Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 77 Thrill

Chapter 77 Thrill

Atticus moved towards the Obsidian claw at high speed. As he got closer, the Obsidian claw quickly noticed him and swiftly stood up on its hind legs, letting out a deafening roar.

Atticus, who saw this, increased his speed even more and kept dashing towards the Obsidian claw.

As he closed in, the beast stomped the ground while still standing on its hind legs and swiped down its claw. The claw cut through the air with intense speed, leaving deadly claw-like afterimages in the air.

Atticus continued to close the distance between himself and the Obsidian claw, as if he didn't see the claw threatening to split him into four.

With the claw inches away from his face, he pointed his hand forward and released a blast from his hands, immediately stopping his momentum.

With his momentum stopped, the claw slashed down where Atticus was supposed to be moments before. Before the claw had even finished its swing, Atticus had already acted.

He raised his hands behind him, stood on his toes, and released another blast from his hands and legs, propelling himself upwards toward the Obsidianclaw at high speed.

He raised his right arm, intensifying the flames, and threw a punch at the Obsidianclaw's left cheek with tremendous force, causing blood to splatter on the ground.

Due to its huge size, the punch didn't send the Obsidianclaw flying, but it did shift its head to the left.

Immediately after the punch, Atticus followed up with another move while still in the air. He released a burst from his left hand, making himself spin in a anti clockwise direction. Utilizing the momentum, he threw a spinning kick with his leg, targeting the same spot he had punched.

The kick landed with a crushing force, and the added impact sent the Obsidian claw's head towards the ground, hitting it brutally. The beast let out an enraged roar and suddenly got up, causing Atticus to back up immediately.

it stood on its hind legs, and its steel-like fur started gleaming and shaking, becoming firmer and sharper, then suddenly, the fur shot outwards like spikes in every direction.

Atticus reacted immediately. He took a huge step forward and controlled the earth under his feet, turning it into mud, allowing himself to sink into it. Then, he immediately manipulated the earth and moved underground towards the Obsidian claw.

He emerged from underground just below the beast, its jaw just sitting there, seemingly begging to be broken. Atticus unleashed a powerful blast from his feet, propelling himself upwards towards its jaw, and delivered a brutal uppercut, breaking the obsidian claw's teeth.

Without wasting any time, Atticus followed up with another kick to its jaw, increasing the force of the blow by releasing a burst from his heels. The blow landed on the Obsidianclaw's already broken lower jaw, shattering it even more and rattling the beast's brain.

The creature appeared disoriented, and Atticus swiftly manipulated the earth on his right hand, molding it into a pointed and sharp shape. He concentrated the fire on the tip, making it scorching hot, the tip turning whitish due to the heat.

Then, he closed the distance between himself and the beast, releasing a burst upwards, and drove the steaming hot sharp earth into the Obsidianclaw's eye. He increased the speed and lethality with a perfectly timed burst from his elbow, piercing its eye and then its brain effortlessly.

The beast let out a final whimper before falling to the ground lifeless.

Atticus let out a long exhale and muttered, "I'm starting to love fighting." He enjoyed the thrill of battle, how everything fell into place, and the strategic thinking required.

He relished his fighting style, especially with the elements like fire, which provided an unpredictable way of moving during fights.

After taking a few minutes to catch his breath, he stored the beast's corpse inside his storage ring. Then, he turned to leave, running through the forest. It didn't take long for him to reach the camp, arriving in just a few hours.

He headed to the Beast Division building and exchanged his hunt for points, adding 700 Raven points to his total.

As he walked through the camp, not wanting to waste any more time, Atticus decided it was time to learn about runes. He headed towards the Runes Division.


Inside a training room, three boys knelt on the floor, their forms completely battered, covered in bruises. They all kept their heads bowed. Upon closer inspection, one could see that these were the same boys Atticus had beaten earlier in the day.

"All you had to do was embarrass him in public, Jack! How did you fail!?" a boy with a sharp thin eyes shouted at them.

The boy in the middle, Jack, who Atticus had punched first, gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, repeating the words like a mantra in his head, 'It's for my family, it's for my family, it's for my family.' He knew that if he didn't answer, this bastard would keep on beating them.

"I apologize, young master William," he finally spoke, his voice trembling, "we had no idea he was that strong."

William gritted his teeth in anger, his face contorted with frustration. "You useless fools!" he shouted, delivering a kick to Jack who had spoken. The blow struck his chest, sending him tumbling backward.

He clutched his chest in pain, lying on the floor in pain, 'Shit!'

William observed all of this with a cold gaze, and after a few seconds, he clicked his tongue and muttered, "Useless fools," before walking out of the training room.

As William departed, Jack clenched his fist so hard that blood started pouring from it, the mantra of 'It's for my family' still echoing in his mind.


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