Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 425 Jolted

Chapter 425 Jolted

The golden light of the terminal ground lit up in the same golden glow as always, and the form of a white-haired boy with a cold gaze appeared in the area in the next instant.

Atticus took in a deep shuddering breath. He didn't even bother to focus on the surreal feeling of the space element that came with teleportation this time around. He was still pissed at everything that had just happened.

'Calm down, calm down,' Atticus let out deep calming breaths, trying to calm down his mind. It took a whole lot from him to walk out of that situation.

It had been completely against his nature, but Atticus's logical side had eventually won the debate. If he unleashed everything he had, he couldn't win.

Atticus opened his eyes, his gaze landing on the familiar campgrounds. The whole area was completely devoid of students. There was not a single person present apart from Atticus, who had just arrived.

'Right, they're all still receiving their suits,' Atticus surmised.

Atticus turned towards the building just beside the mansion and started walking towards it.

The camp hadn't changed much since the one year. The ground was still earth, and the number of buildings still remained and looked the same, well outwardly, that is.

But if one should get a bird's eye view of the camp, they would think that the camp was truly preparing for war.

On top of the walls, sitting just a few meters away from each other, were a staggering amount of artillery units, each one as imposing as the last.

Plus, at every corner of the expansive garden, they had built watchtowers, each one standing tall, facing the direction of the forest.

Instead of focusing on stupid and wasteful aesthetic things, Atticus had decided to focus on what was more important: defense.

Except the other team had an Atticus; he would like to see what/who could breach their defenses.

Atticus walked towards the building, reaching it in a few seconds. It was none other than the advanced training room.

After everything he had just gone through, many would deem him mad that he still wanted to train instead of resting for at least a week. His mind had almost been taken over!

But Atticus didn't give a crap about his current situation. There was only one thing he could do that would get his mind off the anger he was feeling, and that was training. His fatigue and drain were still very much present, but Atticus was still going to train regardless.

Plus, he was really curious: the exosuit that had given him so much trouble, just how powerful was it?

'Let's find out,' the door parted opened, and Atticus entered the training room.

His gaze swept across the pristine white room without any change in expression. He approached the middle of the room and sat down cross-legged.

As soon as he entered the room, Atticus could immediately feel some sort of excitement. He didn't even have to think to identify the source: the sentient suit he had just gotten.

That's right, Atticus had already deduced that the suit was sentient. Only something with a mind for itself could attempt to take over another's mind.

'It's excited because of the mana,' Atticus deduced. It was no secret that the mana inside the advanced training room was more than that in the outside world.

Even after leaving the lab section, Atticus still felt all the mana being sucked away towards his chest area. Plus, despite its current excited emotions, Atticus could feel its intense hunger.

"Now let's see what you are," Atticus muttered, followed by him suddenly removing his top robe, revealing his completely toned, flawless body with a set of 6-pack abs.

But of course, that wasn't where his gaze was focused. It was completely fixed upon the form of a black splattered mess covering his chest.

It looked like a thick, throbbing black splatter with small blue lines running on top of it. The blue lines were emitting a soft glow, each of them running through the mess and converging at the middle of it.

'It's still not enough, huh. I can't train like this,' his rate of recovery had been significantly slowed down because of this thing that kept sucking away any mana he was trying to gather. He couldn't recover, nor could he refill his mana core.

"I'm getting sick of this," Atticus muttered, abruptly stood up, and swiftly made his way towards the terminal just beside the platform. After a few taps, Atticus changed the settings of the advanced training room, allowing him to increase the mana density in the room threefold.

This had been one of the features that came with upgrading the advanced training room. This had been among the things Atticus wanted to focus on.

Atticus could immediately feel the incredible increase in mana density in the air. It was a very refreshing feeling.

'It would have felt even better if this thing wasn't sucking everything!' Atticus shot the black mass on his chest a stare. The blue lines interwoven throughout it were emitting an intense glow, and it had immediately started throbbing harder and even growing in size as the mana in the air was increased.

Atticus could immediately feel its emotion instantly becoming happy as it greedily sucked all the mana it could as fast as possible.

With a small sigh, Atticus walked over to the center of the room and sat down cross-legged in the next instant.

Atticus closed his eyes and immediately entered a meditative state.

He completely focused on bringing as much mana as possible by using his mana core in order to expedite the suit's growth. This was Atticus's plan.

The amount of mana it could absorb would surely have a limit, and Atticus intended on reaching that limit as soon as possible.

Atticus repeated this action for hours without moving a single inch. During this whole time, the amount of mana the suit was siphoning only seemed to have increased.

And just when it seemed as though there was no end in sight, Atticus's form suddenly jolted as he felt a surge of mana pass through his body.

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