Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 133: Complications

Chapter 133: Complications


They leave the Sparring Hall after Pan Qiu wins a few fights, enough to make him noticeable to those present. Once word of what happened today spreads, those who attacked Senior Brother Luo will have incentive to act. Not right away, of course, but eventually.

The sun has yet to set as they walk through the compound. Of the five men Lady Ling gave him, Liu Jin has two with him, the weakest ones. Big, burly disciples who do not look particularly bright but are close to the True Realm. Lady Ling could have given him stronger men, but those would call too much attention. Regardless, they are about as safe as they can be.

This does not stop Pan Qiu from jumping at every shadow on their way to the Armony. He even ends up killing a squirrel in fright, something which causes Fan Bingbing to shoot him a very disappointed look. The other members of their party just snicker at him. All except Soaring Feather.

Soaring Feather flies down for a light snack and gives Pan Qiu a little nod.

With a few more incidents like that, they reach the Armory.

The air around the Armory smells of oils, coal, and quenched steel. The result of so many disciples working on the forges. One of them, Senior Brother Guo, greets them with a big wave as they approach his work station.

Sister Fan! Brother Qing! Its good to see you!

It is good to see you as well, Senior Brother, Fan Bingbing says.

I hope we are not imposing, Liu Jin adds.

Nonsense! I always have time for my juniors, Brother Qing! I heard you were in isolation training. Congratulations on your results. At this rate, you will surely be chosen to participate in the next Crimson Cloud Tournament.

Senior Brother is too kind. Liu Jin says. I hope I manage to live up to his expectations.

The massive disciple slaps Liu Jins back and laughs heartily. Though Liu Jin has grown much, the impact nearly knocks him to the ground. Perhaps Senior Brother Guo is holding back much less due to Liu Jins increased cultivation level. Maybe Liu Jin hasnt grown as much as he thought he had.

Either way, it is a reminder that Core Disciples are not people he can take lightly.

I am sure Brother Qing will do just fine!

Senior Brother says it without an ounce of doubt. To Liu Jins surprise, Pan Qiu and Fan Bingbing nod their heads in agreement. Even Lady Lings men mutter their acceptance as though the matter was already settled.

A second later, Liu Jin wonders why hes even surprised.

There are not many Inner Disciples stronger than him. Considering many of the older Inner Disciples transfer to other branches, Liu Jin might very well be one of the strongest Inner Disciples in the compound right now.

The next Crimson Cloud Tournament will take place in four years.

That is an awfully long time.

Perhaps not from the perspective of a cultivator with hundreds of years behind him, but certainly so for someone who has yet to see even two decades. Four years is more than enough time for Liu Jin to reach the Earth Realm. Boastful though it may sound, failing to do so would be shameful considering all the advantages Liu Jin has at his disposal. Even speaking of the Heaven Realm may not be so outrageous.

However, are four years enough to settle things in the Storm Dragon Empire?

Will Liu Jin have the trust of Lord Feng Gui by then? Will he be allowed to meet General Nie? Can he end the stalemate between the Three Heavenly Generals?

Probably not.

He cannot do that in such fleeting time.

Four years...

Xiao Shuang and Xiao Fang.

If he goes to the Crimson Cloud Tournament in four years, he might see them again.

What is it that brings you to the Armory? Senior Brother Guo booming voice cuts through Liu Jins musings, bringing him back to the forge, to a world of fire and hammers.

It is nothing too important, Senior Brother. Liu Jin takes out his spear and holds it so Senior Brother Guo can see the many cracks on it. Huang Shing had not held back when hitting it. My weapon was damaged during a spar, so I wanted to have it fixed.

While Liu Jin is not happy about the damage done to his spear, it has given him a good excuse to bring Pan Qiu to the Armory. The more people he is seen by, the better.

Let me see. Senior Brother Guo takes the weapon from Liu Jins hands. It does not escape Liu Jins notice that other than him and Fan Bingbing, Senior Brother Guo has not acknowledged a single person in their entourage.

Senior Brother Guo probably doesnt deem them worthy of his attention.

I see. He runs his massive finger over one of the cracks. The shaft is made from Rosy Everwood, strong yet supple. The blade is Brightsteel. You have been using this for perhaps six months?

Seven, Liu Jin replies. Senior Brother Guos eyebrows go up.

Impressive. Your Qi reinforcement is impeccable. He hands the spear back to Liu Jin. Brother Qing, I will be honest. Your spear is garbage, and you should throw it away.

Liu Jin blinks.


Perhaps garbage is a too strong word, Brother Guo amends with a tone that is not the slightest bit regretful. It is a suitable weapon, but only for someone much weaker than you, Brother Qing. Id go as far as to say you outgrew that spear long before setting foot in the Eternal Flame Clan. Rather than fixing it, allow me to make a new one for you.

A new spear.

Liu Jin mulls it over. It is not as if he has any particular attachment to his spear. It was just the best one he and Lei Kong managed to find while traveling.

Very well, Liu Jin says. As soon as he does, Senior Brother Guos massive hand grabs his shoulder.

Wonderful! he says, dragging Liu Jin to the side. Please, hold your arms up, Brother Qing. I need to take your measurements. By the way, do you have any preferences? I know some people like weapons made out of fangs and claws, but I work almost exclusively with metals. Are you attached to a classical design? Have you considered halberds? Pole arms have a surprising variety, you know?

The questions come one after as Senior Brother Guo takes his height, arm length, and makes him try out a couple of weapons. They also discuss prices, or rather, Liu Jin brings up the matter of payment, and Senior Brother Guo laughs and explains to him how the Armory works.

When one buys or has a weapon repaired in the Armory, they do not pay points to the blacksmith. Rather, they pay to the Armory. The Armory then decides how many points the blacksmith should be given. This amount varies depending on the time and materials used as well as the quality of work.

At least, that is how things would usually go.

I have been briefed on the situation by Elder Geng, Senior Brother Guo says, leaving Liu Jin wondering just how many people know of his supposedly secret mission. A Core Disciple like me would call too much attention, but I can make sure your men are well-armed. Your spear will not be ready for a while, but feel free to grab anything you like.

He gestures at a weapon rack and grins.

I assure you, they will leave nothing to be desired.


Over the next two days, Liu Jin repeats the same pattern.

He takes Pan Qiu to the Sparring Hall, wins a few spars, and lets Pan Qiu fight once he has taken care of the more dangerous disciples present. It is a good thing Core Disciples do not frequent the Sparring Hall. Doubtlessly, both sides want to preserve their true strength right now. It would be troublesome if Core Disciples fought here every day.

This arena is the domain of Inner and Outer Disciples. At least, that is what it was. There are scarcely any Outer Disciples anywhere in the Sparring Hall nowadays. The high amounts of violence between Inner Disciples have driven them away. There is not a single mouse who will not hide from an angry tiger.

Mice are smart that way.

Huang Shing told me you were here the other day.

As Bei Hong steps into the ring with him, Liu Jin wishes he could be more of a mouse.

It sounds like you two had a good talk. Im a little jealous. Bei Hong grins and cracks his knuckles. I had always wondered what fighting you would feel like.

Brother Bei, Liu Jin says. If you wanted to know, you had but to ask.

Spirit Realm, Level Four.

Bei Hong was already in the Third Level when they met. This much growth is simply to be expected.

What can I say? Im the sort who leaves the best meal for last.

No. No, you are not.

No, Im not, admits Bei Hong with a single nod. I hope you dont take me lightly just because you have beaten plenty of people in higher levels than me by now.

I would not dream of comparing those people to Brother Bei.

Bei Hong might just be in the Fourth Level of the Spirit Realm, but Liu Jin would probably have an easier time fighting someone in the Seventh or Eighth Level of the Spirit Realm. That is how strong Bei Hong is.

Good. I do not like being underestimated.

If you do not like being underestimated, then perhaps you should not continuously shame yourself so publicly, Bei Hong. Are you a fighter or a buffoon?

The harsh, biting words do not come from Liu Jin. Another disciple steps into the ring with them, weathering the pressure created by their Qi. He has dark eyes and hair of a very light shade of brown. Tall and broad-shouldered, he bears a striking resemblance to Bei Hong.

Bei Duyi, Bei Hong growls, glaring daggers at him.

Cousin. Bei Duyi looks at Bei Hong and his black robes with cool disdain. I see you have been an even bigger fool than usual. It seems it is up to me to put you in your place yet again.

You hide from me for months, and now you dare barge into my fight!

Bei Hong takes a step towards Bei Duyi in anger, but Bei Duyi ignores him by turning to face Liu Jin and inclining his head to him.

Brother Qing, I understand you were about to fight, but I ask that you let me settle things with my foolish cousin.

Bei Duyi. Someone Liu Jin has not seen in quite some time. A person who had played a part in some of the inconveniences during his early days as a disciple now speaks to him cordially, ready to support him against someone who once fought at his side.

The world, it seems, is determined to turn in unexpected ways.

You dare ignore me!

I could make it a guaranteed challenge if you wish to, cousin, Bei Duyi says, giving him a side glance. I still have two left today, and knowing you, you have been mindlessly saying yes without forcing anyone to actually use theirs on you.

To prove his point, Bei Duyi lifts his bracelet and pushes Qi into it. Instead of his total points, two numbers are projected over it with fiery letters: 1 and 0.

The number of guaranteed challenges he has issued today, and the number of guaranteed challenges he can receive.

Bei Duyi keeps the projection up, his smirk daring Bei Hong to reveal his numbers and prove him right.

Bei Hong growls. Gold coats his entire body.

Your words are as empty as everything else about you.

Bei Duyi smiles as gold coats his body as well.

Why dont you test how empty my fists are then? Brother Qing, please step back. I will handle this.

Liu Jin should step back, but somehow, siding with Bei Duyi against Bei Hong feels wrong. In the first place, the reason he wanted to fight Bei Hong was to...

A presence approaches.

Liu Jin feels the Qi when it is about three hundred yards away, but it doesnt even take a second for its owner to burst into the Sparring Pavillion.

True Realm, Level Three.

Qing Jin, Bu Jings voice, laced with Qi, booms throughout the building. I challenge you!

Every single person between Liu Jin and Bu Jing moves out of the way. Even Bei Hong and Bei Duyi stop posturing at each other.

Bu Jing steps forward.

Liu Jin matches him.

Step by step, the two fighters meet in the middle of a ring. It had been in use mere seconds ago, but the fighters have no desire to get between them.

Brother Bu, I have heard you were looking for me.

I challenge you, Bu Jing repeats, his pale eyes focused only on Liu Jin, his voice leaving no room for debate.

I have already been challenged three times today, Liu Jin replies. I am afraid I have no need to accept your challenge.

Bu Jings gaze grows frighteningly cold.

You will flee from me in front of all these people like a coward?

I have no problems being seen as a coward, Liu Jin says. You will have to find someone else willing to entertain you, Brother Bu.


I beg your pardon?

No, Qing Jin, Bu Jing says, his pale eyes staring at him with deathly certainty. That will not happen today. I will not fall for your lies.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Liu Jin catches a glimpse of Bei Hongs widening eyes.

I challenge you.

The words are repeated for a third time. Liu Jin fights the urge to roll his eyes as he lifts his bracelet to show the number of guaranteed challenges he has left before all.

He cant.

The bracelet does not react to his Qi. Confused mutters arise around every ring as disciples stare at their bracelets in confusion. Some hit them lightly, trying to get them to work. Others shake them and keep trying to push Qi into them. The result is the same.

Every single bracelet in the room has been shut down.


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