Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1228

"That Amy..."

Gu qiaoyue wanted to ask Amy what was going on, but he didn't think there was anything to ask. When his voice turned, he asked, "Mo Yan, tell me about the car accident."

During this time, they said a lot, but they didn't mention the car accident.

Seeing Amy today, Gu qiaoyue wanted to ask about this.

Si Moyan nodded and said, "x appeared around us as many identities before. He knows us better. The time you shot, he appeared around us as Jobe hunt, the second young master of the hunter family. At that time, we all doubted him. We didn't have much contact with him, but we still couldn't avoid..."

Mainly, they didn't expect that X had such a mind for her.

Si Moyan always thought that x held a grudge against him because he destroyed one of his bases. He kept asking them for trouble again and again, but he never thought that his mind was Qiao Yue.

Unexpectedly, using Amy's killing heart, he designed a fake death for Gu qiaoyue and forced Gu qiaoyue to stay with him.

If he didn't believe Gu qiaoyue's death, and Zhang Tianhe, a person proficient in metaphysics, calculated that Gu qiaoyue wasn't dead, they would really believe it and really have the Tao of X.

Sima Yan told Amy about buying Gu qiaoyue to kill and X used Amy to design her to fake death.

He had checked these things clearly before.

But before, he didn't have so much energy to revenge. He was looking for Gu qiaoyue.

Now Gu qiaoyue has found it, and those who hurt Gu qiaoyue should pay the price.

Gu qiaoyue frowned and listened. She only felt that all this was really too dramatic and that X was too crazy.

"What's the matter with my amnesia?" Gu qiaoyue asked again.

If the car accident explosion is just a cover, her amnesia will not be related to the car accident. Moreover, she is indeed uninjured. So, what's the matter with amnesia?

Si Moyan shook his head, painfully clenched Gu qiaoyue's hand and said, "I've been asking people to check the reasons for your amnesia. Now I have some eyebrows."

Gu qiaoyue looked at Si Moyan and motioned him.

Si Moyan said, "Qiao Yue, do you know that there is a laboratory in each base of X?"

Gu qiaoyue shook her head, and then thought that when she was on the island, she saw x suddenly appear from the first floor several times, but she had clearly checked before, and X was not in those places.

She also suspected that there might be a basement under the castle where they lived, but she couldn't find the entrance.

Si Moyan continued: "There are laboratories in each base of X. these laboratories are doing various experiments. During your disappearance, our people have been searching for the bases of X organization and destroyed many of their bases. There is a laboratory in these bases. There are amnesia among the people rescued before. This time, we focused on these people and found that they took them A drug causes amnesia. "

"You mean... I lost my memory because x gave me some medicine?" Gu qiaoyue frowned.

I used to think that X was paranoid and had a strong desire for control, but I didn't expect that his amnesia was also the result of his drug control.

"During this time, Wang Feng gathered all the people who had lost their memory rescued from base X and found that some people began to gradually recover their memory. From their mouth, they learned that they took the drug for the first time a year and a half ago. Now they began to recover their memory gradually. We suspect that the drug is time-effective."

"After that, we observed several people. The people who took the medicine with him had more or less signs of memory recovery..."

Si Moyan came slowly. He looked at Gu qiaoyue and said seriously, "so qiaoyue, we're not in a hurry. First tell me how many times you took drugs."

Gu qiaoyue thought of the medicine x gave him when he was on the island.

She shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but when I was on the island, I didn't trust X. In addition, I was pretending to be ill at that time, and I didn't take the medicine he gave."

"Now think about it, those drugs are probably used to control her memory."

Gu qiaoyue said in fear. Fortunately, she didn't eat. If she did, would she never come back.

Moreover, it seems that around the time when x asked her to take medicine, she began to dream frequently, dreaming of Moyan and her family.

Gu qiaoyue suddenly said, "Mo Yan, you're right. Those drugs are time-effective. I didn't dream at the beginning. Until a few months later, I began to dream frequently. At that time, X was going to give me medicine. I pretended to take medicine and vomited the medicine when I went back."

"Luckily you didn't eat it." Si Moyan was also afraid.

During the period of investigating her amnesia, he found out a lot of things. Those who took drugs two or three times have no signs of recovering their memory. Their families appear in front of them, and they have no response. Even all kinds of physical therapy and psychological therapy can't work.

Seeing that Gu qiaoyue was really afraid, Si Moyan stopped talking about these. He took her hand and said with a smile, "well, let's stop talking about these and go have a rest."

Gu qiaoyue nodded, took her clothes and prepared to wash, but stopped and asked, "Moyan, you came to Amy because you found out these?"

Sima Yan nodded.

Gu qiaoyue hooked her lips and smiled. She walked up to him, put her arms around his neck and printed a kiss on his lips. She smiled like a flower: "Mo Yan, thank you."

Sima Yan was stiff and did not dare to move.

In the past six months, he was full of looking for Gu qiaoyue. Now Gu qiaoyue is in front of him. Before, he thought she didn't recover her memory and didn't dare to stimulate her.

However, now she is in front of herself, holding herself and kissing herself. How can he bear the temptation that has been abstinent for more than half a year.

He desperately pressed the fire from the bottom of his heart, clenched his fist, and said hoarsely, "Qiao Yue, go and freshen up."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and printed a kiss on his lips: "OK."

Sima Yan's fist clenched more tightly, and the flame in his heart was also rising.

He repressed and watched Gu qiaoyue get up and leave, but he couldn't repress it anymore. He grabbed her wrist, let her sit on her lap, took her hand all the way down, looked at her pitifully and said:

"Qiao Yue, you have to be responsible."

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