Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 377 Gone

Chapter 377 Gone



Welcome to your third division battle. In this division battle, both leaders have been captured and are held captive at the top of long towers within their respective opposition divisions. The mission objective is clear: rescue your leader while ensuring their safety. The tower serves as the safe space for each leader; leaving it will expose them to attacks from the opposing division members. If a leader dies, their division faces defeat.


1. Leader Safety: Ensure the safety of your division leader at all costs. Leaving the tower exposes them to attacks from the opposing division.

2. Rescue Operation: Plan and execute a strategic rescue mission to reach the top of the enemy tower, neutralize opposition forces, and extract your leader.

3. Defensive Measures: Defend your own tower from enemy attempts to rescue their leader. Utilize defensive fortifications and counterattacks to repel the enemy division.

4. Leader's restraint: The towers the leaders are imprisoned in serve as a safe haven for each leader. The opposition division members would not be able to attack or harm the leaders. While leaving the tower is possible depending on your skill set, said leader would lose this privilege and would be liable to get attacked by the opposition.

4. Time Limit: The rescue mission must be completed within a timeframe of 5 hours. Failure to rescue your leader within the allotted time will result in mission failure.


1. Infiltrate the enemy's tower, overcoming obstacles and opposition forces, to reach the top and rescue your leader.

2. Neutralize enemy defenses and opposition forces to ensure a safe extraction of your leader.

3. Defend your own tower from enemy rescue attempts, maintaining the safety of your leader.

4. Coordinate with division members to execute a cohesive rescue operation, adapting to changing circumstances as needed.


1. Successfully rescue and ensure the safety of your division leader.

2. Prevent the enemy from rescuing their leader and ensure their capture remains intact.

3. Achieve the mission objectives within the designated timeframe.


Winner's Reward: 250,000 Division Points.

Loser's Punishment: The loser will incur the cost of the winners reward. If the loser academy point falls short, then they would incur a debt.

Gazing at the rules displayed in front of them, there was only one word that came to each of their minds: "Shit."

Each of their gazes was focused on one particular rule, the leader's restraint. And this was surprising because this shouldn't be a rule that would make people act like that. If anything, it was a very good restraint.

The opposition camp consisted of more than a thousand youths. Even if the leader was a tier one, battling a thousand people would be a fool's dream for him/her.

No one would even be stupid enough to step out of the safe haven and would rather wait for his/her division members to come rescue them.

Well, unless said leader wasn't Atticus. A deep sigh permeated the control room as each of their shoulders slumped.

"Well, I guess that's that," Lucas commented, turning his gaze to look at Nate and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Next time, bud," he reassured.

But Nate didn't even turn to look at him; his gaze was still focused on the rules, not wanting to believe what he was seeing.

Aurora also released a short sigh, "That fucking bitch," she muttered, angrily. Just as the rest of them were about to start brooding, an intense vibration rocked the control room, making everyone and everything tremble.

Aurora's gaze flashed, and with fast speed, she instantly headed outside to see what the cause of the commotion was, the rest of the Ravenstein youth following closely behind.

As soon as she got outside, her gaze landed on the division youths who had already brought out their weapons. Her head snapped to the side, facing the direction they were each facing.

"What the," Aurora couldn't help but mutter as she saw a slick black obsidian building jutting out from the earth, reaching a crazy height of 50 meters in just a few seconds.

At the top of this platform was a glowing small round space with thick prison-like bars surrounding it.

Before all of them could understand what was going on, the small space at the top of the platform suddenly lit up in a golden light, bringing with it the form of a blue-haired youth.

'That must be the leader of the opposition,' Aurora deduced, her gaze focused on the youth standing at the top of the platform with a shocked look on his face.

An AI voice instantly sounded:

[This marks the start of the third division war.]

It was as though those words were the bringer of doom, divine judgment.

Because as soon as those words landed, Aurora, the Ravensteins youths, and the rest of the division youths in the area all noticed something bright at the corner of their vision.

They each instantly turned their gaze to the side, and their mouths couldn't help but open wide as they saw the scene at a distance from them.


This was the exact word that came to each of their heads.

It was as though a door to hell was suddenly opened, and an incredible amount of fire erupted from it.

The scorching wave of fire covered the entirety of a large space, reaching far into the clouds.

It was so intense that despite the fact that there was an incredible distance between them and the area of devastation, the entirety of the camp was covered in an orange shade.

It was then, at the next instance, that the camp was hit by mild amounts of shockwave, each of them feeling a slight amount of heat.

Because of the incredible distance, what hit them only made their clothes flutter, but even at that, they each couldn't help but shiver.

They were truly thanking their stars that they were on the same team as Atticus.

Because there was no denying it—anything and everything in that area was gone.

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