Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 143: Periphery

Chapter 143: Periphery


A long, winding passage deep beneath the earth connects the Punishment House to the Apothecary. There is no light down there, and the oxygen is so thin it might as well not exist. It is a relic of a different time and a scandalous affair. By the time he became an Elder, it had long since stopped seeing use.

Here he waits for her, wondering whether it would be better if she doesnt show up at all.

Still, as heedless as to what he wants as always, she appears.

Her mere presence brings light to these dark depths. Though Elder Xue is not using Qi, the darkness cannot hope to hide her radiance.

You came, he says, forcing all emotions out of his voice.

Why so surprised? she asks. As Elders, is our word not law? Why should I diminish its value by uttering falsehood?

Elder Chang, Warden of the Punishment House, scoffs.

The law is the law, he says with the tired tone of someone who has repeated the same thing hundreds of times. The words of the Elders, though often conflated with it, are not law. Whether your words are true or false, they cannot diminish the laws value. Only yours.

Oh? Elder Xues ruby red lips curl into a smile. And what then, shall we say of an Elder who goes behind his masters back to meet an enemy? Is he breaking the law?

Elder Chang levels his flattest stare at her.

We are not enemies. We are fellow Elders. There is no law forbidding Elders to converse. Thus, no laws are being broken.

And yet, we meet in secret.

People are petty and bound to be offended at many things not written in the law, Elder Chang replies. If you have come here only to mock me, I am afraid you have wasted your time, Elder Xue. You could have done that out in the open.

A light tut leaves her red lips. As always, you are no fun at all.

The law does not need to entertain.

And yet it continuously does.

Elder Chang takes a deep breath and tells himself there is no sense in getting angry. That is precisely what this damnable woman wants. Always. Always! Trying to make him lose his temper.

I am here, Elder Chang says with great patience and doing his best to stare down Elder Xue, because I have received your message.

Are we saying obvious things now?

Naturally, she is not intimidated in the least.

What does an Emperor have to fear from someone like him? Elders they may be, but the differences in status and power between them could not be more apparent. No matter how heavy his stare grows, Elder Xues amused smile does not waver.

Shall I begin by telling you my name, my dear-?

Enough! He shouts. The victorious glint in Elder Xues eyes just further infuriates him. Why is she always like this!? Is it true? Is what your letter said really true?!

Xue dared to send one of her butterflies through the secret passage between the Punishment House and the Apothecary. That had been enough to arouse his curiosity. However, the contents of the letter changed that curiosity to urgency. Indeed, were this matter not so important, Elder Chang would not meet Elder Xue like this.

Two Elders from rival factions conversing with each other, whether openly or secretly, will not be viewed well. In fact, Elder Chang risks much by answering Elder Xues call. While Elder Xue has repeatedly proven herself to Lord Feng Gui, Elder Chang has not won Lord Feng Shang any victories. Big or small. Should anyone learn of this meeting, they will likely assume Elder Chang is seeking to change sides. A base accusation that makes light of his character, yet one that will gain traction should it be made.

Very well, Elder Xue pouts like he had just spoiled a fun game for her. In deference to your valor, I suppose I shall get to the point. It is just as I explained in my letter. The Internal Force has been able to act freely because the barrier is directly shutting down all bracelets in a given area.

It is an outrageous idea. Had Elder Xue not suggested it, Elder Change would have never thought of it. For something like that to be possible, the fundamental workings of the barrier surrounding the compound would need to be altered. The punishment for doing that would be immense!

It is far too much risk for such a childish matter!

This goes beyond the Internal Force, Elder Xue continues, a frown forming on her face. Even when she frowns, she is exquisite. As expected of someone in the Emperor Realm. It is highly possible the disabling of the bracelets is just one of many modifications in place. I will go as far as to say the barrier has been altered to temporarily allow someone or something into the Eternal Flame Clan that should not have been here.

There are not many who are capable of doing what Elder Xue is describing. Not only does it require quite a bit of skill, but only high-ranking members of the Eternal Flame Clan have access to the barriers inner workings.

In other words

We have a traitor among the Elders, Elder Xue declares. So heavy are her words the darkness around them becomes more complete and the silence more silent.

You accuse Elder Dang of treachery? Elder Chang asks, well aware this could be nothing more than a plot of Elder Xue to turn him against an ally by taking advantage of their disagreements.

To his surprise, Elder Xue gently shakes her head in negative.

No. He would not do this. To betray the Eternal Flame Clan is impossible for him. The idea alone would be unthinkable.

Yet, it is through the actions of the Internal Force that you came to this conclusion, Elder Chang points out.

That is another reason why it cannot be him. Do you think Dang would have been foolish enough to give himself away in such a juvenile manner?

Elder Changs silence is enough of an answer. Elder Xue raises a single, elegant eyebrow.

If he were here, I am sure his feelings would have been hurt just now.

If he were here, my answer would not change.

That bullheaded honesty of yours is one of the reasons I sought you out, Elder Xue says. Her smile this time is less teasing and more genuine. But no, I do not believe Elder Dang modified the barrier. Rather, the actual traitor helped him by giving him access to the modifications. It may very well be that Dang does not understand the significance of the tool he has given the Internal Force. Elder Dang is simply being used as a scapegoat.

Who is insulting Dang now?

Barriers and talismans have never been his strong suit, and we have all been focused on other matters lately, Elder Xue says. Regardless, we have a potential traitor, and Ill have your help finding out who it is.

Oh? Am I not in your list of suspects?

Elder Xue laughs.

Oh, dear. No. No. My dear, sweet Bao, you could never be a traitor.

Despite himself, hearing his name from her lips makes Elder Chang blush like a callow youth, as though the blood flowing through his body werent his to control. It is dizzying, confusing, and he hates every second of it. He keeps his mouth shut until he is confident he has complete control of himself once more.

I will tell you right now I am a poor fit for anything that requires stealth or subterfuge.

I need neither from you. I only require that you allow me to interrogate one of your prisoners.

His eyes narrow with suspicion. Which one?


The disgraced Elder who had dared to experiment on their disciples.

You had him to yourself for days, he says. Do you expect me to believe you did not interrogate him to your hearts content?

The Apothecary is not as suited towards containing a cultivator of Elder Cheungs power as the Punishment House. Had I relaxed his restraints, he could have done something idiotic, she explains with an airy wave of her hand. I do hate idiotic things.

Elder Chang crosses his arms. This is not what you said in the trial.

I say a great many things to make myself seem more powerful.


All Emperors are shameless.

Even back then, I suspected there was more to Elder Cheungs activities. However, I did not push my interrogation in that direction during the trial because I did not want to accidentally uncover something that could incriminate those allied with me in front of everyone.

I am guessing Dang did the same thing.

Naturally, Dang has some sense.

Elder Changs frown deepens. He takes a deep breath and turns away, his mind heavy with thoughts.

Finally, he speaks.

I will have to be present while you torture Cheung.

I believe I said interrogate.

I believe I am not an idiot.

I am so glad you did not say fool. Elder Xue walks until she is right beside him. You are right, of course. You are not an idiot. I would hate you if you were.

Again he blushes. Again Elder Xues clear laugh rings in the darkness.

Well, Elder Xue offers him her hand. Shall we go uncover a traitor?

He hates this woman so much.

He still takes her hand.


Though the Eternal Flame Clans compound is larger than many cities, the number of people living inside it is considerably smaller. Buildings are often separated by vast stretches of emptiness. Two people can live here for decades yet never run into each other.

However, Lord Feng Gui and Lord Feng Shang live in the same house.

Certainly, the main house is large enough to fit several hundred regular houses inside it. If Lord Feng Gui and Lord Feng Shang wanted to, it would be extremely easy for them to avoid running into each other. All they would need to do is make the conscious choice to step out of each other's way.

That simply cannot be done.

When Lord Feng Shang was in the capital, the many servants working in the main house could rest easy. However, Lord Feng Shang has returned. The two brothers live under the same roof once more.

For their paths to cross in the courtyard was always inevitable.

Two of the strongest cultivators in the Crimson Cloud Empire stand mere feet away, their auras clashing against each other. Though neither exerts anything close to their full power, they are still Emperor Realm cultivators. The lightest expression of their aura would be unbearable for most people. Indeed, a servant faints right before their Qi quiets down.

You should give up.

Several servants curse Lord Feng Gui from the bottom of their hearts as his bold words immediately cause his elder brothers Qi to sharpen. The temperature rises ever so slightly. Barely a few degrees, yet the servants know how easily either of the two brothers could turn this area into a smoldering ruin.

Anyone who has eyes can see our race does not favor you, brother, Lord Feng Gui continues, uncaring of his brothers irritation. I will admit the way you took charge of our participation in the Crimson Cloud Tournament was inspired, and the Internal Force was a bold idea if nothing else. However, you have done nothing but accumulate defeats as of late.

It takes a few moments for Lord Feng Shang to reply. These are moments in which his body is unnaturally still, and the wind stops blowing entirely.

Had I asked the same thing of you years ago, would you have listened to me?

Of course not.

Then why do you expect me to do any different? Feng Shang asks. The events of a few months are of little importance in the grand scheme of things. You know this. I may have lost the tournament, but there will be others. You may have the Medical Pavilion under your control but not forever.

How curious. Feng Gui rubs his chin. You said nothing about Elder Dangs Internal Force just now. How long do you think that experiment will be allowed to last? I hear they are committing quite a few infractions under the guise of enforcing our laws. The incident in the Sparring Hall was quite something.

Unexpectedly, Lord Feng Shang snorts. Smoke puffs out from his nose.

Do you expect me to believe Father will care about that?

I expect you to believe he will notice every little thing that marks you as my inferior.

And in the same way, he will take note of everything that marks you as my inferior. Feng Shang shakes his head and sighs. Do not lie to yourself, brother. Father will not make a choice. Not until he sees either one of us beaten. These games we play are just that.


The disciples would not like their struggles being referred to in such a way, yet what else can they be called? This is nothing more than a game between Feng Gui and Feng Shang. They trade disposable pieces and risk nothing of true value.

I had hoped you would not say that. A solemn expression appears on Feng Guis face. At this rate, well actually have to risk something important next time. You are halfway there already, brother. Else youd not have freed Elder Xuns grandson.

Lord Feng Shang turns away. I cannot be held responsible for every action the Elders undertake.

Spare me that garbage. Feng Gui spits on the ground. You freed that little monster, knowing you risked angering Elder Xun. What is that, if not the action of someone desperate? How much more will it take? How much longer will you try to prolong this?

A moment of silence falls over the courtyard. The two brothers look at each other with tiredness written on their faces.

Feng Gui speaks first.

Why cant you just give up, brother?

Do you even have to ask? Feng Shang asks his brother with genuine emotion. Do you really think Ill allow your vision of the Eternal Flame Clan to happen? That I will stand by as you destroy what we have worked so hard to build?

Destruction is necessary for progress, Feng Gui hisses with quiet intensity. We do away with the obsolete and replace it with something better.

Who decides what is obsolete? You? A sharp laugh shows how little Feng Shang thinks of that idea. Progress is a system, brother. A set of behaviors with tried and proven results throughout the ages! Stability, not reckless destruction is necessary!

Stability! It is Feng Guis turn to laugh. You call what you do stability? Your ways have led to nothing but stagnation! How long has it been since we last truly expanded our borders? The Dead Plains taunt us, brother!

The Dead Plains can taunt us all they want! Going there is foolishness! You and I know that better than anyone. Or has that ill-fated trip to recover the Sun Scrolls been removed from your memory?

Feng Gui snorts.

All I remember from that journey is that you were alone with a beautiful woman for an entire month and failed to do anything out of some misguided sense of loyalty towards your fiance while I had to convince a mad woman fighting with each other was pointless. Feng Gui throws his hands up. It is always the same! The honorable Feng Shang wastes my time and his!

Shall I be like you then? Produce children whose names I never bother to learn except when they are convenient to me?

Why not? Our bloodline is too important not to have replacements ready. Lest we end up like the Divine Frozen Palace and find ourselves without any link to the original one hundred and eight.

You always have a way to make your actions seem necessary. Feng Shang shakes his head. Truly, your skill at justifying your vices is the only thing that has grown in all these years.

Please, I

Feng Gui stops. The courtyard goes deathly still.

The servant carrying the young Feng Hao has finally made it to the gates of the main house. In an instant, Lord Feng Gui reaches out, taking in the situation outside the mansion. A myriad of emotions flashes across his face. One soon becomes prominent over all the others.


"You!" He hisses. The beautiful garden breaks under the weight of his presence. The servants fall to their knees with tears in their eyes. They cannot bear the aura of an angry Emperor. "You swine! You meant to distract me!"

"Control yourself!" Lord Feng Shang draws his Qi around him, ready to defend himself. This does not make things any easier for the servants who are already trying to flee. "You are the one who sought me out!"

"You knew I would come to you. You knew that little monster would try something! You may have even put the idea in his head! My son, brother! My son!"

One servant claws his eyes out. Another one catches fire.

"You really think I would have your son killed?"

"I think it is quite curious Feng Zhuo is not here even though his presence would have greatly aided your cause. How long have you planned this, brother!"

A servant dies screaming. Another one burns to ashes as the two brothers stare each other down.

"You are mad!"

"Yes, I do believe I am. Luckily, you are here to help me work through my anger like the good brother you are."

Fire rises around Feng Gui. His eyes have all the ferocity of a tiger.

"Shall we see who is fit to lead the Eternal Flame Clan?"


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