kael to continue speaking, but the boy simply turned his gaze back forward and kept walking, not uttering any other words.

But regardless, Atticus still felt like it was great advice.

He couldn't help but wonder how this boy knew so much about things like this.

"You've been in a relationship before?" Atticus asked.

"No time. Training," Kael immediately responded as though expecting the question.

Feeling Atticus's inquisitive gaze on him, "I saw her waiting in front of your door for you to come out but immediately left as soon as your door opened," Kael added.

Atticus had a look of realization. Kael's advice made much sense now. 'Be more assertive huh,' a warm smile formed on Atticus's face. At least he knew the girl still cared.

A thought suddenly popped up in Atticus's head, and he instantly decided to act on it, "Why are you helping me so much?" Atticus asked.

Kael had been nothing short of helpful to him since he had met the boy. He just couldn't help but wonder why he was doing all this. Does he really just want to be friends?

Unlike what Atticus was expecting, Kael's response was immediate, "I like truly strong people," he replied with a small smile that shocked Atticus as he saw it.

'This boy must really love fighting. This same thing happened when I finished sparring with the instructor,'

Kael suddenly turned his gaze towards Atticus and continued, his smile widening, "And I also want to fight you."

Atticus's face could only express one thing at Kael's words: confusion.

Kael continued, "Although our fight had ended abruptly, I felt it. You're currently stronger than me. So, one year."

Before Atticus could wonder what was going on, Kael suddenly abruptly stopped walking, causing Atticus to also stop.

Simultaneously, a palpable intense red berserk aura slowly seeped out of Kael's form, wrapping around him as he fixed his now crimson gaze at Atticus, his voice sounding beastial, "Let's fight in one year. We'll go full power without holding anything back," Kael looked at Atticus straight in the eyes and declared.

Atticus was completely baffled about the whole thing that he didn't even know when he absentmindedly nodded his head in agreement.

Seeing this, Kael retracted his aura, his gaze turning back to normal.

"We're going to be late for class," Kael said and continued walking through the hall.

Atticus stood staring at Kael's back for a good second before he suddenly chuckled and started following behind him.

They both didn't say anything after that and got to class in a few minutes.

As soon as they both entered the class, Atticus could feel the stares of all the students trying to bore into him.

This was unlike before where every one of them had mixed feelings. Amongst all the students, the prevailing feeling they were all using to look at Atticus was fear.

They were all wary.

'So they also watched the video,' Atticus was able to easily tell just why they were all looking at him this way.

None of them even dared to do much as whisper or make any derisive comments about this white-haired monster.

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