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Chapter 54: Up the mountain to see ginseng

  Chapter 54 Going up the mountain to see reference

  At this moment, Zhao Dahai, as long as Xu Shiyan is willing to go up the mountain to see ginseng, he will agree to any conditions, let alone for ginseng.

  However, Zhao Dahai was also very curious, so he had to ask what Xu Shiyan wanted to do.

   Naturally, there is no need to hide this, Xu Shiyan told Zhao Dahai what he wanted to do.

  Ground gun, as the name suggests, is something similar to a gun installed on the ground, very simple.

  An iron pipe more than two feet long, with a machine spring welded to the end of the gunpowder. At night, the machine spring is connected to the iron wire and tightened, and the other end of the iron wire is tied to a tree.

  Once someone touches the wire, the machine spring springs to ignite the gunpowder, and the gun sand inside will be ejected.

   This thing hits iron sand, not a bullet, and its lethality is not too strong.

  However, when the gun sand is sprayed out, it is fan-shaped, and the impact area is very large. If someone triggers the machine spring and is bombarded, it will definitely be enough.

  Ground guns can be loud enough to call the police, but also have a certain degree of lethality. Installing them in some hidden places around the venue is definitely a sharp weapon for watching.

   This thing was equipped in almost all participants in the 1990s, and it was banned two thousand years later.

   Let’s talk about the cannon, the principle of this thing is similar to that of a grenade, and its power is naturally not as powerful as a grenade.

   At most, it is louder than the kind of crackers played by children in later generations, mainly for warning.

  As for nail boards, clips and the like, they are basically the means used by hunters.

  Anyway, these are all arranged around the venue, no matter if a thief or a wild beast comes, it is enough to drink a pot.

   "Oh, look, I'll tell you that I'll definitely be able to find you for this matter." After hearing this, Zhao Dahai slapped his thigh happily.

   "How do you think you have such a long brain? How can you come up with these ideas?

  Success, I will issue a certificate for you right away, and all expenses will be recorded on the team. "

   This is a matter of course. Kansan’s tool team pays for it, and it will still belong to the team in the future.

  Zhao Dahai happily issued a certificate to Xu Shiyan. Xu Shiyan got up early the next morning and went straight to the blacksmith stove in the commune, while Su Anying packed his things at home and prepared to go up the mountain.

  October 21st, Xu Shiyan prepared all the things he wanted, and he and Su Anying took the team's carriage to work in the mountains, and went straight to Qianchuan to participate in the field.

  When people in the village learned that Xu Shiyan went up to the mountain to see ginseng, many people didn't think so.

   "What a good young man, running up the mountain to look at the ginseng like the old man, and bringing his wife with him, is really worthless."

   "I've said it a long time ago, with his little ability, he may not be able to catch up with a good old lady to earn more work points.

  Winter is coming soon, there is not much work in the team, so I go up to the mountain to watch the scene, at least I can get some work points. "

   "That's right, let me tell you, he's lucky enough to get a few ginseng trees this year.

  Look at that virtue, I don't believe that a group of people are cheering their feet up, he can still be so lucky? "

  In this world, there will never be a shortage of people who flatter and flatter you publicly, but secretly wish to stab you with a knife.

  Xu Shiyan is considered to be a big hit this year. Many people in the village are chasing after him and want to take advantage of it.

  But there are also some people who, on the surface, speak better than singing, but are secretly jealous and jealous, wishing Xu Shiyan could do something.

  This is human nature. If you live well, others may not bless you, but if you live badly, a bunch of people will gloat immediately.

  Xu Shiyan naturally didn't know what the villagers said, even if he knew, he didn't care.

  Looking at the ginseng, there are many ways to go here. Those who know how to read the ginseng can make a lot of money in a few years.

  Don't look at Xu Shiyan's performance in front of Zhao Dahai as if he was reluctant to go up the mountain, but in fact he wished he could live in the mountain.

  Ever since Xu Shiyan and his wife came back from Tonghua, people came to the house all day long. Fortunately, many people came to borrow money.

   These people don’t know why they are so thick-skinned. They don’t have any contacts on weekdays, and they borrow a hundred and eighty yuan as soon as they open their mouths, as if Xu Shiyan’s family’s money was blown by a strong wind.

  Xu Shiyan had discussed with Su Anying a long time ago, no matter who came to borrow money, he would ignore it.

  I only said that I will build a house and have a baby in the coming year, and my own money is not enough.

  Even if you say that, there are still some people who are not reconciled. Xu Shiyan and his wife both have big heads because of the troubles in the village this autumn.

   Zhao Dahai came to find Xu Shiyan, just following Xu Shiyan's heart.

  The couple of them moved to the mountains, far away from the village, and lived their little life in peace, how nice?

  Don’t say that the top of the mountain is inconvenient, in fact, there is no difference between the big house and the mountain, both are inconvenient.

   As for the participation, there are those things that Xu Shiyan got, plus the guns provided by the brigade, and those dogs, don't worry at all.

   Just like that, the young couple went up the mountain happily, while others were busy planting ginseng, the couple began to clean up everywhere.

  When Lao Litou was here, the house was full of dust, and the putty on the kitchen pot was always thick.

  Su Anying wrinkled her nose, splashed water, rolled up her sleeves and started cleaning.

  Su Anying was busy cleaning up the house, while Xu Shiyan went around the field to dig traps, bury nail boards, place guns, and tie cannons. The couple were very busy.

   Waiting for the ginseng planters on the mountain to get off work all day, Xu Shiyan also arranged all the things that should be arranged, and a sign was hung outside the gate of the ginseng field.

   "There are ground guns around, please don't approach them, you will not be responsible for the injury? What is this thing? What is a ground gun?"

  When the workers saw it, they were very puzzled, what did Xu Shiyan do?

   "Third brother, tell me, what is a ground gun?" If you have such a good faith, ask Xu Shiyan.

   "Well, I just want to tell you that in the future, when you come to work on the mountain, don't go near the circle of sticks around the venue."

  If these people don’t ask, Xu Shiyan has to tell them, so as not to hurt someone by mistake.

   "I not only installed ground guns, but also dug traps and buried nail boards. If anyone walks around, I don't care if they get hurt."

  Xu Shiyan told everyone about the power of the ground gun, and then emphatically reminded, don't walk around.

   Some people were illiterate and could not understand what was written on the sign at all, so Xu Shiyan explained it clearly to them face to face, and asked them to go back and tell their family members.

   As I said in advance, if these people still run around indiscriminately, once they get injured, they will bear the consequences.

   "Fuck, third brother, you are too ruthless."

   After hearing this, a group of people’s expressions changed. It was so scary. If it was sprayed with a ground gun, they would suffer old crimes if they didn’t die.

   "If I'm not ruthless, I can't do it. All the young and old in our village earn money by pointing at the stick. If I'm not ruthless, someone will come and steal it.

  Let them steal it, what are the whole village pointing at? "Xu Shiyan smiled and said disapprovingly.

   "Yes, yes, that's the reason, you can't be soft-hearted to those thieves.

  The thief hasn’t been caught last time until now. If I caught him, I must beat him to death. "

  Bringing this matter up, everyone gritted their teeth. If the thief was in front of them, they might be torn to pieces.

  (end of this chapter)

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