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Chapter 47: ginseng growing on the tree

  Chapter 47 Ginseng growing on trees

  The tree stump is so thick that it cannot be carried by one person. It is estimated that it was blown down by a strong wind or struck by lightning, and it was broken from a height of one person.

  After a long period of time, the stump has rotted and is covered with moss. When you touch it with your hand, it feels as soft as soil.

   Some weeds grew on the top of the stump, and among the weeds, there was a green plant.

  Six palm-shaped leaves, purple-black stems, and a red ginseng seed on the top that is bigger than a baby's fist, nodding slightly with the wind.

  Xu Shiyan has dealt with ginseng for two lifetimes, if he still can't recognize what it is, he is really blind.

  The moment Xu Shiyan saw the ginseng, Xu Shiyan exclaimed, "Balm."

   The few people who followed him didn't react at all.

   "What stick? Go back and pick up the stick? Don't worry.

   Didn’t you say everything just now? Go back later in the afternoon, what should we do, don't delay. "

  Yang Chunming glanced at the tree stump and thought it was meaningless, so he waved his hand to pick mushrooms.

   "I mean, there's a mallet on it, big deal." Xu Shiyan looked helpless, these people didn't understand what he meant at all.

   "Huh? There's a mallet on it? Third brother, are you dazzled?"

  Everyone looked up in disbelief, looking up at the tree stump.

   Then, everyone opened their mouths wide and stared fixedly at the tree stump.

   "Damn it, what a stick, it's still six leaves."

   "Quick, quick, stick." Everyone came back to their senses and shouted in unison.

   "What are you shouting for? We don't even have a home, so shouting is useful?

  Hurry up, look back at the small room, borrow ropes, axes, saws, deer bone sticks, etc., I guess Uncle Li can have them. "

  Xu Shiyan looked at the stunned look of the crowd, couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly asked them to find something.

  This ginseng tree is growing on a rotten tree stump. The tree stump is tall and rotten and cannot bear the weight. You have to think of a way to do it.

  At this time, everyone unconsciously led by Xu Shiyan.

  So Zhao Jianshe and Wang Zhijun trotted back to the small room, leaving Xu Shiyan and Yang Chunming guarding in front of the tree stump.

   Not long after, I saw a large group of people rushing over.

  Yeah, who heard that they saw a big product and didn’t want to come and see the fun?

   "Brother, where is the mallet?"

  Xu Shixiang ran very fast, and was the first to come to Xu Shiyan, but he didn't find the stick.

  The crowd came over at the back, and everyone cast their eyes on the ground, but no one saw the shadow of the mallet.

   "Jianshe, didn't you say there is a mallet? Where is it?" The big guy thought that Zhao Jianshe was joking, and turned his head to stare at him.

   "Then, isn't that right on top of the tree stump?" Zhao Jianshe ran back and forth in a hurry, panting from exhaustion.

  He didn’t make it clear just now when he went back, but now he pointed to the top of the tree stump and said out of breath.

   "On the stump? Are you kidding me, who ever heard of a mallet growing on a tree?"

   Everyone didn't believe it, but their eyes still moved towards the tree stump.

   Then, the big guys fell silent.

  Because they all petrified collectively, staring at the club on the stump one by one, stupid.

   "What's the matter? Why did the mallet grow on it?" After a long time, someone came back to his senses and asked leisurely.

   "Then what else can't be figured out? This tree stump is not known for how many years, it's rotten."

  Xu Shiyan took the rope slowly and stepped forward to tie up the stump.

   "It should be that a bird ate the ginseng seeds and then **** on it. The undigested ginseng seeds fell on it and slowly germinated and grew out."

  The odds are extremely low, but not impossible.

  The stump was so rotten that it was almost like mud. It was soft and moist, enough to provide what ginseng needed for growth, so the ginseng tree grew like this.

  Ordinary people go to the mountains and look for them in the grass with their heads down. How can anyone look up at the sky?

   As a result, this ginseng tree slipped through the net. It was so close to the ginseng field that no one noticed it for so many years.

  After listening to Xu Shiyan's explanation, everyone couldn't help nodding. It's possible to say so.

  At the same time, everyone couldn't help feeling that Xu Shiyan was really lucky. Who would have thought that such a ginseng could make him meet?

   "Brother, how did you come up with the idea to look up?" Someone asked curiously.

   "You don't know, this is the place where Chen Deyong peed at that time." Xu Shiyan couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

   "I was very angry at the time, and I didn't bother to look at the tree stump. We happened to wander here just now, and we talked about Chen Deyong."

   "I suddenly remembered what the elders said, as long as there are beasts guarding the baby, especially near the big club, there may be snakes."

  The elders who released the mountain called the snake Qian Chuanzi, not just for the sake of being nice.

  Ginseng will produce ginseng seeds, and ginseng seeds are likely to attract mice. Snakes guarding around ginseng can easily catch mice.

  Xu Shiyan also thought of this, so he looked around carefully, but he couldn't find it, and when he looked up, he saw the ginseng on the stump.

  Everyone came to a sudden, and then, without knowing who it was, they burst out laughing.

   "Third brother, if Chen Deyong knew that there was a ginseng growing on the place where he was bitten by a snake, how would he feel?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, some even burst into tears.

   "I guess he will regret it to death. Why did you think he was so cheap at the time? Did he have to pee on the tree stump?"

   "He simply offended the God of the Mountain, otherwise, he might have seen this stick."

   "Impossible, he doesn't have the fortune, even if he doesn't pee, he can't see it, and no one will look up."

  For a while, everyone talked about it.

  Xu Shiyan didn't have time to chat with them, he was busy.

   "Okay, don't just stand there and watch, come here and give me a hand.

  I have to bring this tree stump down, please help me, don’t break the tree stump. "

  The tree stump is a bit high, and it’s no longer difficult if it’s rotten. If people can’t climb it, they can’t lift the mallet out.

  The best way at present is to cut off the stump from the root of the tree, and then take out the ginseng from it bit by bit.

   Upon hearing this, Zhao Jianshe and Yang Chunming hurried forward, while the others stood there watching the fun.

   Don’t blame them either. They didn’t see the mallet, and it has nothing to do with them. They just came to see the fun.

   If they stepped forward to do something, I was afraid that Xu Shiyan and others would misunderstand and think that they should also share a share.

  Xu Shiyan didn't care about those people, and ordered Yang Chunming to hold on to the stump. He held a saw and an ax here, and carefully sawed from the root of the stump.

  The tree stump was already rotten, and it couldn’t be pulled out after a few saws. So I had no choice but to chop it down with an axe.

  The ax was sharp enough, but the tree stump was really thick enough. After a lot of effort, the tree stump was finally brought down.

  (end of this chapter)

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