Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 124: Greatness is Trying

Chapter 124: Greatness is Trying


Like the Armory, the Feng estate is secluded from the rest of the compound.

Unlike the Armory, this seclusion is accomplished by massive walls of obsidian.

Their surface is smooth, unblemished by either a cleft or crevasse. These walls were not made by piling stone upon stone but by taking a single, gigantic block and giving it shape. There is only one set of gates, large, spiked things that require unearthly strength to even budge. Past them lies a beautiful garden with flowers of all colors and small ponds with clear water and statues carved from obsidian at their center. Some depict mighty Spirit Beasts, others warriors readying for combat.

A cobblestone path leads to the main house, the grand building that houses those belonging to the Feng Clan. Gold-tiled roofs on top, red columns around it, and large, open doors. The building does not rise towards the sky but rather stretches to cover as much area as possible. The closer one gets, the easier it becomes to appreciate how truly massive it is.

It is a sight few are privileged enough to see. To get in, one must be capable of opening the gates, which are heavy enough that even a cultivator in the Spirit Realm would have trouble with them.

Today marks an exception.

Liu Jin walks in with Elder Xue, always making sure hes at least one step behind her. Rows upon rows of servants greet them as they enter the palace. There have to be hundreds of them, a necessary number to maintain a place like this. The red and gold interiors would feel woefully empty without them.

I feel out of place.

Liu Jin only means to think it, but it is too late to take words back.

Would you rather have me ignore Patriarch Fengs summons?

Elder Xue walks with confidence Liu Jin can only envy, her movements so graceful she might as well be gliding across the floor. She wears the standard robes of an Elder, red with gold trim and a black sash around her waist. Gold flame patterns seem to move inside the cloth as she walks.

It is nothing Liu Jin has not seen her wear before, yet something is different today. The colors adorning her are more vibrant, her hair more lustrous, and her skin more jade-like. Even her voice sounds different.

It is as if a veil has been lifted from her.

This disciple would not dare suggest that, Liu Jin says, forcing his eyes ahead, something much easier said than done. Something about the current Elder Xue compels him to look at her.

Is this another aspect of being an Emperor? If so, Patriarch Xiao Zheng had never done anything like it.

Certainly, Elder Xue belongs in an event like this. However, this disciple cannot help but think Elder Xue should have chosen someone else to accompany her.

Lord Feng Shang has returned, and a feast is being held in his honor. Every prominent member of the Eternal Flame Clan has been invited.

For some reason, Elder Xue has chosen to bring him along.

You will hardly be the only disciple in attendance, Elder Xue replies, unconcerned by Liu Jins worries. Preempting Liu Jins next words, she adds, Not the only disciple. Not the only young disciple. Not even the only young Inner Disciple. You will also not be sitting at the head table.

Even so, Liu Jin says, For Elder Xue to bring only me is bound to call attention.

Child, she says with laughter in her eyes, you were pushed to the stage the moment you gave testimony in the trial. This is merely a matter of making things clear for everyone. You are valuable and important enough for me to bring you here. That should dissuade most assassination attempts against you.

And the rest?

I expect you to deal with those yourself.

This disciple shall endeavor to live up to those expectations.


Flames of all colors float merrily above the banquet hall, a nice break from all the red and gold. Sometimes they would drift close to the tables like puppies seeking attention. One had even dropped on Liu Jins nose, which had been the moment he found the flames were perfectly harmless.

Most tables are rectangular and covered in white and red cloth. They are only large enough for small groups to sit around them, the head table being the lone exception. Perpendicular to all others, the head table is raised on a dais of solid obsidian. There sit the most important, the most influential, the most powerful of the Eternal Flame Clan.

The Elders.

Lord Feng Gui.

And the returning Lord Feng Shang.

The two brothers sit almost side by side, only a single empty seat between them. Just like Feng Zhi, they have fierce red hair, golden eyes, and sharp features. The family resemblance is impossible to miss. Lord Feng Guis face has fewer lines in it, but that may just be due to Lord Feng Shangs furrowed brow.

Lady Ling sits to Lord Feng Guis right. Feng Hao sits next to her and Feng Zhi next to him. Every so often, Lady Ling would glower at Feng Zhi who merely keeps staring straight ahead, ignoring both Lady Lings occasional glares and Feng Haos equally occasional attempts to start a conversation. Elder Xue sits next to Feng Zhi, and next to her are the other Elders who support Lord Feng Gui.

Similarly, a beautiful woman with black hair and jade-like skin sits next to Lord Feng Shang, his wife most likely. Just as Lady Ling would sometimes glare in Feng Zhis direction, this woman, Lady Feng, would glare in Lady Lings direction. Next to her, in the absence of Feng Zhuo, is Elder Fa of External Relations, and next to him is Elder Dang and all other Elders who support Lord Feng Shang.

The division could not be more apparent, and it is reflected in the rest of the room. The empty seat between the two brothers has become an imaginary line that parts the room in half. Disciples in Lord Feng Shangs faction sit on one side of the line, while those who support Lord Feng Gui sit on the other.

Junior Brother, I know it is hard to ignore, but I do not recommend looking in that direction for too long. Your gaze might catch the eyes of someone dangerous.

The words are what Liu Jin needs to take his eyes away from the head table. Even though he has seen most of the Elders during the trial, there is something different today. Whatever it is Elder Xue did, they have done as well.

Thank you, Senior Brother Guo.

Guo Xuesheng is the bearded disciple who helped Liu Jin and Khong Hu in the Armory. Just as Liu Jin was brought by Elder Xue, Senior Brother Guo was brought by Elder Geng, the Armmaster of the Armory.

Boasting powerful muscles, piercing dark eyes, and an excellent cultivation level, Senior Brother Guo is a far more suitable choice to attend this banquet than him; most people here are. The disciples in attendance are mostly in the True Realm. However, there are also Earth Realm and even Heaven Realm cultivators among them. Of course, compared to the Emperors who sit at the main table, it is hard to even notice them.

Its quite alright! Senior Brother Guo slaps his back. He does it lightly, yet it almost sends Liu Jins face against the table. Ive got to look out for my juniors, dont I?

Senior Brothers attitude is rather curious, Fan Bingbing says beside them. In my experience, most Core Disciples are distant at best.

Though he is trying to get his breath back, Liu Jin can only agree with Fan Bingbing. He has seen Core Disciples, but beyond the incident with Xi Mou, they seem largely uninterested in the affairs of those below them.

I suppose they do give that impression. Senior Brother Guos laugh is deep and strong. Newly instated Core Disciples are still getting used to their new responsibilities. Because of that, they are more focused on their fellows than on the world theyve left behind. Meanwhile, the old ones are too distracted by their duties.

And Senior Brother Guos case is different? Liu Jin asks.

Elder Geng often has me run errands for him. Because of those, I end up interacting with my juniors quite often. I dare say you two are more than familiar with the demands Elders can make of us.

The look he gives them is not only knowing but sympathetic.

Elder Ju is a great man, Fan Bingbing says, her voice monotone as always. That greatness is often trying.

Whatever words I could have uttered would have been far less elegant than Sister Fans. Please pretend her words are my words, Liu Jin adds.

Senior Brother Guo laughs and again slaps Liu Jins back. I see you two have a bright future ahead!

Liu Jin is wincing when he feels it. It comes into the room like a thief in the night. Not daring to make a sound. Not trying to disturb anyone. It is the complete opposite of the Emperors present, whose presence compels everyone to pay attention to them.

Yet, this presence dwarfs them completely.

At least one disciple falls from his seat. Liu Jin is left pale, his hands gripping the table. Fang Bingbing does not look any better. Even the merry flames above them now huddle close to each other for warmth.

The room does not look any darker, yet a shadow has been cast upon it.

You two handled that well, Senior Brother Guo says. Knowing what they were about to ask, he adds, Patriarch Feng Zhang has cast his shadow over this meeting,

Liu Jin looks at the main table. The seat between Lord Feng Shang and Lord Feng Gui is still empty. However, something has clearly changed, for Liu Jin feels he must avert his eyes. The same presence as before hovers around the seat.

It hovers over everything.


Lord Feng Gui breaks the silence; he smiles and raises his cup. If Patriarch Feng Zhangs appearance affected him in any way, he is definitely not showing it.

How it pleases me to see you all here! How it pleases me to know you have all come here to honor my dear brother and the brave disciples he took to the tournament!

Lord Feng Shangs face grows darker with each of his brothers words. Next to him, Lady Feng purses her lips.

Raise your cups for them, my friends, for they have done the Eternal Flame Clan the great honor of claiming fourth place in the Crimson Cloud Tournament for the first time in centuries.

Fourth Place.

It is the lowest rank the Eternal Flame Clan has achieved in centuries. That a banquet is being held to celebrate it is nothing but a deliberate taunt. However, since it is Patriarch Feng Zhang who called for this feast, there is nothing Lord Feng Shang can do about it.

Eat, juniors, Senior Brother Guo says as servants start bringing in the food. There is no greater food than the one served here. For ones such as you two, this meeting will be trying, so you might as well experience something good.

We will trust Senior Brothers wisdom, Fan Bingbing says as she puts meat on her plate. Liu Jin does the same. Its the first food hes tasted in the past few weeks. Now that hes in the Spirit Realm, he does not need to eat all that often.

I would also like to congratulate Lord Feng Shang, says Elder Geng in a loud voice after refilling his cup with more wine. This old man had some doubts when Lord Feng Shang claimed the disciples he chose would make it to the top of the Crimson Cloud Tournament. I even presented him with several talented disciples from my division, but Lord Feng Shang was adamant. He assured me the results of this tournament would overshadow those of the previous one. At the time, this old man thought Lord Feng Shang was making a mistake, but now this old man sees his folly. Lord Feng Shang did exactly as he claimed. Truly, the results of the last tournament have been overshadowed!

Laughter follows. However, it only comes from one side of the room. The other side is full of frowns, embarrassed blushes, and gritted teeth. Even in the head table, Elder Fas smile is a little too tense and Elder Dangs face is set in a frown.

However, by far the most anger comes from Xi Mous table.

His eyes are narrowed, his teeth gritted, his face inflamed. The Core Disciple who had been chosen to participate in the tournament is livid, and hes far from the only person at that table who feels like that. A scowling girl with long red hair. A man with a round face and a surprisingly round body. A youth with sunken eyes and feathers on his hair. A pale man with hair like ashes who cuts his meat with impossible elegance.

They are not the only ones with Xi Mou, but those are the ones that stand out.

The disciples who came back from the tournament, I presume? Liu Jin asks Senior Brother Guo in a whisper.

Aye. Results aside, they are some of the most powerful cultivators in the Empire.

To think, Lord Feng Shang speaks at last, that I would be greeted so kindly after all my blunders. Truly, the Eternal Flame Clan is my family. How can I be anything but grateful to you all? However, as eventful as my journey has been, I find that much has changed in my absence.

Lord Feng Gui laughs. Surely you exaggerate, brother?

An Elder has been deposed while I was away. How can I call that anything but a big change, brother?

That quiets everyone, supporters of Lord Feng Shang and Lord Feng Gui alike. The matter of Elder Cheung is one only discussed in private conversations nowadays. To attempt to harvest someones dantian is something that offends everyones sensibilities.

It seems congratulations are in order, Elder Xue, Lord Feng Shang continues. While I blundered, you have ascended.

Elder Xue laughs softly.

My thanks, Lord Feng Shang, but this Elder merely stepped in where she was needed.

Is that so? I suppose it was up to you to take action. I hear it was one of your disciples who identified the problem. He must be quite skilled.

Elder Xues smile stills. Nevertheless, she answers.

That is so.

On the other side of the table, Elder Dang scoffs. I would not place much stock in rumors, Lord Feng Shang. Certainly, it was one of Elder Xues disciples who discovered the issue, but that can simply be chalked up to a fluke and nothing more.

Oh? I am surprised to hear you speak so boldly, Elder Dang. Elder Xues smile gains an edge to it. Was it not you who interrogated my disciple to your satisfaction when you were so fiercely defending the now-disgraced Cheung.

Elder Dang glowers at her, but Lord Feng Shang laughs.

Peace. There is no need to argue. We are among friends. Elder Dang surely did not mean to imply anything bad. Rather, I think he brings up an excellent point.


Since my return, I have heard many tales about the youth who identified such a complex issue, but I have not seen him in action.

Elder Xues smile fades as victory spreads across Elder Dangs face.

He and Lord Feng Shang had been planning on this.

Shall we rectify that?

And with those words from Lord Feng Shang, all gazes in the room slowly but surely start turning to Liu Jin.


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