Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 348 Silver

Chapter 348 Silver

?Atticus focused his gaze on the bulky form of the robot, which bore an uncanny resemblance to Jared Stellaris.

The advanced training room had the capability to create synthetic robots that were essentially carbon copies of the individual they were created based on the data collected from said individual.

But this copy was mainly for abilities and anything related to combat. Things like appearance were kept as vague as possible.

Hell, the robot standing in front of him looked like a completely silver humanoid. But because they wanted to imitate the full experience of a battle, they were all given facial features.

While its face was still silver with no other color, it were able to show simple facial expressions.

Which was why Atticus's face couldn't help but scrunch up as he gazed at the robot.

'It even has the same creepy smile,' he thought.

Yes, the data Atticus had chosen was Jared's, and he had chosen it for two reasons: to see how powerful a tier one bloodline at the master rank was and to get a glimpse of how powerful Jared truly was.

The both of them had been sparring after the combat training classes, but they had only used Aerokinesis during the sparring.

Atticus felt like it was a good opportunity to find out about the Stellaris family's strength and more about their bloodline.

With a creepy smile on its face, the bulky figure of the robot turned and started walking towards the middle of the training room, reaching it in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the robot was ready, Atticus turned back towards the interface on the wall, and after a few thoughts and taps, he changed the landscape of the training room into a flat earthen terrain that stretched predominantly in every direction.

When one looked at the pristine white room upon entering the training room, it was about 20 x 20 feet wide.

But they were each given the ability to select any size of their choice, and Atticus had chosen to make the room as big as possible.

The battle he was about to face was incomparable to the ones he had always fought in the advanced training room. It was better if the space was expansive.

'Their bloodline is dependent on the energy gotten from the sun, right?' Atticus was curious about something, and he immediately put it to the test.

He made sure to choose another mode of lighting for the entire space, thereby ensuring the robot didn't have access to the sun.

Atticus then walked to the opposite end of the robot and stood facing it.

He scrutinized every inch of the robot, who stood unflinching and as intimidating as ever.

'It's a master rank, it should be about as strong as the Shadow Seraphon, but considering its tier one bloodline, I'm not so sure,' Atticus pondered.

'Let's take it as it comes. I'll use the burst and my bloodline first,' Atticus decided.

He could battle the Shadow Seraphon, albeit barely, while using his mana and Aerokinesis, but should he use mana and burst, Atticus would easily overpower the beast.

This was his inaugural encounter with the Stellaris family bloodline, and he couldn't help but be excited to see what it held.

Fixing his gaze on the imposing form of the robot, Atticus felt time slow to a crawl as he heightened his perception, honing in on every detail with razor-sharp focus.

In an instant, he unleashed a surge of mana from his core, the energy crackling with raw power as it surged through his veins.

As Atticus prepared to move, a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end.

With lightning reflexes, he sensed the impending danger and instinctively dodged to the side just as two scorching laser beams seared through the air where he had stood moments before.

The sheer intensity of the attack sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, causing a deafening explosion that echoed across the battlefield.

Atticus's gaze narrowed as he felt the shockwave reach him despite the distance. "Damn," he muttered, instantly turning towards the robot, his gaze landing on the eyes of the robot which were glowing an intense orange.

Before Atticus could formulate his next move, the gem embedded in the robot's forehead erupted with a blinding golden light, spreading outward in a dazzling display that enveloped its entire form.

In an instant, the robot's limbs tensed and expanded, its towering figure growing even larger as its once-silver hair transformed into a fiery orange hue, billowing wildly behind it like flames dancing in the wind.

With a single step, the transformed robot vanished from sight, leaving Atticus momentarily disoriented.

His instincts kicked in just in time as he sensed the incoming danger, his body moving with preternatural speed to evade a lethal blow from the robot's augmented fist, now cloaked in a palpable golden aura.

Just as he was about to retaliate, his vision caught sight of the robot's gaze letting out an intense golden light.

'I can do that too,'

At level one, Atticus could only control his bloodline within the confines of his body, and this was only if he was in direct contact. This control was superficial and didn't allow for more intricate control.

At level two, he could project the elements out of his body but couldn't control them once they left his body. Level two allowed for better control of the elements, but it still fell short of the next level.

At level 3, he became able to manipulate, project, and control the elements in a certain radius. Level 3 was where the real title 'Elementalist' would shine.

It allowed for more intricate manipulation of the elements, allowing the individual to manifest the elements from any part of the body.

Inches away from Atticus's eyes, two surges of fire coalesced, their essence condensing into small orbs pulsating with unrestrained power.

Simultaneously, the glow emanating from the robot's eyes intensified, as two pairs of beams, brimming with terrifying heat, surged toward each other.

With an unstoppable force, their paths intersected in a cataclysmic collision at the midpoint, unleashing a tempest of energy that sent shockwaves reverberating in every direction. The sheer force of the impact shattered the earthen floor beneath them

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