Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1256

Si Moyan finally didn't push Gu qiaoyue away, but let her hold herself like this, let her beat on her chest, silently wipe her tears, and said painfully:

"Not next time."

Gu qiaoyue looked at him angrily, went to the doctor and asked him about his physical condition carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he was relieved.

Gu qiaoyue accompanied Si Moyan on the island and went to see others from time to time. He stayed for a full week. After the doctor confirmed that these people were all right, he left the island with them.

The outside world has calmed down, and the enterprises that stopped work because of the epidemic have resumed work one after another, and Xiangyue has resumed normal work.

Because of this incident, Xiangyue employees have a more sense of belonging to the company.

Although at the beginning, the company kept it from them to let them travel on the island, it was actually a brief isolation, but everyone is an adult and knows what is best for them.

Even if they were a little dissatisfied after being cheated at the beginning, their dissatisfaction disappeared after they came back and saw so many people in the city getting sick and the boss spending a lot of money on vaccine research.

If the boss didn't isolate them for the first time by going on a trip, they must be the first to be infected.

Not to mention, they were isolated, but the boss also spent a lot of money to make them safe. What else are they dissatisfied with.

In fact, many people were infected this time, and many companies stopped work because of this thing. But which one, like boss Xiangyue, also squatted in the research group and stared at the people in the research group to develop a vaccine.

Xiangyue is back on track, and all employees work harder.

In view of this incident, country y also expressed thanks and awards to Xiangyue in public.

After this incident, the reporter of the real report of Y country went to Gu qiaoyue and interviewed her about her spending a lot of money to support vaccine research.

When the interview came out, song Anshan had just got out of danger and recuperated in the ward.

He was isolated. Like other patients, he was isolated in the hospital and treated with these people every day. He almost went crazy.

Now, there is news on TV. The news content is that the government of country y publicly thanks Xiangyue for its support in this epidemic event.

As soon as the news came out, the whole ward in the isolation area was also very grateful, and everyone was having a heated discussion.

"I heard that the reason why the vaccine was studied so quickly was that boss Xiangyue donated money several times and stared at the research team in person."

"Yes, we should all thank her. I was very ill at that time. If the vaccine was studied two days later, I might have been cremated. Xiangyue company and Xiangyue boss will be my benefactor."

"After I go out, I will buy Xiangyue's products. In the future, I will support Xiangyue's products even if I smash the pot and sell iron."

"Yes, Xiangyue's boss is really good. Look at such a big thing, few local bosses in Y country can do Xiangyue."

"It is said that Xiangyue is an enterprise of China, and only an Oriental dragon like China can cultivate an excellent enterprise like Xiangyue and an excellent boss..."


Listening to the intense discussion of these people in the isolation ward, song Anshan's face was livid.

He designed Clarence and Amy to carry the virus to Xiangyue in order to push Xiangyue to the forefront of the storm. It's best that everyone in Xiangyue is infected, and Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan are also infected

At that time, find out that the source of the disease is from Xiangyue, and Xiangyue will be over. Just the saliva of public opinion can swallow them.

But I didn't expect that Xiangyue found it so quickly, and informed the relevant departments at the first time, and isolated the people of the whole company.

Finally, the virus didn't come out of Xiangyue, but it came out of other places, which made Xiangyue a good man.

Song Anshan couldn't hear these people say Xiangyue's good, and scolded angrily:

"What do you know? The virus came out of Xiangyue!"

Song Anshan's words made the ward quiet and happy for a moment. Everyone looked at him unkindly, and someone said unkindly:

"Do you have a grudge against Xiangyue?"

Song Anshan is in the same ward with them. These days, he has done a lot. He makes a fuss every day about going out and what he is, the eldest son of the Song family.

Don't be too funny.

If it is really song's family, will they squeeze into a ward with them?

Why don't you get a special isolation room for himself?

Besides, how can a real big man catch such a disease?

I'm afraid at the moment of the outbreak of the epidemic, the real boss will find a safe place to escape.

Song Anshan was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word when facing the poor eyes of these people.

Seeing that he no longer spoke ill of Xiangyue, these talents no longer stared at him with such cold eyes, but they still couldn't help satirizing him.

"Some people just don't know how to be grateful. If there were no Xiangyue, some people might be dead now."

"It's just that you look at people touching dogs. In fact, your heart is very bad."

"He also looked at the Oriental face. How could he have such a big gap with boss Xiangyue."

"Not every Oriental face is a good man, and he is not necessarily from China. People from several countries in R and H look the same."

"Speaking of it, boss Xiangyue is really a good man. I'll go to China when I'm free to see what kind of country gave birth to such a good person."


These people began to fancy Kua Xiangyue again, Kua Xiangyue boss.

Song Anshan listened to the black line, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Strange to say, he is clearly from the Song family. It is supposed that even if he is isolated, he should be allowed to live in a luxury isolation room rather than crowded with these people.

The key is that even his subordinates can't be contacted now. They are said to have been sent to other isolation areas.

These days, he made a noise, yelled, and said he wanted to contact his family, but no one paid attention to him.

But other people in the same ward can contact their families.

He'll be a fool if he doesn't understand that he's being treated differently.

Song Anshan thought that it must be Xiangyue who knew he was behind the scenes and deliberately punished him. Even these people in the ward may also be called by Xiangyue to deal with him. Otherwise, how could these people be so obsessed with Xiangyue.

Otherwise, even if Xiangyue really donated money to study vaccines, there's no need to be so obsessed. It's just inexplicable.

But he didn't dare to say a word. He could only bear it silently in the worship of these people to Xiangyue and the boss of Xiangyue.

When their illness was finally under control, song Anshan felt that he was about to be brainwashed and that Xiangyue was really good. He deserved to be unlucky against Xiangyue.

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