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Chapter 38: bitten by a snake

  Chapter 38 Bitten by a snake

   Xu Shiyan was really surprised to hear someone yelling a stick. He opened his eyes after entering the mountain for less than half a day?

  So he hurriedly walked towards the man calling Shan, asking questions as he walked. "How many leaves?"

  The other side hesitated and couldn't speak.

  Xu Shiyan wondered, walked over quickly, and looked in the direction where the stick was pointed, almost twisting his nose in anger.

  Where is the mallet, it is a small soursop.

  Ginseng and Acanthopanax both belong to the Araliaceae family, and Acanthopanax is also known as a mallet.

  Both are also five palmate compound leaves, but Acanthopanax leaves grow on thorny stems.

  The seeds of Acanthopanax are purple-black, while the seeds of ginseng are red, which can be easily distinguished by experienced people.

   "Grass, are your eyes covered with cow dung? You can't see clearly and you can't help shouting.

  This is Zhaishan, do you understand? Deceiving the mountain will offend the mountain god. "Xu Shiyan raised his leg angrily and kicked the man who called Shan.

   "Now there are two choices, let's go down the mountain and go home immediately, or you will kneel on the ground and kowtow to the mountain **** to make amends, you choose."

  Xu Shiyan was so tired that he brought a bunch of trash into the mountains, so he was speechless.

  The one who called Zheshan was called Dong Chengan, who was two years younger than Xu Shiyan, and had never let the mountain go before.

   Just now, when I saw something that looked like a mallet, I shouted out of excitement.

   It turned out that Xu Shiyan kicked him instead of a mallet, and he felt aggrieved at the moment.

   "I kowtow to apologize, I apologize."

   They just came to the mountain, if they go straight down the mountain, the big guy will hate him to death? Or kowtow to apologize.

  So, Dong Cheng'an knelt in front of a big pine tree, kowtowed three times, and kept chanting, apologizing to the mountain god.

  After kowtowing, everyone continued to move forward. This time, no one dared to talk nonsense anymore, and just walked in the woods with their heads depressed.

  The further you go, the denser the forest, the taller the grass, the denser the forest and the deeper the grass, you can't see each other a few steps away, and shouting is not allowed.

  At this time, the only way to contact is to hit the trunk with a cable stick, which is also called "calling stick."

  Once you can’t see others, you tap on the tree trunk, and each of the others responds by tapping one at a time, not only signaling their own position, but also signaling to continue pressing down on the mountain.

   It's been a long time since I walked out, and everyone is exhausted.

  Xu Shiyan tapped twice on the tree trunk with a rope stick, which meant that everyone should come closer to him, and they could smoke and rest.

   "Hold your head, do you want to take a puff." You can talk during the break, Chen Deyong leaned in front of Xu Shiyan, and handed over the cigarette pouch.

  Xu Shiyan waved his hand, he has no addiction to cigarettes, just sit down and rest for a while.

  Seeing that Xu Shiyan didn't want to smoke, Chen Deyong shook his head, turned around and found a tree stump to sit down on.

   Before Chen Deyong could sit down, Xu Shiyan kicked him over when he stood up.

   "I think we should break up, this stick can't dig." Xu Shiyan said angrily.

   "Did I say that, that tree stump is the dining table of the mountain god? You are disrespecting the mountain **** if you sit on the tree stump."

   "You can't remember what I said, either you shouted or cheated, and now you are sitting on a tree stump.

   You broke the rules and offended the God of the Mountain, and you still want to dig a stick? "

  Xu Shiyan waved his hand, turned his head and walked away. Leading such a group of people, it's good that nothing happens. Don't expect to see the stick.

  Chen Deyong was stunned by Xu Shiyan's kick, and fell to the ground without reacting.

   "Third brother, don't be angry, you see, Brother De Yong didn't do it on purpose.

  He just wanted to find a place to sit down, and accidentally sat there. "Everyone had to help Chen Deyong with a few good words.

   "Look, we guys have never let go of the mountains before, and it is really uncomfortable to go into the mountains on the first day.

  We finally came to the mountain, we can’t just break up if we say we’re breaking up. ’ Others chimed in.

  Xu Shiyan was persuaded by the crowd, somewhat calmed down, and sighed, "I shouldn't have agreed to take you into the mountains, a group of beginners who don't understand anything."

  If it wasn't for Zhao Dahai's face, he wouldn't want to go into the mountains at all.

   "Let's go back to the ground, that's all for today, if we continue, there may be some trouble."

   There is no way to continue today, so I can only try again tomorrow.

  Have been out for a long time, but there is nothing to gain. Everyone is a little bit unwilling, but there is nothing they can do. Who told them to make a mistake?

  So, one by one, their heads bowed and their horns drooped, they followed behind Xu Shiyan and returned to the station.

  Everyone rested for one afternoon and one night, changed direction the next day, and continued pressing the mountain.

   It may be the reason for Xu Shiyan's anger yesterday, but this time everyone seems to be more disciplined.

  Going into the mountains, I didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore. I lowered my head and pulled the grass, hoping to find a big one.

  After walking for half an afternoon and still not seeing anything, those people were unavoidably discouraged, and gradually some people began to lose their minds.

  Chen Deyong drank an extra bowl of porridge in the morning, and he didn't rest after entering the mountain for so long, he held back his urine.

  During the process of releasing the mountain, he was not allowed to **** or pee, but Chen Deyong couldn't bear it, so he didn't dare to say anything, for fear of offending Xu Shiyan.

   It happened that he was a side stick, so he took advantage of the time when everyone else was looking down for a stick, and walked away quietly, intending to find a place to relieve himself.

   It happened that there was a tall and thick tree stump over there, so Chen Deyong hid behind the stump.

   "Going into the mountains is so easy to do. You won't let this or that. You have a lot of things to do. You wait until you go back."

  Chen Deyong muttered as he unbuttoned his pants.

   "Don't let me sit on the tree stump, why am I peeing on the tree stump, what's the matter? You come to cure me?"

  Chen Deyong closed his eyes, hummed a little song, and started to discharge the flood.

   Just as Chen Deyong was about to finish urinating, a black shadow jumped up from the root of the tree stump.

   Then, a scream was heard, resounding through the woods.

  Not to mention Xu Shiyan and others, even the birds in the forest were startled a little better.

   "Who? Crying and screaming? Do you want to die?" Xu Shiyan was so angry that he almost regretted bringing these people into the mountains, and no one was relieved.

   "Snake, snake." I heard someone shouting loudly over there, the voice was full of pain and panic.

   "I've said it several times, you can't call it a snake, it's money."

  Xu Shiyan became even angrier when he heard the words, and walked in the direction of the sound, while admonishing others.

   "Help, I was bitten by a snake." Chen Deyong was in so much pain that he said intermittently.

  Xu Shiyan also heard that something was wrong, and hurriedly ran towards the big tree stump, glared at him and ran over to see that Chen Deyong fell to the ground, his trousers hadn't been pulled up yet.

   "Where is the snake? Where did it bite you?" Xu Shiyan didn't look carefully and didn't see the snake, so he asked hurriedly.

   "Third Brother, help, a black weed has bitten my place."

  Lying on the ground, Chen Deyong felt his hands and feet were cold and he couldn't move. Is he dying?

  Xu Shiyan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it was a black grass snake.

  Black Grass Snake is a name of the local people, also called Wuchong, a relatively large snake.

  It is not very toxic. After being bitten by a black grass snake, the swelling will disappear within two days.

   Just bite that place, ahem, I don't know if there will be trouble in the future.

   Alas, you guys are too impatient. I haven't finished digging this hole yet, and each one of you is getting impatient.



  (end of this chapter)

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