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Chapter 51: Surrender

Chapter 51: Surrender


Liu Jin has surrendered.

His words travel no further than a few feet away, yet those who hear them feel as if the world has stopped. That is how unexpected Liu Jins words are. Even Cui Tian stares at Liu Jin in stunned shock. He cannot believe what he just heard!

Certainly, Cui Tian told Liu Jin to surrender. As someone in the First Level of the Nascent Realm, it was only natural for him to do so. Even someone in the Ninth Level of the Inner Realm would lose against someone like Cui Tian, and Liu Jin is merely in the Seventh Level of the Inner Realm. The difference between Cultivation Realms is that significant.

However, Cui Tian never once expected Liu Jin to actually surrender!

Those who participate in the tournament are not just representing themselves. They have to worry not just about their own reputation but also about the reputation of their respective factions. That is why they cannot allow themselves to act shamelessly. Such actions would reflect poorly on their Sects and Clans.

As someone who is representing the Xiao Sect, the burden on Liu Jins back is heavier than most, especially because he is Xiao Zhengs son-in-law. The pressure on him is such that it should be unthinkable for him to ever surrender, much less do so during the first fight of the tournament.

Had Liu Jin surrendered after participating in several matches, it might be deemed acceptable.

However, this was his first match! Liu Jin surrendered before a single blow was thrown, and he did so against a fighter from a relatively new faction! No matter how one looks at it, Liu Jin has made a horrible first impression!

Indeed, once the initial shock fades, the gazes of those looking at Liu Jin cool down with disdain. In an instant, their opinion of him lowers even further than it was before.

Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect is a coward.

That is what all the people of Group 27 decide at that moment.

Liu Jin does not care. He calmly walks out of the ring with his head held high, ignoring all the eyes on him. Cui Tian takes a while longer to move, still stunned by his sudden victory. Eventually, new fighters are called and a new fight begins.

Just like that, the first fight of the Eastern Port City Tournament is over.


Liu Jin tries his hardest to focus on the fight taking place in the ring. However, Cui Tians keen gaze on his back makes it hard to do so. It is intense enough to make the young child want to sigh.

Shouldnt a guy who looks and acts like that be all brawn and no brains?

Liu Jin expected him to grow arrogant after winning. Instead, it seems victory has made Cui Tian cautious. While everyone else has dismissed Liu Jin as a coward, Cui Tian keeps looking at him as a puzzle he is still trying to make sense of.

Liu Jin frowns.

Perhaps, he should have acted scared?

The thought is a distasteful one to him. While Liu Jin does not particularly care about matters of face, the idea of humiliating himself is not one that appeals to him. Besides, acting scared would probably earn him a lot of trouble. He can already imagine Xiao Fangs face when he learns he gave up the first match.

Hes going to get an earful for sure.

Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect vs. Wan Rong of the Wan Clan!

Liu Jin steps into the ring when his name is called. The first round of fights is already over. The name of his opponent is one he recognizes from the files. Wan Rong belongs to a cadet branch of the Wan Clan, a moderately wealthy clan that is subordinate to the Yun Sect.

Their eldest son, Wan Shun, is a Core Disciple of the Yun Sect.

Ah, what luck! What luck! Wan Rong looks at Liu Jin with a broad smile on his face. It is an honor to face someone from the honored Xiao Sect! Still, even if you are from the Xiao Sect, you must understand that someone as young as you isnt this Wan Rongs opponent!

Liu Jin says nothing. He merely adopts a fighting stance.

Come now, this senior brother is trying to give you advice, Wan Rong prods further. Surely, you can feel the difference between our respective levels. If you are smart, you should give up.

Wan Rong flares his Qi as he speaks, letting it blanket the ring. The gesture is pointless. Liu Jin knew his level before the match was announced.

Inner Realm, Level Eight.

To think someone would act so superior due to a difference of just one level of cultivation. Had he made such a poor impression that Wan Rong thought thatd be enough to intimidate him?

Hey! Is the Xiao Sect so rude they will not address someone older when spoken to.

Liu Jin says nothing once more. This time he does it to deliberately annoy Wan Rong. Sure enough, a vein throbs on the teens forehead. His powerful muscles bulge as he prepares for combat. While not as big as Cui Tian, Wan Rongs body is still far larger than Liu Jins.

I see. Very well, this senior brother will be sure to give you proper guidance!


Wan Rong wastes no time charging in.

If Liu Jin has to compare him to the bandits he fought in New Moon Town, then Wan Rong is undoubtedly superior in strength, speed, and technique. If he has to compare Wan Rong to the commanders of the Black Bear Group, then his strength and speed are about the same, but his technique is on an entirely different level. If he has to compare him to Xiao Fang, then

Then there is absolutely no point of comparison.

Liu Jin nimbly moves to the side using a minimal amount of movements. To those watching, it looks like he barely dodges. Wan Rong grins, emboldened by feelings of superiority. He ups the speed of his attacks, multiple furious blows aimed at Liu Jin.

Liu Jin keeps dodging.

Each blow only barely misses him. Sometimes by an inch. Sometimes by even less than that.

The feeling of being so close to his target only to fail slowly starts wearing on Wan Rong. Frustration becomes plain to see on his face. His movements grow wilder as he gradually puts more and more power into them. Thoughts of pacing himself to have enough energy left for the other matches are abandoned in his haste.

When his frustration is at its maximum, an opening appears.

Liu Jin moves in, his body crouching low as he slips past Wan Rongs defenses in an instant.

The impact of his palm striking Wan Rong rings through the arena. Wan Rongs body is blown out of the ring. Those standing on the sidelines quickly move to avoid the human projectile, leaving Wan Rongs body to crash into the ground.

He doesnt get up.

The tournament official raises his hand. Winner, Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect!

His victory declared, Liu Jin walks out of the ring in silence, well aware of the eyes on him. As always, watching peoples thoughts play across their faces is an interesting experience. It seems he has managed to shock them once more, this time for entirely different reasons.

However, rationalization is quick to follow.

Wan Rong was too impatient. That is what most of them are thinking. His opponent was lucky to dodge his blows for so long. This caused Wan Rong to grow reckless, allowing an opening to appear. Liu Jin was just fortunate to be able to see and take advantage of it. If that had not happened, there was absolutely no way Liu Jin would have won.

Even if Liu Jin is on the Seventh Level of the Inner Realm, he is still someone who was in the First Level of the Inner Realm for three years. That stigma is still attached to him. He has been at his current level of cultivation for too little time. Thus, even if he is on the Seventh Level of the Inner Realm, he should have been no match for Wan Rong.

That is what they are thinking at the moment.

All but one.

Liu Jin feels Cui Tians gaze on him and frowns. There is nothing dismissive about those eyes.

It is annoying.

It isnt as though it had been his intention to trick people into underestimating him. Something like that didnt even cross his mind when he made his choice. Regardless, that someone can see through him is annoying either way.

The matches continue one after another. Cui Tian wins once more. Out of the ten people in Group 27, Cui Tian is one of four who has yet to lose a single match. Hell undoubtedly finish at the top of the group.

Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect vs. Chang Wei of the Seven Leaves School!

His name is called once more, and once again, Liu Jin steps into the ring.

At fourteen-years-old, his opponent is the second-youngest person in the group. He stands in the Ninth Level of the Inner Realm, which is impressive for his age, especially considering he comes from a relatively new faction.

I cant believe I will fight a member of the Xiao Sect!

Chang Wei is almost bouncing in place with youthful exuberance. Unlike Wan Rong or Cui Tian, his body is lean, and he has a young-looking face. It is the type that girls would probably find attractive.

I am sorry, but Ill win here and pass to the next round with Brother Tian.

Liu Jin tilts his head to the side.

Is that so?

Chang Wei nods several times.

You may have won against Wan Rong, but Im stronger than him and have sparred against Brother Tian several times. We may have ended up in the same group, but thats fine. Ill beat you here and win all the matches I need to rank second. That way, brother and I will spread the name of the Seven Leaves School throughout Eastern Port City.

Ah, so that is their goal. Certainly, the tournament is an excellent opportunity for them to earn fame for their school. Depending on how far they go, their school may end up attracting a large amount of disciples.

What a pity.


Chang Wei moves in. The smile on his face does not reflect anger or arrogance but rather eagerness. There is not a trace of hesitation to be found there. He is confident of his victory and merely seeks to enjoy the match.

Liu Jin sighs.

He blocks the first strike.

He could have dodged and made it look like he was having trouble, yet Liu Jin chooses to block instead. Using the same strategy as before against someone so earnest feels wrong to him.

Hes way too soft-hearted.

Chang Weis eyes widen in surprise when his first blow is blocked. A gasp of pain escapes his lips when Liu Jins finger strikes his forearm. The follow-up palm strike, he barely manages to block, letting the impact knock him back to get some distance from Liu Jin.

By the time the first exchange ends, Chang Weis arm hangs limply at his side.

I am sorry to say, but I have no intention of letting you win.

Chang Wei stares at his limp arm for a second. He tries moving it, but its no use. A laugh escapes his lips.

Amazing! The Xiao Sect is amazing!

Ah, to think hed even react well to this. Winning this is not going to make him feel good at all.

Liu Jin could tell himself this is for the best. Letting a new faction stand out too much will only cause trouble. By making sure Chang Wei doesnt advance, hes doing him a favor.

Yes, Liu Jin could tell himself that, but that is not the type of person he is.

Liu Jin will win because he wants to win. That is all there is to it.

Come, he tells Chang Wei, gesturing at him with his hand. Chang Wei grins wide and charges in. Just like that, the fight begins anew, everyone around them now paying close attention.

Needless to say, Liu Jin wins.


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