Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 373 Fools

Chapter 373 Fools

As Atticus's cold words resounded through the training grounds, before any of them could understand what was going on, an overwhelming aura suddenly descended upon each of them, causing them all to instantly sink down onto both knees.

The majority of them had already gotten on all fours as they struggled to regain their balance.

Pleas for mercy immediately filled the air as they all begged, but Atticus was having none of it. He ignored every one of them as he increased the aura on them two fold.

The terms of the academy contract that Atticus had just proposed were simple:

- You are strictly prohibited from consciously or unconsciously divulging, disseminating, transmitting, or in any way communicating any information pertaining to the White Omens division or its members to any individual, entity, or system, whether internal or external.

-You are expressly forbidden from consciously or unconsciously engaging in any action or omission that may cause harm, detriment, or negative repercussions to the White Omens division or its members, directly or indirectly.

-Any and all information regarding potential threats, rewards, or significant matters must be promptly and exclusively reported directly to the division leader of the White Omens division or to any designated higher ranking authority if the division leader is unavailable.

By agreeing to this contract, you acknowledge and accept the terms outlined herein and agree to abide by them without exception or deviation. Any violation of these terms will result in a breach in the contract.

The contract was simple and straightforward, and it was surprising that anyone would want to refuse to accept it. The terms were fair, and were all related to the prosperity of the division.

It was simply to block any form of betrayers that could pop up in the division. Atticus had been incredibly thorough, making sure that the contract was airtight.

As the youths saw that there was no escape from this predicament, and none of them had any intention of finding out what would happen if those 5 seconds were over, their hands slowly moved in unison towards their artifacts as they all decided to accept the contract.

But as though it were a divine sin, tendrils of crackling lightning suddenly emanated from the artifacts, instantly shocking the living daylights out of each one of them.

Their forms immediately jerked as they lost control of the limbs they used to support themselves. They all hit the earth with loud thuds, each of them twitching and shaking on the ground.

Atticus watched coldly as they all got electrocuted. He had already anticipated that this would be the case. From everything he had seen, this was the most logical explanation that he could think of.

"Atticus, what's happening?" Aurora finally couldn't stand being in the dark and asked.

Atticus turned and immediately saw a serious look on her face. He also saw Nate and Lucas looking at him with inquisitive gazes.

Atticus sighed.

"There's a rule which states that I lose 1% of my points anytime a member of our division dies," Atticus explained.

Aurora immediately exclaimed, "Wait! Doesn't that mean…" but she didn't have to finish her sentence as Atticus continued, causing Aurora's eyes to widen in disbelief, "Yeah, I lost 100% of my points."

Lucas's eyes narrowed, "Who do you suspect?" He asked.

Lucas had never been one to waste time asking trivial questions that one should know if only they used some of their neurons properly. He went straight to the point.

"I can't be absolutely sure, but I'm leaning towards a few people right now," Atticus replied.

Aurora clenched her fist hard in anger as her body started emitting steam, "Where are they?" She demanded. No one had to be a genius to know that she was incredibly angry. Aurora had always been quick to get angered and triggered and the fact that someone targeted Atticus irked her.

Atticus couldn't help but smile as he saw her this angered. She hadn't even been affected!

"Are they in the first year?" It was Nate who spoke next. Unlike Aurora, who was still emitting steam, Nate was surprisingly calmer. But Atticus could tell that he was also angry even if he hadn't shown it outwardly.

They had targeted Atticus, which meant that they had targeted them.

Atticus nodded in affirmation, "One of them is, and the other two are third years," he added.

Atticus also decided to briefly explain what had happened between him, Seraphin, Gerald, and Sonorous while he was at it.

And after a few seconds, they each quieted down as they tried to grapple with what Atticus had just told them.

He had fought with the 4th and 5th-ranked third years? Nate and Lucas were slightly shocked; just why does it seem like trouble was always following Atticus?

Only Aurora remained placid, "So what are we going to do now?" Aurora inquired, narrowing her gaze slightly as she continued, "Don't tell me you're going to keep us out of it?" She added.

She had learned not to snoop or pry into his business when she saw that Atticus wasn't the type that loved sharing. But regardless, there was no way she would ignore it if she saw someone messing with Atticus.

"She's right. We're in this together, don't leave us out of it," Lucas also turned towards Atticus and added. He still had his usual worried look on his face, but anyone could tell that he was serious.

"I've been itching for a fight for months now! Please, please don't keep us out of this," it was Nate who had spoken next, pleading with puppy eyes.

Atticus gazed at the three of them for a few seconds before he erupted into laughter.

They each looked at each other as they wondered just why he was laughing.

After a few seconds, Atticus finally stopped, wiping a tear from his eyes as he turned to face the confused trio, "You all sound so cringe. It's not like I died or got hurt. I only lost some points," Atticus explained.

"You all need to relax. There's no need to rush. The ones you should pity are the fools who made me lose my points."

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