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Chapter 537: one dead one wounded

  Chapter 537 One dead and one injured

  The third son of Yan works in the Liumao River ginseng field. His surname is Yan, and he works at home.

  The family was poor and couldn't marry a wife, so he came to the northeast to join his distant cousin, the mother-in-law of the Qin family.

   This kid is doing a good job, especially working hard. He used to dig the soil in the Liumao River ginseng field.

  Xu Shiyan saw that he was doing a good job, so he left him to watch. Food and housing are in charge, and the salary is more than 1,000 yuan a year.

  In addition, they worked in the field, served sticks and so on, and they paid for their wages.

  Going down the mountain that day, Su Anying calculated the wages for these people, and according to Xu Shiyan's instructions, specially gave each of them an extra 100 yuan.

  Sanzi Yan went to his cousin's house happily with a salary of 2,000 yuan.

  Thinking about staying at my aunt's house for one night, and buying a bus ticket to go home for the New Year the next day.

  When the Qin family saw that Sanzi Yan had left the mountain early, they had to ask. When they learned that there was a blind man on the mountain, Mrs. Qin was moved.

  A black blind man, from what Yan Sanzi said, it should be quite big. If he has the guts of a black blind man, it can be sold for a lot of money.

  It’s just winter, when Heixiazi is at his fattest, he is fat. If he gets it back, he won’t be able to burn several jars of oil?

   There are also meat and bear paws, which are also good things.

   Mrs. Qin was greedy, so she encouraged her nephew to stay.

   Then asked her son Qin Laoer to find a few people, and together they went up the mountain to beat the black blind man, and then shared the money with them.

  No matter what age, there are greedy people. Although the Qin family doesn't do things well, there are a few people who get along well.

  So Qin Laoer found two people who had guns at home and could hunt. Together with Yan Sanzi, the four of them got up early and set off with their dogs, heading straight to the other side of Liumao River.

  The third son of Yan was digging soil in the Liumao River in the first year, and he was there in the second year. He knew the terrain there very well, and led his men to follow the trail in the snow to chase the black blind man.

   As a result, several people killed Heixiazi and Tulu, and all four dogs were harmed by Heixiazi.

  Qin's second child was slapped off the head by the black blind man, and fell on the snow on the spot.

  The other two were also injured. They were both local and had hunting experience, so they ran away.

  Thinking about Qin's second son, the third son of Yan hesitated when he ran, but was held down by the black blind man and sat under his back.

  The two people who went together stumbled and ran to the field for help.

   When Zhao Jianguo and Zhao Jianshe heard this, they couldn't do nothing but rush over with a gun.

  Zhao Jianshe knew that Xiaohuang and Erhei hadn't hunted for a long time, and they might not even recognize the blind man.

  Besides, his marksmanship is not good, so how dare he take a test with the blind man?

  So I didn't wait until the front, and fired the gun continuously. As soon as the gun was fired, the dog also barked.

  If the black blind man saw someone shooting, he would point the gun at him, but he didn't see anyone from a distance, he only heard gunshots and dogs barking.

  The blind man was injured, so naturally he didn't want to fight, so he left.

   When Zhao Jianshe and the others rushed over, Yan Sanzi was sat down several times by the black blind man and was bitten in many places on his body.

  The melon skin of Qin Laoer's head was lifted, bloody.

  Zhao Jianshe and the two brothers saw it, and could only find a way to cut down trees and get a stretcher to carry them out.

  Thanks to a car on the mountain, they were dragged down the mountain and sent to the hospital.

  The third son of Yan was out of breath when he arrived at the hospital, and the second son of Qin was sent to the operating room for emergency treatment. The two slightly injured were also bandaged, and then reported to the Qin family.

   "The mother-in-law of the Qin family is crying in the hospital.

   She deserves it, let her be greedy, it's all right now, it's a life in vain.

   It's a pity that Yan Sanzi is a young man, he is honest and strong, and he is willing to work hard.

   Do you think he is mentally ill? Wouldn't it be nice to go home with a small two thousand dollars and marry a wife?

   You have to listen to that dead old woman and go up the mountain to beat some black and blind people. It's all right now, Xiao Ming'er will go in directly. "

   After Zhao Jianshe finished talking about what happened, he couldn't help cursing.

   "Daughter-in-law, among the people who work on the mountain, how many live in hotels? How many live in relatives' homes? Are you leaving?"

  Xu Shiyan suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask Su Anying.

   "There are seven people in total, three are staying at relatives' homes, and four are staying at hotels. Except for Yan Sanzi, all of them should have left, right?"

   It’s been a year since I’ve been out. Who doesn’t want to go home? After getting so much money, why don’t you go home quickly? Who is fooling around outside?

   Only Yan Sanzi, an idiot, let Mrs. Qin fool him, and lost his life.

   "Jianjian, call the police. Hurry up." Xu Shiyan turned his head and said to Zhao Jianshe.

   "Huh? Call the police? What's the use of calling the police on this matter?

   Yan Sanzi was kicked by the blind man, can the police go and catch the blind man? "

  Everyone in the room was a little dumbfounded. The police can't care about this matter.

   "You are stupid, the police don't care, but we have to keep a record.

  The other two people who went up the mountain together had to make things clear.

   Don't you know what kind of virtue Mrs. Qin is? Don't come back to blackmail us again. " Xu Shiyan sighed.

  The third son of Yan is dead, and there is no one alive. Why can't Yan's family be notified?

   I'm afraid that Mrs. Qin's nonsense is going on. What if the Yan's family gets a letter and come here to blackmail people?

  After all, Yan Sanzi was a ginseng for their site before, what if the Yan family insisted that Yan Sanzi met a blind man while he was a ginsenger, and let the blind man kill him?

  They gathered all the witnesses together and made a record.

  Even if the Yan family finds them in the future, no matter how they bite, they will not be able to bite the scene.

  The field arranged for them to go down the mountain, and the wages were settled. Even if the employment relationship ended, what Yan Sanzi did after that had nothing to do with the field.

   "There is another one, which was pulled back by you by car.

   What if they are unconscionable and wantonly biting, you have to say that you didn’t take care of them on the way back, so they died? "

  The evil of human nature is unimaginable for normal people.

  Xu Shiyan felt that he would rather do useless work than be really blackmailed by the time.

   There is nothing wrong with them taking advantage of the reason here, but they are so annoying, who wants to make trouble with those people?

   "Yes, yes, why did I forget Mrs. Qin's flirt? Wait, I'll report the case."

  Zhao Jianshe slapped his thigh, got up immediately and walked out.

  Now Zhao Jianshe and others are in Donggang, and they are also people who speak with weight.

  As soon as he went to the police station and told others about the matter, even though the comrades at the police station felt that this matter was out of their control, they still arranged for someone.

   First went to the hospital to understand the situation, and confirmed that the cause of Yan Sanzi's death was that he was attacked by a black bear and died of serious injuries.

  Then called the two people who went up the mountain together to take notes and asked what happened.

   Confirmed that Zhao Jianguo and Zhao Jianshe went to the rescue, not hunting together.

   In this way, the Zhao brothers have no responsibility.

   After rescue, the second son of Qin finally saved his life, but the third son of Yan could only be sent to the cold morgue.

   At the hospital, if they demanded that the corpse be taken away quickly, Mrs. Qin would just cry and howl, not caring about anything.

   Helpless, Xu Shiyan had no choice but to go to the post office and send a telegram to Yan Sanzi's home to inform the situation and ask Yan's family to come to deal with it as soon as possible.

  Here, Xu Shiyan told the hospital again, temporarily stop for a few days, there is Zhou Qingguo's daughter-in-law at the other end of the hospital, and this matter can always be accommodated.

  (end of this chapter)

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